Some of the material I posted wasnt answered in the first posting, so I am posting it again because I think it is important. ******************************************************************************** THE GAY PACKET: Framing the Issue of Homosexuality in Society, Part II **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Now let's take a look once again at the "Born Gay?" article. It is taken from a Christian perspective, but it holds vital information that must be taken into account. Now here is an article that at least considers homosexuality to be genetic disposition. Here is what the article said: "Born Gay?" by Joe Dallas _Christianity_Today_ June 22, 1992 How politics have skewed the debate over the biological causes of homosexuality. Recent findings by scientists suggest that homosexuality is an inborn trait. Simon LeVay, a neuroscientist with the Salk Institute of La Jolla, California, found the area of the hypothalamus that allegedly governs sexual activity to be smaller in homosexual men than in heterosexual ones. (The brains of 41 cadavers were studied by LeVay, 19 of which had belonged to homosexuals.) On the heels of LeVay's work came the findings of psychologist Michael Bailey, a gay-rights advocate, and psychiatrist Richard Pillard, who, like LeVay, identifies himself as a homosexual. Published in December 1991, Bailey and Pillard's research with identical twins (who have identical genetic codes) and fraternal twins (whose genetic codes differ) showed that if one identical twin is homosexual, the other's chances of being homosexual are three times higher than among fraternal twins. This, they say, suggests a link between homosexuality and genetics. Predictably, this has been grist for the media mill. Although the researchers themselves show some restraint in their claims (LeVay admits his findings do not establish "cause and effect"), the press has not always been as careful. Major talk shows and news articles have used the research to take the argument a step further, not only telling us homosexuality is probably inborn, but also that our views on the subject should be modified. The argument goes something like this: "Homosexuals are born that way, which means homosexuality is a normal condition. What is normal cannot be immoral. Therefore, prohibitions against homosexuality make no sense." Many Christians, especially those of us involved in ministry to homosexuals, react strongly to such a message. Scientific inquiry should, of course, be welcomed instead of shunned; but when such inquiry is used to challenge biblical teaching, then a clear, balanced response from the church is called for. To give it, we need to ask and answer four essential questions: (1) Were the studies conducted in an unbiased and fair way? (2) What are the true implications of the results? (3) Are they accepted almost universally by the scientific and medical communities? (4) Are they compatible with biblical truth? _Agendas_and_Outcomes_ Having an agenda is no crime. So when prohomosexual doctors are motivated to promote gay rights through research, that is no reason to ignore the research itself. At the same time, it goes give us sufficient reason to explore how their bias may have shaped their conclusions. To their credit, these men have been open about their agendas. LeVay, for example, told _Newsweek_ that his lover's death from AIDS prompted him to find an inborn cause for homosexuality, a quest so important that he would give up his scientific career altogether if he did not find it. He hopes to "educate" society, affecting legal and religious attitudes about homosexuality. Pillard is just as direct about his goals: "A genetic component in sexual orientation says, 'This is not a fault, and this is not your fault.'" Both he and Bailey consider their findings to be good news because they will "disprove homophobic claims"; or as gay journalist Randy Shilts puts it, they will "reduce being gay to something like being left-handed, which is all it is." To simplify homosexuality by equating it with left-handedness is tempting if you are homosexual or a gay-rights activist or a parent feeling guilt over your child's homosexual orientation. But to those who cannot view homosexuality as a normal condition, even if it is inborn, the researchers' assumptions sound questionable. Are we to think that because something might be genetic in origin, it is therefore "natural"? What, then, do we say about genetic deformities or birth defects? Are they, too, "normal" because a significant number of people were born with them? This raises a larger and more vital question: Should the standard for normality be determined by what is inborn? Before addressing that question, though, let's consider whether these studies have indeed proven homosexuality to be inborn. _Facts_and_Implications_ As we examine LeVay's and Pillard and Bailey's findings, we have to distinguish between what the facts really are, and what they imply. The facts are simple enough. One bundle of neurons in the hypothalamus (which regulates heart rate, sleep, hunger, and sex drive) was found to be nearly three times as large in the brains of the 16 heterosexual men studied by LeVay as it was in the brains of the 19 homosexual men. At first glance, that looks conclusive: an open-and-shut case for the genetic argument. But it is not that simple. It is questionable whether the portion of the hypothalamus LeVay studied (the INAH 3) can be accurately measured. It is smaller than a snowflake, and scientists are not in agreement as to how its size should be determined. According to _Newsweek_, "Measuring brain structures is notoriously difficult and controversial -- neuroscientists cannot agree on whether the most meaningful gauge is the volume of the region [LeVay's method] or its number of neurons." Further complicating matters is the sensitive nature of the hypothalamus itself. Does its size determine homosexuality, or does homosexuality determine its size? No one is sure. "You could postulate," says neurophysiologist Kenneth Klivington of the Salk Institute, "that brain change occurs throughout life, as a consequence of experience." Klivington refers to a "feedback loop" in which the brain influences behavior, behavior shapes experience, experience "affects the organization of the brain." Which raises the question: Are homosexuals born with a smaller portion of the hypothalamus or does the size decrease later in life? We do not know. Nor do we know for certain what the sexual histories of LeVay's subjects really were, as LeVay himself admits. Those he identified as homosexual are assumed to have been so by information gleaned from their files, but can we be sure the other subjects were heterosexual? By what criteria was their sexuality determined? These are other questions have no doubt led LeVay to be conservative in his conclusions: "What I reported was a difference in the brain structure of the hypothalamus. We can't say on the basis of that what makes people gay or straight." So what appears to be "proof positive" turns out to be, by LeVay's admission, "perhaps and maybe." Pillard and Bailey's twin studies are similarly vague. Like LeVay's work, they look conclusive to the casual observer: 52 percent of the identical twins of homosexual men were also found to be homosexual. If a homosexual man has an identical twin, these statistics suggest his twin brother will more likely than not be homosexual as well. Therefore, something in the genes causes homosexuality. Not so, says Anne Fausto Sterling, a biologist at Brown University in Rhode Island. Declaring Pillard and Bailey's conclusions to be "badly interpreted genetics," Sterling insists that "in order for such a study to be meaningful, you'd have to look at twins raised apart." Common sense would lead us to agree -- identical twins raised in the same family environment will have any number of similarities, many of which are linked to their shared upbringing rather than genetics. Like LeVay, Pillard shows restraint in his conclusions: "There must be something in the environment," he concedes when confronted with the fact that many identical twins have different sexual preferences. In fact, environmental influences seem to be a predominant factor in the development of homosexuality according to another twin study, similar to Pillard and Bailey's but different in its conclusions. In March of 1992, the British Journal of Psychiatry published a report on homosexuals who are twins, interviewing 46 homosexual men and woman who were twins. (Both fraternal and identical twins were included in the study.) Only 20 percent of the homosexual twins had a homosexual co-twin, leading the researchers to conclude that "genetic factors are insufficient explanation of the development of sexual orientation." All of which brings us back to the issues of facts, suggestions, and implications: The _fact_ is, differences may exist in the brains of some homosexual men. Likewise, some sets of identical twins have been studied, and a scant majority of them (52 percent) share the same sexual orientation. The _suggestion_ that homosexuality is therefore inborn, though, is interpretive and arguable. The _implication_ put forth by some that society should therefore accept homosexuality as common, normal, and morally neutral cannot be supported from the facts alone. "Different" does not mean "inborn," and "inborn" does not mean "normal." The leap from facts to implications is too large. _Professional_Critics_ There might be more force to the "inborn" argument if it were almost universally accepted by the professional