I recently received via a friend the Christian Coalition's report card on Congress. Here are the 12 votes in the House of Representatives that the CC judged to be critical: (It should also be noted that the titles given to these votes are quite reactionary and politicized: "taxes to promote abortion"; "Clinton pork-barrel spending program"; "stacking votes in Congress" 1. SUPPORTED by CC/passed by House: Amendment banning immigration by individuals with HIV/AIDS. 2. SUPPORTED/FAILED in House: motion to require federally funded clinics to notify parents 48 hours in advance of an abortion involving a minor 3. OPPOSED/Approved by House: repeal by Clinton administration of Bush policy banning discussion of abortion options at federally-funded family planning clinics 4. OPPOSED/Approved: amendment allowing fetal tissue research 5. OPPOSED/Approved: Clinton's economic stimulus package to create jobs 6. OPPOSED/Approved: Clinton's 5 year budget resolution 7. OPPOSED/Approved: motion to increase debt limit to $225 billion until Sept. 30 8. OPPOSED/Approved: granting of voting privileges to 5 delegates from District of Columbia and US territories 9. SUPPORTED/Defeated: motion to limit terms of House committee chairs to 6 years 10. OPPOSED/adopted: adoption of conference report on DC's appropriations bill to fund abortions for women in need at District clinics 11. SUPPORTED/rejected: motion to accept Senate amendment prohibiting Nat. Endowment for the Arts from funding art projects it deems pornographic 12. OPPOSED/approved: motion to block proposal to fund sex education programs that teach abstinence without consideration of other methods/issues In the House, CC positions were passed/approved in only one case out of these 12 issues. ______________________________________________________________ JAJONE02@ukcc.uky.edu Jeff Jones Geography Department, 1422 POT, University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506