Subject: Homosexuality: Genetics & The Bible The following post is an essay on the subject of Biblical allowances for a genetic, or other biological possibilities for homosexual dispositions. It is posted as a promise to certain subscribers of Gaynet for discussion on the topic. I am not homosexual or bisexual. I am a born-again, conservative Christian. I have enjoyed the conversations I have been having with Gaynet subscribers. If you are offended by my posting -- sorry -- it was important I keep my promise. Skip this section if you so desire. However, I think you will find what I have to say to least...interesting. I hope you find it a challenge. In Christ, Tom Terry Homosexuality: Genetics & the Bible Tom Terry Editor/Cutting Edge Magazine-Abq. NM. USA I was greatly intriqued by the research done by Simon LeVay of the Salk Institute in San Diego on possible biological causes for homosexuality. Many of my Christian friends were not. I had the same response to Associated Press reports in 1992 regarding homosexuality and twins -- genetic studies to determine causal relationships in the very building blocks of life for homosexuality. In the LeVay study, examination of the hypothalamus of both gay and straight men (corpses) revealed a small, but significant difference in the cluster of neurons in the hypothalamus which is known to influence sexual behavior. The neuronic cluster for the homosexual brains studied was roughly half the size of heterosexual men -- that is, about the size of a woman's. (Discover, Jan. 1992, Page #29) LeVay's study, in my opinion, showed that there do exist some kind of biological differences between the homosexual and heterosexual. Whether this resulted from natural biological causes or from environment or other reasons, even LeVay admits, has not been determined thru scientific analysis. (There is only such much you can get from a corpse -- gay or straight.) The study of twins was a psychiatric study. The DNA sequences themselves were not examined, though the methodology of the study provides some interesting insight. Identical, fraternal and adoptive twins were studied. Basic results: of those examined, if one twin was homosexual there was a 52% chance the other identical twin was also gay. The numbers drop from there: 22% for fraternal twins and 11% for adoptive brothers. Some scientist, both hetero-and homosexual have called this study into question; regardless, the first figure is interesting. Identical twins are made up of the same genetic code and material. Therefore, if one twin was homosexual because of a genetic cause, the other twin then MUST be homosexual. This was not the case 48% of the time. Maybe some sets of twins were both gay because of genetics and some were gay by choice apart from genetics? Maybe, maybe not. The authors of the study suggested, and it was reported by the A.P. that the study did not prove a genetic cause, rather, a genetic "influence" for gay desires. Some homosexuals have been quick to point out to the Christian community that if homosexuals have a genetic cause or even influence for gayness, then God must have made them that way, or the Bible is incorrect about homosexuality, and our distaste for the gay lifestyle is unfounded and has no business in facilitating public policy which displaces the homosexual outside the moral norms of society. I.E., homosexuality is a normal biological function for some people. It is not my purpose to address the legislative implications in this essay -- only those that deal with the trustworthiness of the Bible and Christianity as it has been called into question thru the use of these studies. I am also aware that the views I am about to express our my own, from my own study of the Bible and from counseling with other Pastors. I believe them reasonable and within the correct framework of a literal interpretation of the Scriptures. That being said.... From the evidence presented, though it may contain flaws, I believe there is merit in the scientific position that homosexuality may have genetic or other biological influences. I also believe quite strongly that the Bible does not preclude this from being the truth. My literal reading of the Bible actually brings me to the conclusion that it is not only possible, but probable that homosexuality has genetic influences. The question then becomes, "How can the Bible allow for genetically influenced homosexuality and condemn it at the same time?" Aside from the evidence which has already been presented I wish to refer you to other differences in the physical body which definately have genetic causes -- both normal and abnormal. Ever read a bodybuilding magazine? The most recent issue of "Muscles and Fitness" has a profile of (darn, I forget his name) who has some pretty big stinking (I can bend a truck) biceps. When asked why he thinks his arms are so incredibly big, he remarked, "Genetics of a champion." O.k., so the guy may seem a bit arrogant, but he noted how even as a kid his arms seemed stronger and larger than most kids his age; something his father also noticed and had. This is not unusual. Some people are born small, some huge. Metabolision and other factors will also help determine size and shape even if you workout. A friend of mine who leads a Christian citizens group had a problem with her son a couple of years ago. He was having severe trouble paying attention in school. Even to the point of falling asleep. At first she thought he wasn't doing his work because he didn't like it, or hated school. Then his behavior altered. He had lack of attention in everything, television, other entertainment, hobbies, family discussions -- everything. It turned out it was a biological problem. Use of a mild drug now controls his chemical problem and this kid aces just about every class. These are examples, both good and bad, of genetics or biology causing physical and even behavioral changes in a person. Another: The Abq. Journal ran a week long series of articles a few months ago on the biological causes for uncontrolled anger. Doctors have concluded that some cases of extreme anger are genetically influenced. This does not mean their behavior should be excused, it just means that they are trapped more than we realize