community. But far from universal acceptance, the studies in question have raised more than a few scientific hackles. "This is not a debate about biology, but about the body politic," scoffs Anne Fausto Sterling. Her initial response to LeVay's findings was even more pointed: "My freshman biology students know enough to sink this study." William Byrne, resident of psychiatry at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons, is no less subtle in his criticism of LeVay, Bailey, and Pillard: "If you look at any one piece of that [born gay] evidence, it is inconclusive. It's like trying to add up a hundred zeroes so you can get one." Others agree that the results are far from final: "I'm not willing to say there isn't a biological component, but there's too much else we haven't explored," says John D'Emilio, an associate professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Richard Nakamura of the National Institute of Mental Health takes a similar view. Allowing that LeVay's research shows "a very interesting initial result," he concludes, "it will take a much larger effort to be convinced that there is a link between this structure and homosexuality." Adding to these criticisms are the implied disagreements of the many professionals who consider homosexuality to be a changeable condition and could therefore hardly endorse a genetic theory. So if the studies in question have not really proven homosexuality is genetic, and if the scientific community is not in agreement as to whether or not they are even valid, why have we been inundated with news stories touting the latest "evidence" that gays are born gay? Welcome to the politically charged world of the popular media. Initial findings by homosexual researchers with a clearly stated agenda were fed to a sympathetic press, which generously splashed these findings (and the alleged implications) across America's front pages. It should be remembered that a recent polling of media representatives showed 80 percent do not think homosexuality is wrong, 90 percent favor abortion rights, and only 20 percent attend church or synagogue. So it comes as no surprise that the studies in question have been given more than generous coverage. In fact, a comparison to the news media's handling of a similar genetic study will show how disproportionate the current hoopla really is. In the fall of 1991 (around the same time as LeVay's results were published), researchers at the City of Hope Medical Center found a certain gene to be present in 77 percent of alcoholics who were studied, yet absent in 72 percent of the nonalcoholics also studied. This presented significant evidence for a genetic predisposition toward alcoholism, which has long been a subject of interest and concern to Americans. Yet no major magazine featured these studies on their covers, and they received only passing mention in the press, though they were written up in the _Journal_of_the_American_Medical_Association_. Why? Was one study "better" or more important to the population than the other? Hardly, but one study (LeVay's) was clearly more important to the press, despite the opinions of the scientific community. _Compassion_and_Conviction_ What, then, do Christians have to say in response? Criticizing the latest research is not enough. We, too, have something to say about human sexuality. We have a frame of reference--the Bible-- which is an intelligent, explicit document with specific guidelines for sexual behavior and vital insights into human needs. From that reference point, we too have something to contribute to the national debate on homosexuality. We probably don't need to convince each other that homosexuality is not God's design. A 1991 survey of American churchgoers found that 75 percent disapprove of homosexuality, and 81 percent of those who frequently attended church believe homosexual acts are always immoral. Still, as Peter said, we should be ready to give an answer for our beliefs (1 Peter 3:15). The way we answer may be as important as the answer itself. Our response should show interest and concern, two qualities the church has rarely shown when dealing with homosexuality. We must admit we have mishandled the issue in many ways: we have veered between ignoring the problem to becoming obsessed with it; we have made hasty and false generalizations at times about homosexuals themselves; and we have shown a tremendous zeal for defeating the political goals of gays while showing less concern for their eternal well being. [See _Christianity_Today_, Feb. 6, 1981, "Homosexuals Can Change".] So when we respond to progay research, let's keep in mind the sad truth that our own record on this issue is less than ideal. Let us also be open-minded toward new evidence. Simply saying, "The Bible says homosexuality is a sin--so I don't care what your studies show!" sounds suspiciously like intellectual insecurity. Of course we must hold to biblical values, but let's at least hear the evidence before we judge it. However, we cannot afford a naive, gullible response, either. We can and should look critically at new claims, weighing them not only against Scripture but against established and current objective data. A biblical response to the "born gay" question begins with Scripture's view of the human condition. Humanity is fallen, incomplete, and beset with physical, psychological, and spiritual problems. Adam and Eve's disobedience in the Garden brought consequences onto every aspect of our being (Genesis 3:16-19), our genetic and biological structures included. Physically we are not what we were meant to be; death and corruption entered the world as a result of sin, not divine intent. As the psalmist laments, "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me" (Psalm 51:5); the apostle Paul describes how we "groan inwardly as we wait for...the redemption of our bodies" (Romans 8:23). Thus we can easily allow that there are, in some cases, physical imperfections that predispose people toward certain behaviors. That is not to say anyone is predestined to engage in these behaviors; rather, some inborn tendencies could make it easier for a person to fall into them. Even if it can be proven that genetic or biological influences predispose people toward homosexuality, that will never prove homosexuality is in and of itself normal. It will only prove what we already know--that genetic variances can and do affect future behavior, sometimes in undesirable ways. If some people have a genetic predisposition toward alcoholism, as the City of Hope research suggests, should we conclude the disease is a "normal" condition and refuse to treat it? Should the biblical prohibitions against drunkenness be nullified? The principle is the same regarding homosexuality. Let research conclude what it may about the causes; genetic origins do not justify sinful behavior. And that is the crux of the issue. While the Bible praises sexuality and commends sexual enjoyment, it also gives specific guidelines for sexual expression. Homosexual behavior is consistently condemned throughout the Old and New Testaments (see Genesis 19 and Romans 1:24-27 in particular), and there is no contingency in this condemnation. Nowhere does Scripture suggest that if one is born with homosexual inclinations, this negates the prohibitions. Rather than continue the "nature versus nurture" debate on origins, we ought instead to be asking whether homosexuality is desirable, healthy, and moral no matter what factors led to its existence. The greatest error being promoted by LeVay, Pillard, Bailey, and others is the assumption that they can normalize homosexuality by proving its biological sources (a questionable goal, since discrimination against blacks and women has been defended on genetic grounds). One wonders how many other aberrations will be normalized in the future if they, too, can be shown to have been inborn. God's standards are absolute and not subject to our latest discoveries. (The Bible says wisdom to man is foolishness to God.) For those wishing to maintain those standards, God's grace is available to overcome any number of sinful tendencies, homosexuality included. ("I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13.) As for those who have no desire to do so, we cannot force them, nor should we try. But there are those outside the church who would coerce us into changing. The Christian view of sexuality is being increasingly denigrated and dismissed as archaic, irrelevant, and at times dangerous. Christian spokespersons are increasingly vilified and ridiculed when they stand in public for biblical morality. James Dobson frequently refers to a "civil war" in America between conservative and liberal forces. This war seems to be escalating. In this context, some are tempted to react with aggression and contempt toward anyone suggesting homosexuality is determined before birth. Others are tempted to bow to the wishes of the progay lobby and apologize for our beliefs. But striking the proper balance of compassion and conviction is our only legitimate option. Unintimidated, but unsparing in our love, we still have something to say. And say it we must. ******************************************************************************** From Lambda Report newletter, September 1993 Latest Findings in 'Genetic Homosexuality' inconclusive: Additional Sources: National Institutes of Health. "On few other subjects, it seems, are reporter's instincts to probe and investigate more blunted than the largely gay-pursued scholarship attempting to prove that genes cause homosexuality. The last media deluge on the topic