Release Date: March 7, 1995 Contact: Dawn Rankin-Phelps (804)543-2460 Jailed Homosexual Minister Responds to Robertson's Spokesperson To: Gene Kapp, Spokesman for Pat Robertson From: Mel White, isolation cell 276, Virginia Beach City Jail March 6, 1995 Dear Mr. Kapp, For the past 2 years and more, we have monitored carefully the anti-homosexual campaign of Mr. Robertson, is 700 Club, the print and broadcast material of his Christian Coalition and his endless and inflammatory fund raising letters. It is amazing that you would say to the media that Pat is innocent of making negative claims about gay and lesbian Americans. And equally amazing that you , a former reporter yourself, can't see the connection between the barrage of false claims and the rise of intolerance, discrimination and hate crimes against God's gay and lesbian children. For example: Mr. Robertson has stated on so many occasions and in such different ways: - that we gays and lesbians are a threat to the nation's future' - that we undermine the values on which American was founded; - that when we are tolerated it causes God's wrath as in the California earthquakes and the Mississippi floods; - that a lesbian (Pat named Roberta Achtenburg for one example) should not even be considered for high office, disparaging her professional and moral background and sneering in judgment and disbelief wen he heard she and her partner had a child; - that lesbians recruit young heterosexual women because lesbians hate motherhood; - that gay and lesbians have an agenda to destroy the American family. Mr. Kapp, millions of Americans hear and believe these false claims as they trickle down from Pat and the others through the mouths of pastors and parents and kids with baseball bats, knives and clubs. People begin to believe that if we really are a threat, we should be condemned if not eliminated. Fear, anger, intolerance become epidemic. Deceived and victimized by the rhetoric, parents discard their gay children. Churches excommunicate their gay members. Bosses, military and civilian, fire their gay workers. We lose our jobs, our apartments, our children. We even lose our lives. But Pat goes one step further. He insists that God hates us as well. In his February 7 fax to me, Pat says it again "God gave them up." It isn't enough to say, as he did, that we are "the last stage in the decline of a population" he says God too has abandoned us. He should be ashamed of taking that verse from Romans I out of its ancient, pagan, orgiastic, cultic context and applying it to God's gay and lesbian children. Pat's rhetoric leads, not just to physical violence, but leads to violence of the spirit, destruction of the soul. And when we reach out to help heal those wounded spirits, to show our brothers and sisters that their sexual orientation, too, is a wonderful, mysterious gift from their Creator, Pat disagrees. He claims that homosexuality is "just sin." And can be reversed by praying the sinner prayer. Pat knows that there is no long term evidence that anyone becomes and stays "EX-GAY." He might as well be recommending leeches for physical health or lobotomies for emotional healing. Pat's false claims go farther. He also warns against mainline and UFMCC and independent churches that accept gay and lesbian members. "They are not churches at all," declares a CBN pamphlet "Gay Lib." "They are part of a group of people who play lip service to Jesus but don't really know Him." And he calls us pastors and lay leaders who disagree with his false claims, "...not Christians at all or are very badly deceived." Mr. Kapp, my charge stands. The false and inflammatory claims made by Pat Robertson and his followers lead to misunderstanding, intolerance, violence, and death. Its time you quit defending Pat's false charges and help him understand the damage he is doing to this nation and to Christ's church. Mel ###