Date: Sat, 7 Sep 1996 12:17:41 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: Please forward this news from Mel's Fast for Justice (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 7 Sep 1996 11:12:49 -0400 To: Subject: Please forward this news from Mel's Fast for Justice URGENT NEWS On Friday, Sept. 6, we learned that both the anti- homosexual "Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA) and the pro-homosexual "Employment Non-Discrimination Act" (ENDA) will be debated by the U.S. Senate this coming Tuesday, September 10. The fate of both Senate bills may be decided that day. If DOMA is approved by the Senate and sent up to the President on Tuesday, Sept. 10 (Day 10 of our Fast for Justice) we will move our vigil to the White House. Until the Senate decides, we will continue our vigil at 12 Noon each day in front of the Senate near the east center Capitol steps. (On Monday and Tuesday, Sept.9-10 we will also fast and pray mornings and afternoons in the Senate gallery.) I ask people of faith across America to join me in fasting and praying that our loving Creator will open the minds and hearts of those Senators who support DOMA. To support DOMA is to cause more suffering for God's lesbian and gay children. God loves us, too, exactly as we are and grieves when we are victims of injustice and discrimination. If DOMA is sent up to the White House, I will be praying and fasting in Lafayette Park from 12 noon until 1 pm everyday until the fate of this tragic bill is decided by the President. If you can't come join me, call someone who can. For 24 hour information call: (202) 496-6140 or (714) 494-0960. Remember, it doesn't matter if you support or oppose gay/lesbian marriage. DOMA IS NOT ABOUT MARRIAGE. We can marry now, but with no legal rights. We are fighting for 170 to 250 Federal (and State) rights denied gay and lesbian couples in any kind of relationships, rights including: Automatic Inheritance; Bereavement Leave; Burial Determination; Child Custody, Crime Victims Recovery Benefits; Divorce Protections; Domestic Violence Protections; Exemption from Property Tax on Partner's Death; Immigration Rights for Foreign Spouse; Immunity from Testifying Against A Spouse; Insurance Breaks; Joint Adoption and Foster Care; Joint Parenting (Insurance Coverage, School Records); Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner; Various Property Rights; Reduced Rate Memberships; Sick Leave to Care for Partner; Social Security Survivor Benefits; Tax Breaks; Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison; Wrongful Death Benefits; etc. Whatever political fallout, we have no option but to oppose DOMA. Remember Gandhi's words: "If they ask you to postpone justice, and you agree, they will only ask you to postpone again." We must not go silently, passively into DOMA's ghetto of discrimination and isolation. We cannot wait like sheep for 'the courts to save us.' DOMA is a moral and ethical issue, an AIDS and breast cancer issue, a lesbian and gay issue, a bisexual and transgender issue, an 'assimilation' or a 'liberation' issue, an issue to atheists, agnostics, and people of faith. If DOMA is passed by the Senate and signed by the President, it will be a precident-setting act of injustice against our entire community. And though we support ENDA enthusiatically, we will not be satisfied if job protection is finally granted us when, at the same time, so many more rights are denied by DOMA. Please, urge your network of friends to call,fax, or e-mail their two Senators on Monday, Sept. 9, to OPPOSE DOMA and SUPPORT ENDA. (202) 224-3121. Senate aids told us that Robertson and Dobson forces are mobilizing tens of thousands of callers to support DOMA. If ever we needed your anti-DOMA, pro-ENDA calls, it is now! For 24 hour Fast for Justice news, or to contact me, call (202) 496-6140 or (714) 494-0960.