surrounds the findings of Dr. Dean Hamer, a National Institutes of Health researcher who found that a relatively high percentage of male homosexuals had the same genetic "marker" on their X chromosone. In what has become a predictable ritual of gay-sympathetic "pack" journalism, scores of reporters ran with the Hamer study (published in the journal 'Science' July 16), with most supplying the same spin that it heralded the imminent discovery of a "gay gene." In what was a remarkable ommission considering the political import many gay activists have assigned to the 'born gay' research, neither the Washington Post nor the New York Times bothered to seek out critical comment on Hamer's study in their front-page coverage of it. For those willing to question, opponents are available with warnings about drawing far-reaching conclusions from such studies. MacNeil/Lehrer reporter Jeffrey Kaye sought out Harvard neurobiologist Evan Balaban, who noted that merely because individuals whith a common behavior share a trait does not mean that trait caused behavior: is probably possible for many years of data to come up with some some significant correlation between stock market prices and phases of of the moon...if you are only correlating differences in genetic variations with one aspect of people, you're risking doing something similarly ludicrous. Other observers noted that Hamer and his team of researchers failed to study a control group of heterosexual men to see if their X chromosones contained the genetic marker. And, like other studies purporting to show an innate connection to homosexuality, Hamer's is said to suffer from a small sample size. Despite these deficiencies, at least Hamer is committed to trying to replicate his work. A cohort in the field, Dr. Simon LeVay, walked away from the science lab after the publication of his 1991 study contrasting the brains of allegedly gay and straight men set off a fury of media speculation of genetic homosexuality. Critics said the study by LeVay, a homosexual, was riddled with defects. Among them: his tiny sample size; questions over who of his deceased subjects were heterosexual and who were homosexual (a majority died of AIDS); and doubts about whether the brain differences he found were the result of behavior or AIDS rather than the cause of 'sexual orientation' as he asserted. Despite these criticisms, LeVay---rather than try to duplicate his findings---gave up on his research and now tours the world promoting his new book, 'The Sexual Brain.' LeVay had said it was his life's goal after the death of his male lover to find proof of inborn homosexuality. In the end, he proved more the gay activist than the scientist who is gay. This brings us to another widely overlooked pitfall of 'genetic homosexuality' research. Many of its practitioners are gays out to show that homosexuality is innate and thus and irrepressible part of one's being---like the skin color of blacks. Such assertions have obvious implications for the political agenda of gay activists. '[If] groups are discriminated against for, among other things, traits which are determined to be immutable, then the discriminatory law can only be valid if [the government] can show a compelling national interest,' said Richard Green, quoted in the gay magazine Frontiers. Green, an attorney and professor of psychiatry at UCLA, was one of the 10 'possible press sources' whose names were faxed by Hamer to reporters covering his study. Others on Hamer's list: homosexual researcher Richard Pillard, whose study on homosexual twins paved the way for Hamer's study, and LeVay, whose work Hamer cites uncritically. In addition Hamer's research partner, Dr. Angela Pattatucci, is reported by Newsday to be a 'lesbian and feminist,' according to the Family Research Council (FRC) Pattatucci will soon release her own corrollary study on genetics and lesbianism. FRC's Robert Knight notes that Hamer---in assessing his subject's homosexuality---embraces the 'Kinsey Scale--an arbitrarily concocted measurement from the discredit studies of Alfred Kinsey.' Moreover, Knight states, Hamer betrays his biases in the Science study with his definition of homosexuality as a 'naturally occurring variation' of sexuality. This claim is still open to fervent debate, as testified by the many pschyiatrists and psychotherapists who hold that homosexuality is a developmental disorder and can be changed. Of course, thousands of once 'gay' men and women have abandoned their homosexual past and are living happily in heterosexual relationships, a fact that belies the 'natural' explanation of homosexuality. Yet Hamer, appearing on ABC's 'Nightline,' dismissed the psychiatric explanation for male homosexuality arising from a distant father as 'an idea which was widely accepted but never based on fact.' Ironically, Hamer's colleague and 'press source,' Simon LeVay, is himself a living witness to the validity of psychiatric explanations, noting in one interview that he hated his father. Enthusiasts for 'genetic homosexuality' would be wise to read the June Scientific American and its article, 'Eugenics Revisted.' Writer John Hogan delves into the poor track record of recent claims by researchers attempting to prove a genetic cause for alcoholism, schizophrenia, and other maladies. Hogan writes, the media hailed the publication of studies (like Hamer's) linking the disorders to genetic 'markers.' However, he notes, 'far less attention was paid to the retractions that followed.' **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Understand that this type of lifestyle is now trying to be infiltrated into the public school systems with children at very early ages. I have 3 children's books here. I am going to give you some of the text and plots and motives of each book. Source: The Gay Agenda in Public Education. The Report. 1-800-462-4700 1. Gloria Goes to Gay Pride: for ages 3-8 Two lesbians are really enlightened about loving the earth (no propaganda in that is there?). One lesbian is a gay nurse healing the earth, and the other lesbian is a gay mechanic healing the planet. There is a song in the book that goes "2, 4, 6, 8...being gay is really great." Observation: If they begin to legislate this into law, you will be considered the law breaker for not allowing it. 2. Daddy's Roommate: ages 3-8 It shows 2 dads working around the house like moms and dads should. They're in the rest room shaving together, and it shows them in bed together. The explanation of gays to kids in this book goes like this, "Being gay is just one more kind of love, and love is the best kind of happiness. Daddy and his roommate are very happy together and so am I." Observation: Do we advocate books that poison the minds of little children. This is the kind of stuff they are having kids read in the schools. They are being exposed that being gay is OK, and that it is ok for 2 daddies to go to bed with each other. If they weren't they wouldn't have shown them in bed together. 3. Heather Has 2 Mommies: ages 3-8 The book starts out showing one of the mothers going to get to get artificially inseminated. Then it shows Heather and other kids sitting around at nap time. The kids are telling about their fathers. Heather begins to cry because she doesn't have a father and starts to cry. Molly says "You have 2 mommies, that's pretty special. Mariam doesn't have a daddy either, she has a mommy and a baby sitter. Let's draw pictures of our family so we can see what families really look like." Observation: A mommy and a baby sitter? See what these people are doing. They are trying to get into the schools and indoctrinate kids with a lifestyle that is a high risk and abnormal behavior in our society. The kids don't know any better and they are going to accept all of this as normal. You don't think gays recruit? This is an attempt to reconstruct society. Don't believe it? Check out this load of evidence from the documentary video "The Gay Agenda in Public Education" by the Report. Project 10--in schools to promote homosexuality "Perhaps the most controversial of the prohomosexual classroom program are the NY's "Children of the Rainbow" and the "K-6 HIV/AIDS corriculum", variations of which are quietly being introduced in other cities under a veil of secrecy. These programs are usually installed before parents have been informed of their existence. John D. Hartington, legal counsel for school board 24; Queens, NY, states: "'One of the major issues that was raised by the Children of the Rainbow corriculum here in NYC was whether the information presented was age appropriate and quite obviously it wasn't. On page 372, teachers were told that they should take up with 1st graders in every single subject that they taught gay and lesbian issues.' "In San Francisco, under School Superintendent Bill Rohaus, "Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Graders have been required to attend sexually graphic panel discussions presented by gays and lesbians. Outraged parents have sought legal remedies in response to the lack of any notification of these in prompt to presentations. Joe Dallas, Genesis Counselling, states: "'There's a natural modesty in children that should not be tampered by anyone, heterosexuals and homosexuals.' Joanne Highley, counselor, states: "'As a counselor, I'm very concerned about the fact that the focus on the sexual at a young age is a kind of mental and emotional molestation because these children are not meant to think about sex at such an age and even if they are, not EVER to think of it in the context that it's being presented because it's a false context, and