in a behavioral pattern they need to escape. On a different note, we know that genetics causes deformities, blindness, brain damage -- which affects personality traits and even desires. (To pause: Please don't think that I am suddenly comparing you personally to a deformed child or retarded person -- I am not. These are simply medical examples of how genetics and other biolgical factors can influence behavior and the physical condition of the human body.) God has obviously created diversity in the human family -- color, size, shape and other factors give us differences. There are some things that are universal to all of us -- we must eat, breathe, sleep and interact with other human beings. I believe there are also other needs built into us: We need love, outlets of expression, to show love, etc. The Bible teaches us that man is more than a physical body whose make up is determined by DNA sequences. We are also spirit. There is an eternal part of us that exists in combination with our physical bodies. Some theologians believe we are actually three-part beings: Body, Soul and Spirit (the Soul being the mind of man apart from the brain). Others (myself included), believe from biblical evidences that the physical body and the spirit combine to make one "living soul." Thus, we are a "soul" made up of two parts. Regardless of which is actually the case, it is apparent from Scripture that the nature of human beings is not just in our DNA. When God created Adam and Eve He created their genetic codes perfect. Both of these people were without genetic flaw. The Scriptures also imply that before sin entered creation, their fellowship with God was unbroken. The was nothing wrong physically or spiritually with these two perfect people. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit (the real sin here being the disobedience of God's command not to) their spirits were darkened and God told them that they would die. (Genesis 2:16-17) In the process, other parts of creation were also cursed (their sin affected others) and imperfections were introduced: * Death (Genesis 2:16-17, 3:19) * Animals (3:14. The word "more" or "above" indicates other animals suffered the curse as well.) * Violence (3:15. Is it genetic? Some would say "yes.") * Pain (3:16) * Inequality in Treatment of one another (3:16) * Environment (3:17) Most interesting is this notion of death. God said in 2:17, "In the day you eat of it you shall surely die," yet they lived for quite some time after this. Reason: They died in their spirits to God. I.E., they were cut off in their relationship with their creator. So, we now see imperfections in the genetic code and in our behaviors and in our relationships with God and others. In fact, there is no part of creation that has not been corupted by the original sin of Adam and Eve which we each inherit and pass on. Whether anger, or homosexuality or anything else comes from the lack of genetic code or the corruption of an existing one is unknown and unimportant. The point here is that God originally made humans without flaws. Man, by his choice, sinned and flaws are now the norm. God's creation sustains itself (reproduction) and flaws are often passed on. Thus, did God "make" someone gay, or "angry," or "hyper" or anything else to do with behavior? No. We suffer or enjoy what is built into our DNA as a part of life that is awaiting the redemption from the effects of that first sin and those we each commit on our own. We can also attest to these things by the manner in which Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. * He was crucified. He suffered in His body. * He suffered in His spirit, that is, He was cut off in His relationship with God on our behalf (Psalm 22) * His body died and was placed in a tomb just as our bodies will die. * His spirit occuppied the regions of Hell as told in I Peter 3:18-20. When the Bible refers to salvation it refers to salvation of the spirit which is the restoration of our spiritual relationship with God, and of our bodies which will come when Jesus Christ raises the dead who believed in Him and gives new bodies to those remaining alive. Thus, our spirits and bodies will one day be restored to a perfect, unbroken relationship with God. I believe that all of us have different genetic or other biological propensities for sins of all types. Homosexuality is one of those sins. God, however, has also given us the ability to make choices about our lives. Romans 6 teaches that for the person who commits his life to Christ, to truly follow Him with all of His heart, He gives an extra power to avoid sin -- but all is by choice. Biology is not the determining factor when deciding what is right and wrong, what pleases God and what does not. Biology is a hint of the state we live in that is already exposed to us in the Scriptures. Biology cannot tell us how to deal with the thoughts, feelings and desires we have, whether right or wrong, only God's Word can do that. After all, God is the original designer and creator of the human body, mind and spirit. He does not promise to stop our wrong desires, but He promises the power to conquer them -- but only if we appropriate it correctly. I believe this is also why God loves us so much -- including the homosexual. For all the talk I've heard about the Bible condemning homosexuals, it cannot be said that God ever hated homosexuals -- that's not in the Bible. Romans 5:10 tells us about God's love: "For if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God thru the death of His Son, much more, having been reconcilded, we shall be saved by His life." If you hear a Christian say "homosexuals should be hated, feared, or loathed," you are hearing a Christian that does not yet understand the love and forgiveness God has given them, which should be reflected in his or her own behavior. God condmens that attitude but still loves the person, just as God condemns ALL of our sin -- not just homosexuality. But He loved us enough to take our sin upon His own back and do that which we could not do -- pay our penalty and have eternal life. I believe this is the biblical postion. Please send me e-mail with your comments. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. In Christ, Tom Terry