it will cause them to dwell on thoughts that should not be and it will do damage.' K-6 HIV/AIDS corriculum glossary states: "---Barrier Method: A device that prevents the exchange of body fluids during sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, oral). ---Dental Dam: A piece of latex that can be placed over the vulva during oral sex or over the anus, during oral sex involving the anus. ---Abstinance: Refraining from sexual intercourse (anal, vaginal, oral) ---Sexual Orientation: Physical and emotional toward the same sex (homosexual), the opposite sex (heterosexual), or both sexes (bisexual). ---Sexual intercourse: Physical contact between individuals that involves the genitalia of at least one person (oral, vaginal, anal) ---homophobia: fear or hatred for homosexuals." "Clearly, these definitions are designed to condition children to regard homosexuality, heterosexuality, and bisexuality as equally common, to be comfortable with the idea of anal intercourse and to view it as a normal healthy activity." "Gay activists have vowed to exert effort until every public school conforms to this corriculum." John D. Hartington, "'What people need to understand about programs like Children of the Rainbow is that its not legitimate education. It's really social indoctrination propoganda pushed by pressure groups who have no interest in mind other than advancing their own cause and their own cause is not simply to avoid persecution or mistreatment, their cause is to make children think that Sodomy is perfectly common, perfectly natural, perfectly normal, perfectly safe...and it's not!'" Edie Gieb, President of Parents and Students United states: "'The conservatives have just only caught on to what the liberals have know all along and that's this, that if you get a child early enough that you can form that mind to your agenda and you can change that child and as a result, you can change society.'" Project 10 Handbook of things Heterosexuals may not say: --"I don't agree with it but I still like you" --"Have you tried dating the opposite sex" --"I accept you, but I don't agree with your choice" --"I don't dislike Homosexuals, but its what they do that I dislike." "If a student is a 'defect,' he must not speak his feelings. The handbook gives guidelines on how gay students should come out or announce their homosexuality to their parents. Another part of the handbook makes suggestions for classroom debates on Homosexuality, however the conclusion to be drawn from each discussion is pre-determined. A genuine, unregulated, exchange of opinions are discouraged. The intent to indoctrinate, and to inhibit free thinking is no where more evident than in these pages. "Chad Henry, a student of Parents and Students United talks about the FEAR of students to speak out against Homosexuality in fear of being rejected by peers, discrimination or punishment from the teachers. They are intimidating. "The Joy of Gay Sex--a coming out guide for young gays in the public schools. In the book, many practices are casually described as though they are normal, healthy sexual experiences. Some terms and practices include: a) Sadomasochism---sexual variation that celebrates virility, ritual, and pain. b) J.O. Clubs---dimly lit passage ways where gays meet to masturbate or engage in intercourse, continually moving from one cluster of activity to another. c) fetishes---boot licking, wearing women's underwear are presented as normal aspects of love making. d) Water Sports/Golden Showers---refers to urinating on one's sexual partner as a means of sexual gratification. Drinking urine is described as being "not harmful." e) orgies f) Daddy-son fantasies--You be the judge. This material is being promoted in public schools across America and is spreading. What did former Surgeon General Coop say about this type of behavior: "Anal intercourse is so dangerous that no one should engage in it even with a condom." "That warning is born out of the infection statistics that are gathered by the Centers for Disease Control in the U.S. Department of U.S. Health and Human Services that NY Times did a survey in February 1989 and reported based on three studies that over 1/2 the homosexuals in NYC and other large cities in the U.S. were HIV infected. In a medical journal called "Sexually Transmitted Diseases," it showed that in NY, homosexuals who visited clinics and were tested for HIV infection had a 52% infection rate. In Dallas, it was 60%. "The APA no longer considers Homosexuality as a mental or sexual disorder, and counseling should be done to encourage the gay or the lesbian to pursue their sexual orientation. In 1973, however, the APA's decision was not based only on objective study or on the review of data, and on mutually normal discussion. It was as a result of cohersive, shock tactics combined with intimidation and destructive behavior that broke up meetings of the members of the APA and a conserted, politicized campaign to revamp the diagnostic status of homosexuality. "Joe Dallas states, 'In '73, the general meeting of the APA was swarmed with gay activists, who threatened to disrupt the proceedings, and who were abetted by progay psychologists and who joined forces to assentially FORCE a decision on the APA's part to reconsider the diagnostic status of Homosexuality. The voting board of the APA did decide at that time to remove Homosexuality from the list of diagnoses. This was by no means a universally accepted decision. Some 6 years later, a polling was done of psychologists, asking them if they felt homosexuality was normal or whether or not it represented a pathological adeptation. Nearly 70% of the psychologists that were polled 6 years later still felt that Homosexuality represented pathological adeptation. And to this day, there are hundreds of psychoanalyists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, marriage, family, and child counselors and psychologists who continue to believe that Homosexuality is not immutible, that it is not normal that it is changeable, and that people coming for therapy, seeking change have good reason to be optimistic for their chances of success.'" Edie Gieb, President of Parents and Students United states: "'My concern is that because they have framed the issue so that all homosexuals are seen as victims, it just naturally brings out the kind of protection with in people to want to help, and to want to feel sorry, and to create a tremendous amount of sympathy; which is not to say that I ever would want to see any person--heterosexual or homosexual--abused, but on the other hand, we need to see the other aspects of the homosexual community as well and not merely labeling them as victims.'" Ronald Highly, counselor, exclaims: "'If it were just a matter of accepting human diversity, that people come with all shapes and sizes and convictions and beliefs, we'd say 'Fine,' but when they slip in with it at the same time which is exactly what is in the material, that not only are homosexuals OK, socially speaking, meaning they should be treated with respect, but homosexuality is ok and just another way of relating to another person. We say, 'Wait a minute. Now you've gone from one subject entirely to another one. You've asked us to accept every thing about a person while we're accepting the person.'" Joe Dallas, Genesis counseling, states: "'The nature of these counseling programs is to sort of white wash homosexuality and forbid any discussion of some of the common, negative aspects of the homosexual lifestyle and some of the emotional issues that can come up in it. And you may notice, today, it is not polite to mention any of these subjects, even though they are on the consciousness of people who know anything about homosexuality. We seem to be on a massive, cultural guilt trip in talking about homosexuals, and that we are afraid of to point out some of the health hazards that may be inherent in the gay lifestyle, and some of the emotional issues that may come up among homosexuals. It's almost as though it is bigotry to mention things that are verifiable and simple, objective truth.'" "These programs forbid any discussion of the inherent dangers of experimenting with gay sex. While AIDS cases among heterosexuals is on the increase, the overwhelming majority of cases in the United States are still among homosexuals. Yet, establishments catering to gays, seeking anonymous sex, are doing vigorous business with special emphasis on attracting young men just entering the lifestyle. Gays complain that people who view homosexuality negatively do so because of ignorance and inexperience. However, a visit to any of these establishments would provide an education likely to shock those with even the most vivid imagination. Cruising among gays occurs at every time of the day and in the most unlikely places, in parks, in shopping malls, in public restrooms. Simple eye contact can lead to an anonymous sexual encounter." Dolores Ayling, President of Concerned Parents for Educational Accountibility states: "'Our question to the city of New York and to the government is 'Our we turning our schools into sex education factories or are we going to get back to the academics of what schools should be teaching so we can turn out productive citizens.'" Howard L. Hurwitz, PHD, former highschool principle, states: "'Until the last thirty or forty years, there was a degree of objectivity in our public schools, so that children were taught basic skills and they were encouraged to think for themselves and special provision was made for slow learners and rapid learners. This sensible approach to education has been scuttled by special interest groups who have destroyed our once great public school system.'" "June has been declared Gay and Lesbian Pride Month in which children are instructed to celebrate the cultural and historical diversity and contributions of the homosexual community. This happened after Jeff Horton was elected to the school board." "In L.A., an official resolution stated, 'Where as LA/USD policy as contained in educating for diversity is to develop students who appreciate and respect diversity and understand the roles and contributions of people of diverse groups, and where as the Stonewall Rebellion is widely viewed as the modern gay/lesbian movement and is the reason the month of June has become a time to celebrate the accomplishments of gay and lesbian people through parades, marches, commemorations, cultural programs, and other means; therefore be it resolved that the LA board of Education recognizes June of each year as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.'" Dallas states, "Another objection I have with these programs is that they seem to trample on the convictions of the significant number of parents and kids. A lot of parents are not accepting the progay propoganda that teaches Homosexuality as a normal variation of the sexual experience. Many parents are raising their kids to believe that Heterosexuality is the norm. If these kids are going into counseling programs that are directly contradicting what they're being taught at home, then we have yet another example of the schools being used for social engineering at the expense of parental authority." Gieb, "Another component of the harmfulness of Project 10 is that there is no one that is an advocate for Project 10 that is not themselves gay-identified; and as a result, they really don't have the judgment or the balance in terms of providing another point of view relative to Homosexuality. As a result, I think that many times children are wrongfully labled gay and that's extremely harmful to children if in fact they are merely experiencing confusion about who they are." There is a guy by the name of Robert who lived the gay lifestyle for years and who now is discouraging kids to have gay sex states by experience of how he was recruited into the lifestyle and how people are snagged in. Joe Dallas states, "Now think for a minute about an adolescence, seated in a one-on-one counseling environment. Where this adolescent is coming in with vulnerability, insecurity and fear about a variety of sexual feelings that he/she is trying to cope with and understand; and the counselor, representing the progay view point, is in a position of extreme authority, in the position where he is holding quite a bit of clout and beginning to reassure this adolescent that THOSE confusing feelings are pretty normal and acceptible and actually a very healthy variation of human sexuality. This adolescent is going to, of course, internalize that as being objective truth, is going to feel as though this adult counselor must know best in this situation, and even if what the counselor is telling him conflicts with his own belief system, he is going to be very inclined to accept what the counselor is saying, not only as a form of reassurance, but as a life-long diagnosis." "The explanation the wild fire spread of AIDS among the gay population is strategically hidden from students. Two factors are most prominent: the staggering degree of anonymous promiscuity among male homosexuals, and the relative ease with which the HIV virus enters the body during anal intercourse. The determination of gays to deflect criticism for their contributory behavior has taken presidence over seriously attacking the spread of the disease by discouraging youths from experimenting with dangerous practices." John Smid, director of Love in Action, states: "'I'm concerned with gay organizations coming into schools and encouraging young people to express themselves sexually. I know of organizations right here in our own county that provoke people who have homosexual thoughts to go discover masturbation, to discover homosexual relationships sexually in junior high/highschool years, go find out if this is where you really are, if this is what you really want. I am so shocked that people today are so uneducated to these things that are going on.'" John D. Hartington, "'The best way for parents to protect their children against education of the sort that children have been subjected to here in NYC, is to get involved with their schools, know the people on your board of education, find out what they stand for, and if the things they stand for are at odds with your belief, then get better people on the board of education.'" Howard L. Hurwitz, Phd. "'Parents, citizens have got to attend local board of education meetings and remember that there are 16,600 school boards in the United States, and with the exception of New York City and maybe one other, they are all elective boards. Parents have got to be in there to know what the board of education is doing. They have got to make clear to the board of education members and to the superintendent and to anyone who is listening that they want their children to learn basic skills, to learn something about subject matter to emerge from the schools with an ability to read and write, and to extend to their own abilities to think critically.'" Dolores Ayling, "'How was your local school board going to vote if you didn't speak up on a corriculum, and remember that when voting time comes for a new school board. How were these people going to vote, if you had to rise up to change their minds and where was their mind, and what were they thinking to begin with; therefore, you have to get rid of them. It's plain and it's very simple. Parents and citizens have voting power. You need to get rid of people who are trying to change the traditional values that the majority of people in this country hold very very dear.'" Edie Gieb, "It is the responsibility of parents to begin to hand off the batton of the value system that their family believes in, and to make those children understand that there will be MANY who will be soliciting other points of view, but that they do not have the best interests of that child in mind when they begin to promote these other lifestyles. This is an issue that is so important that we are talking LIFE AND DEATH." *END OF Documentary video* Observations: Do we indoctrinate and desensitize kids by infiltrating basic American institutions. It is one thing to form your organization, it is quite another to get into others and change their structure. Let's go back: >Funds to Scouts Halted Because of Ban on Gays: >Source: The Washington Post, April 9, 1992, section A, page 10, col. 6 >"The United Way of the Bay Area said today it was halted of nearly $1 million-a >year donations to local Boy Scouts because the youth group refused to change >its ban on homosexual members. The board of United Way asked the Boy Scouts of >America in February to drop its long-standing policy about gay members and >leaders, or at least grant its chapters in San Fransisco metropolitan area an >exemption. The national Boy Scouts refused, and a spokesman for the >organization, ased in Irving, Texas, today repeated the groups position that it >would not negotiate on the issue." Here we have an institution, like the public school, that has traditionally taken a stance against homosexuality and homosexuals being in their group. Why intrude upon their civil right to have their own structure and belief system? Why not form the Gay Boy Scouts of America? BECAUSE it wouldn't get the funding or the support, so the only way to be funded is to ride on the coat tail of the Boy Scouts regardless of their moral, structural belief system. Whether it is based on a religious group or not, homosexual activists are trying to change society as we know it---Institutions, the family, children, societal structures, all on the back of Civil Rights. More to come on this... QUESTION: IS IT RIGHT TO FORCE HOMOSEXUALITY DOWN THE THROATS OF CHILDREN IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOL AT THE EXPENSE OF PARENTAL CONSENT? ******************************************************************************** From the Lambda Report: Monitoring the homosexual agenda in American politics and culture. September 1993 The article: U.N. Grants Voice to Gay Group with Pedophile Ties Subtitle...NAMBLA is member of organization approved by U.S., 21 nations. Additional sources cited: 1---NAMBLA Constitution and Position Papers, 1993. 2---NAMBLA Bulletin, "Staying Safe and Happy as a Man/Boy Lover," Unbylined article, October 1991, pp 6-8. 3---David Thorstad, interviewed by Greg Jackson, host of the ABC talk show program "The Last Word," December 29,1982. A transcript of the program is reprinted in the NAMBLA book, 'A Witchhunt Foiled: The FBI versus NAMBLA (NAMBLA:1985), appendix. 4---Luis Miguelito de Argentina, "Stop Jerking Off the Wind!" NAMBLA bulletin, May 1992, p.21. 5---NAMBLA bulletin, April 1993, unsigned letter, p.12. 6---Leland Stevenson. "16th NAMBLA Confab Hits Chicago," NAMBLA bulletin, p. 7. 7---Gay Male S/M Activist flier, "Schedule of programs, Spring '93." 8---Tony Clark, "Warmth and Understanding for Boy-lovers at Paris ILGA Conference," NAMBLA bulletin, September 1992, pp. 3-4. 9---ibid. 10---Photo of boyscouts: NAMBLA bulletin routinely publishes photos of young boys, with a disclaimer that implies they do not need permission from the boys or their parents. Most likely, boys who appear in the publication for the interest of the readers, have no idea they will be published in a pederasty magazine. The article: "A gay umbrella organization which has just been awarded consultative status with a key United Nations body has denounced 'age of consent' laws and counts NAMBLA and another pedophile group among its members, Lambda Report, has learned. On July 30, the United States and 21 other member countries of the U.N. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) voted to give consultative status to the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). The ECOSOC vote in Geneva, Switzerland made ILGA the first homosexual group to be given such a voice within the international body. An ILGA brochure describes the group as a 'worldwide federation of national and local groups dedicated to achieveing lesbian and gay rights around the globe.' Besides the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), the Belgium-based ILGA lists the Dutch pedophile group Vereniging Martijn, as well as sadomasochist groups, among its members. In 1990, ILGA passed a resolution under the heading 'Man/boy, woman/girl love' that effectively recognized pedophiles as a 'sexual minority.' The resolution states: "The ILGA calls on all the members to treat all sexual minorities with respect and to engage in constructive dialogue with them.' The recognition of pedophiles as a distinct 'sexual minority' is a key demand of advocates of adult-child sex. By making claims as a 'minority,' pederasts can essentially follow in the footsteps of homosexual activists and demand legal and societal changes to guaranteee their 'rights.' Thus, 'pedophile rights' would follow in the footsteps of 'gay rights.' Another ILGA resolution, arising from a 'Paedophila workshop,' states that 'in many countries existing laws on sexual coercion and rules of evidence also often operation to oppress and not to protect.' Such language parallels NAMBLA's own, which argues that age-of-consent and other sex laws 'exploit' young boys and girls by infringing upon their 'right' to be sexual beings. Homosexual activists praised the U.N. decision to endorse ILGA. The Washington Blade reported August 20 that the group's newly approved U.N. status will enable it to 'draw greater attention to human rights abuses against gays' in various countries. 'The world community has recognized---and rightly so---that lesbian and gay rights are human rights, and that our movement has a valuable contribution to make in global human rights work,' said ILGA secretary-general Hans Hyerpekjon, the Blade reported." "NAMBLA and Human Rights:Of course, many Americans consider NAMBLA and pedophiles in general a threat to the 'human race' and well being of children and teens. NAMBLA defends sex between men and young boys and favors abolishing all age of consent laws designed to protect minors. ---1 NAMBLA gives free memberships to prisoners---i.e., pederasts incarcerated for child molestation and other sex crimes. The organization's newsletter, NAMBLA Bulletin, frequently runs photos of scantily clad, prepubescent boys---often in swimsuits. In October 1991, the Bulletin offered advice to 'boy lovers' on how to avoid prosecution by the police. Readers were told not to 'keep the photos of your partner in a place where police may not find them,' and to 'store erotica someplace other than your home or office...' The same article advised boys: 'You...can decide that you like having sex with men without becoming their friend or lover.'---2 On December 29, 1982, founding NAMBLA member David Thorstad was asked on a nationally televised talk show if a boy as young as nine years old 'is in a position to give the consent to enter into a sexual relationship with a full grown man.' Thorstad's response: 'Of course. They do it all the time. Why not?...'---3 More recently, NAMBLA 'Collective' member Luis Miguelito de Argentina described receiving oral sex from his 6 year old little brother.---4 And in April 1993, a NAMBLA letter writer from Nebraska wrote that his 'first love proved to me that boys of 7-1/2 can be far from asexual,' although he now 'prefer[s] boys of ten or so.'---5 Although some members of NAMBLA have sought to recast the group's image as favoring adult male sex with adolescent---as opposed to pre-adolescent---boys, the attempt alienated other members. Thus NAMBLA passed a resolution at its 1992 annual membership conference to '[reaffirm] its acceptance of lovers of boys of all ages and [urge] its spokespersons to support this point of view.'---6 No information about the Dutch pedophile group Martijn was available at press time. But NAMBLA member and Bulletin editor Bill Andriette told LR in an interview that the Amersterdam-based group shares NAMBLA's goals. NAMBLA, S/M group not defined: On August 24, in response to a written request to the ILGA headquarters in Brussels, Coordinator Micha Ramakers faxed the Lambda Report a list of the organization's U.S. member groups. The ILGA document defined most of the groups acronyms (e.g. NGLTF, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force), but listed NAMBLA and a few other groups without explanation. One such group was the GMSMA, the acronym for the Gay Male S/M Activists, based in New York City. A recent flier for the sadomasochist group advertized such 'summer prgrams' as: 'Cross-Dressing and S/M,' 'Temperature Torture,' and 'Heavy Metal Bondage.' The following course description was offered for the latter programs: The feel of cold steel, the sound of a lock snapping shut, handcuffs, leg irons and head cages. This program will be about using metal restraints in bondage scenes. The focus will be on the kind of equipment used, constructing manacles, shackles, and other heavy metal bondage toys, and the pyschology of inescapiblitiy.---7 GMSMA Director Barry Douglas was the coordinator for the recent 'National S/M Leather Fetish Conference' held in the nation's capital April 24, the day before the homosexual 'March on Washington.' The S/M conference, held in a federal building, featured the sale of electric devices, leather whips, and other sadistic devices. Men engaged in periodic floggings of one another with leather whips inside the building. In a second faxed letter to LR, Ramakers said NAMBLA has been an ILGA member since 1984, stating on its application: 'NAMBLA's goals are to end longstanding oppression of men and boys involved in any mutually consensual relationship' by, among other methods, 'educating the public on the benevolent nature of man/boy love.' Ramakers said the issue of pedophilia has been a point of controversy at past ILGA annual conferences, but was not so at the most recent conference in Barcelona. He said he could not envision ILGA kicking out NAMBLA from the organization, since 'it is extremely difficult' to get an 80% majority vote to do so. Ramakers said pedophilia is much less controversial in Europe than it is in the United States. He also noted in his letter: 'The fact that a particular organization is a member of the ILGA does not automatically mean the ILGA supports all its policies and point of views.' He added that as an ILGA official, he couldnot criticize the positions of NAMBLA or nay other member group. NAMBLA Was First ILGA Member in U.S. Although NAMBLA members complain regularly about their ostracism from society and 'mainstream' gays, various NAMBLA members have had kind words for ILGA's positions on pedophilia issues. Andriette told LR, 'I think ILGA has very reasonable support of people's rights to have consensual sex and I think we've probably been an influence on those policies.' Andriette, who said he has attended two annual ILGA conference, said NAMBLA was a 'full-fledged member' of ILGA and neither it nor any other member is considered a 'fringe' group within the overall organization. Indeed, according to a Bulletin article about ILGA, 'for some time, NAMBLA was the only ILGA member from the United States.'---8 NAMBLA's Tony Clark wrote in the Bulletin last year: Not coincidentally, ILGA has consistently maintained positions that are friendly to boylovers, including a condemnation of imprisonment of men for making love to boys. Clark said an attempt was made several years ago at the annual ILGA conference, hld in Oslo, to repeal ILGA positions 'that support sex between man and prepubescent boys.' But the effort failed when lobbying by the NAMBLA and other 'friends of pedophiles' prevented the group from getting the 80% vote necessary to change official ILGA positions. 'The forces hostile to pedophilia are unable to rally the 80% majority so the favorable positions reman,' Clark wrote.---9 ILGA has taken positions which condemn child abuse. A 1990 resolutions on 'children's rights' condemned 'the exploitative use of power differences to coerce others into sexual relationships.' Another said that 'every child has the right to protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, including prostitution and involvement in pornography.' However, another ILGA resolution under the same heading supported 'the right of every individual, regardless of age, to explore and develop her or his sexuality.' ECOSOC STatus A Propoganda Boon: According to the U.N.-published book, 'Basic Facts About the United Nations,' ECOSOC's 'functions and powers' include the following: ->"To promote respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all; ->"To make or initiate studies and reports and make recommendations on international economic, social, cultural, educational, health and related matters; ->"To serve as the central forum for the discussion of international economic and social issues of global or inter-disciplinary nature and the formulation of policy recommendations on those issues addressed to Member states and the United Nations system as a whole..." Amb. Charles Lichenstein, the former Alternate U.S. Represenatitive to the United Nations under President Reagan, told LR that the chief import of achieving U.N./ECOSOC status is the propoganda value it brings to a group's cause. 'It makes recommendations that are publicized all over the world,' Lichenstein said. ILGA's Ramakers summed up the significance of the group's new status in an interview: 'We now have direct access into the U.N. machinery, whereas before we were always on the outside, knocking on the door. Now we're into the system.' Juliania Pilon, a foreign policy specialist with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, based in Washington, said winning ECOSOC consultative status is a 'really big deal' for any organization. Pilon, a former Senior Policy Analyst with the Heritage Foundation's United Nations Assessment Project, recalled that Heritage a conservative think tank, once considered applying for ECOSOC, consultative status but pulled back in the face of daunting requirements. The ECOSOC, which operates by consesus among a rotating goup of member states, approved the ILGA application by a vote of 22 to 4, which 17 nations abstaining. Besides the United Nations, the Washington Blade reports that the following other countries voted to accredit the ILGA: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Peru, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. A member of the U.S. delegation to the U.N. told LR that the United States' representative had no information about ILGA's controversial member groups prior to casting a vote giving it ECOSOC status. 'We did not knowit at the time,' said the official, speaking on background. Although successful in its U.N. consultancy bid, ILGA had to settle for a compromise that gave it basic 'roster' status, enabling it to submit written statements to the ECOSOC bodies, the Blade reported. Rina Molonzo, an ILGA official in New York City, told the Blade that ILGA will now lobby for 'Category II' and then 'Category I' status, which would allow it to, respectfully, request hearings and ultimately propose agenda items at the U.N. The July 30 vote culminated a decade-long lobbying effort by the ILGA to secure the coveted United Nations affiliation. Lambda Report contacted ECOSOC officials in the United Nations on the question of ILGA pedophile ties, but was told that it could only submit questions in writing, thus preventing a comment for this article. ******************************************************************************** Recently, I spoke to a friend who is still in highschool. He told me something that utterly shocked me. He said that the school board just passed a rule that Heterosexuals can no longer show general displays of affection (hand holding, hugging, kissing) in attempt to not offend the Homosexuals in the schools. He said there was no mention of the Homosexuals not doing the same things in the offending of heterosexuals. ******************************************************************************** From Dr. James Dobson, April 1993. He states: "As public universities exercize tighter and tighter control on politically correct thought, they seem entirely disinterested in student sexual activity and other behavior with moral implications. Indeed, the word morality itself implies a value judgment that violates P.C. "theology." "As for sexual behavior on other campuses, consider these illustrations: 1) Cornell University's Student Assembly recently recommended that a dormitory wing be reserved in promoting "gay, lesbian, and bisexual awareness." Cornell President Frank Rhodes has 30 days to decide on the proposal. Source: Hilary Appelman, "Cornell University President Considering Gay Living Unit Proposal, " The Associated Press, March 24, 1993. 2) Since last fall, about 20 students at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst have lived in a gay-lesbian-bisexual "corridor." The University of California has about 40 students living in two gay "theme" dormitories, and Rutgers University started a gay studies living unit for about 10 students this year. The idea is spreading. Source: Ibid. 3) A study at the University of Texas student health center revealed nearly one in 100 students seeking medical care is infected with the virus that causes AIDS. Source: Scott W. Wright, "1 in 100 tested at UT has AIDS Virus, " Austin American Statesman, July 14, 1991, p.A14. (observations: a) 1 in every 100 students was infected? Hmmm. Let's go back: >Researchers at the Seattle-based Battelle >Human Affairs Research Center found that 1.1% of men between the ages of 20-39 >had participated exclusively in homosexual relationships over the last 10 >years. b) And this is at the the University of Texas. Dallas (although not the city for the University) did have a 60% HIV infection among homosexuals at clinics. Let's go back: >In a medical journal called "Sexually Transmitted >Diseases," it showed that in NY, homosexuals who visited clinics and were >tested for HIV infection had a 52% infection rate. In Dallas, it was 60%. Conclusion: Same vicinity. ******************************************************************************** From Atlantic Monthly, April 1993 "Dan Quayle Was Right" by Barbara Defoe Whitehead. The article generally talks about the causes and effects of single parent homes, but it did make general implications to ALTERNATIVE Parenting and ANY family without 2 biological parents. For example, B.D. Whitehead states: "Yet it is also risky to ignore the issue of changing family structure." "If we fail to come to terms with the relationship between family structure and declining child well-being, then it will be increasingly difficult to improve the children's life prospects, no matter how many new programs the federal government funds." "The social arrangement that has proved MOST successful in ensuring the physical survival and promoting of social development of the child IS the family unit of the BIOLOGICAL mother AND father. Consequently, any event that permanently denies a child the presense and protection of a parent jeopardizes the life of the child." "For the first time in history the vast majority of the nation's children could expect to live with married biological parents throughout childhood." (an observation...if a gay couple is raising a child, only one at the most could be biological to the child) "In many single-parent (speaking of one biological parent) families, children must come to terms with the parent's love life and romantic partners. Some children live with cohabiting couples, either their own unmarried parents or a biological parent and a live-in partner." (an observation: In a lesbian or gay parenting family, only on is biological, and therefore the other one is a live-in partner--being that homosexual marriages havn't been legistlated. Let's see, what percentage of homosexual relationships are monogamous? Let's go back: >(A 1981 >study found only 2% to be "near monogamous," i.e. with 10 or fewer partners in a >lifetime.)" Being that homosexual relationships are monogamous only 2% of the time, that sure leaves children a good future doesn't it---apart from the fact that this kind of relationship has been clearly proven to be detrimental to a child's well being anyway. Let's go back: >"The social arrangement that has proved MOST successful in ensuring the >physical survival and promoting of social development of the child IS the >family unit of the BIOLOGICAL mother AND father. Consequently, any event that >permanently denies a child the presense and protection of a parent jeopardizes >the life of the child.") Other quotes from Atlantic Monthly, April '93, by Whitehead: "Given its dramatic impact on children's lives, one might reasonably expect that this historic level of family disruption would be viewed with alarm, even regarded as a national crisis. Yet this has not been the case. In recent years some people have argued that these trends pose a serious threat to children and to the nation as a whole, but they are dismissed as declinists, pessimists, or nostalgists, unwilling or unable to accept new facts of life." "There are several reasons why this is so, but the fundamental reason is that at some point in the 1970s American changed their minds about the meaning of these DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIORS." (an observation: 1970s? Hmm...What would offset this do you suppose. Let's go back: >The APA no longer considers Homosexuality as a mental or sexual disorder, and >counseling should be done to encourage the gay or the lesbian to pursue their >sexual orientation. In 1973, however, the APA's decision was not based only on >objective study or on the review of data, and on mutually normal discussion. >It was as a result of cohersive, shock tactics combined with intimidation and >destructive behavior that broke up meetings of the members of the APA and a >conserted, politicized campaign to revamp the diagnostic status of >homosexuality. >Joe Dallas states, "In '73, the general meeting of the APA was swarmed with gay >activists, who threatened to disrupt the proceedings, and who were abetted by >progay psychologists and who joined forces to assentially FORCE a decision on >the APA's part to reconsider the diagnostic status of Homosexuality. The >voting board of the APA did decide at that time to remove Homosexuality from >the list of diagnoses. Conclusion, with the pressure and the propoganda from the homosexual community and other small pressure groups, do you suppose that this is why Americans changed their minds, just like the APA did, and even for the fact that the APA did. Note what I said before. > Homosexual activists are >trying to change society as we know it---Institutions, the family, children, >societal structures, all on the back of Civil Rights. ******************************************************************************* Here is a good example of the desentization that the homosexual community uses to push their agenda. See if the following is about Civil Rights or behavior. The Year of the Queer, I was there. By Bob Larson: "It started with a deafening roar from the women's motorcycle contingent. They called themselves "Dykes on Bikes." Most of them wore a little more than leather chaps and tatoos. It was the 24th annual, Lesbian/Gay Freedom Day Parade. Needless to say, I was shocked and appalled by what I witnessed. It was the world's largest gay event, 400,000 observers, 240 contingents, and 20,000 participants. It stretched out for 2 miles. The theme was 'The Year of the Queer.' That was their term, not mine. According to the San Francisco press, there seemed to be a better mood than the previous ones, fewer hostile watchers who took offense to gay hand holding, and nipple rings. That tells me something. In the era of the Clinton crowd, this era is one in which Americans have become more desensitized than ever to immoral lifestyles. No wonder the mood was upbeat. The homosexual community has something to be happy about. They are celebrating the year of the queer, a year that has seen the election of a pro-gay president. There is even a cover story on lesbians in NewsWeek. There has been a spirited debate over ending the ban on gays in the military and openly gay Roberta Actinburg has been appointed by President Clinton is under secretary of the department of Housing and Urban Development. Sticking out his chest in full pride for all to see, strutting down the street in high-heeled shoes, they celebrated the largest tourist attraction in the city of San Francisco. It was held on the weekend closest to the anniversary of the protest and riot that followed a 1969 police raid on the Stonewall Bar in NYC. The Stonewall Riots led by Drag Queens are widely regarded as the start of the modern gay rights movement. However, out of the 400,000 people who were there, San Francisco mayor Frank Jordan was not there. Just before the parade began, Jordan abruptly cancelled his plans to ride in it because several groups threatened to protest his presence, groups like "Act up" threatened demonstrations protesting Mayor Jordan's proposed budget, which they were concerned cut deeply into programs for AIDS patients. And GET THIS, these individuals who wish special rights, who would have us to believe that they are just like the rest of us, peaceful, loving, patriotic Americans so concerned the police that they believed Mayor Jordan's life was in danger if he participated in the parade. And one of the things that upset them was the fact that Jordan had appointed to the Human Rights Commission a minister who had said, "The gay lifestyle was an abomination against God." Now get this folks, a minister in America could not clearly speak his mind without bringing down such wrath that the mayor feared for his life. The man was the pastor of Ebeneezer Baptist Church and he stood by his comments. He said, "It's sad people have AIDS but it says right there in Scripture that the homosexual lifestyle is an abomination against God and I have to preach that Homosexuality is a sin." Well, the people representing the gay community came back and declared that he had no place on a commission that they said, "was established to ensure that all San Franciscans are accorded full equality, dignity, and respect." What exactly went on? Well, as I said, the parade was kicked off by 300 partially-clad dykes on Harleys, Hondas, BMWs and Yamahas. Men in drag marched the whole parade in 5 inch heals. Talk about blisters, let alone some sore calves afterward. One drag queen in heels sprinted the whole parade route. Parade spectators punched their fists in the air continually yelling out "WORK IT GIRL! WORK IT GIRL!" to the Dykes on Bikes, "WORK IT GIRL!" I spotted one female spectator on the parade route getting excited by these dykes on bikes. As they came roaring by, she would pull up her T-shirt exposing her naked breasts. She even dropped her shorts down around here ankles and gyrated her body, screaming "WORK IT GIRL!" She challenged some of the Dykes on Bikes to take it off. Gays dressed in female cheerleader uniforms ran twittering down the streets waving their pom-poms, pursing their bubble gum pink lipstick painted lips. And instead of balloons, paraders threw condoms in the crowd. One gay male had condoms neatly tucked into his g-string. And as he walked pass the spectators, he would have gay men standing on the side lines slowly pull the condoms out of the g-string and whistle while they did it. One person was wearing a costume constructed of a 6 foot cardboard box that was painted to look like a movie camera with the title "The Gay Agenda" painted on it. CHILDREN by the thousands watched the parade. They nonchalantly blew bubbles. Some marched with other parade revellers. They should have been terrified, but they weren't. And people dying of AIDS were pushed in wheelchairs down the parade route. I remember seeing one of them, an AIDS victim so weak, he was prone in this special wheelchair that was kind of made itself into a bed. His 80 lb skeletal frame was draped in a flimsy yellow sunflower dress. That's right! He was dressed in drag, dying, as he feebly smiled, waved a flag at the crowd. The lesbian who was in charge of lining up the participants in the parade wore a transparent body stocking. You could see everything, inducing 100s of bloody welts produced by ripped skin. I am talking about her rear, her thighs, her buttocks. It even looked like there were baseball-induced bruises on her lower thighs. Her nipples were pierced. One of her friends approached her and instead of telling her to go to a doctor for having been sadomasochistically beaten by another lesbian, she just wished her a Happy Birthday. Many women wore spike dog collars. That's it! That's all! Nothing! Nothing else, but a pair of panties, just a spiked dog collar. Many of the lesbians, had tatoos. Most of them had pierced nipples. How do I know? Their breasts were exposed. They wore lace, leather, feathers, body stockings, hats, torn Levis, fish net stockings, spandex, latex, vinyl reptile skin, you name it. One of the lesbians wore a topless wedding gown. Sensuality was the name of the game. Many lesbians hugged, kissed, licked each other, french-kissed, grabbed each other's breasts, buns, and crotches. One lesbian drug her girlfriend behind her on a leash, like a dog. The lesbian in submission was topless. She wore a leather harness that bound her arms behind her back. Both has pierced breasts and noses. A couple of lesbians wore viper black leather jackets. It said, "Vipers" and they fondled each others breasts, and imitated sex by rhythmically rubbing each others' pelvises up and down against each other, moaning, clutching against the other for better friction. Then one of them grabbed the other's naked rear and dug her long blood red finger nails into the flesh. They flicked their tongues at each other and stuck their tongues down each others' throats. I remember one particularly disturbing lesbian couple. One of them was topless with pierced nipples, clad and a sadomasochistic leather outfit. They had brought along their 10 year old daughter who looked just like an average little girl, except she WAS IN LESBIAN LEATHER. She rode on the bicycle with her 2 mothers, her barbie dolls hanging from one of the saddle bags on mom's Harley. Bullwhips were the accessory of the day. Lesbians whipped each other with their 20 foot long bullwhips. The lesbians continually referred to each other as "BITCH! BITCH! BITCH!" It says something about their interpersonal relationships. One lesbian grabbed her friend and pulled up her shirt to reveal her lover's pierced nipples. Then she said, "Just think, Lynne is a pharmacist." The men had on jewelry, high heels, wigs, stockings, bras, dresses, and full stage makeup. Who marched in the parade? That was interesting! Main stream America was represented. There were Homosexual paramedics, the San Francisco Fire Department was there, the gay and lesbian fire fighters with their dalmatians led the way and danced sensuously on top of a SF fire truck. One of the antigades projects, contingents was represented by a float with men dancing in g-strings and bustieas (sp). There was even a group of nuns who marched with a sign that said, "NUNS SAY NO TO NUNN," referring to Senator Sam Nunn. One group was called the "Bay Area Young Positives." There were lesbians and gays 26 years and younger who danced suggestively on a float. There was a group of "Straights for gay rights," a group of parents and friends of lesbian lovers. The families walked along side their gay children, hand in hand with their gay children who were hand in hand with their lovers. One mother had a sign that read, "WE LOVE OUR LESBIAN DAUGHTER." There was a group of homosexual parents. They called themselves "The San Francisco Baby Group." They wheeled infants in strollers. One carried a sign that read, "HATE IS NOT A FAMILY VALUE." There were lesbian physicians, homosexual lawyers, gay bar patrons. One of these groups had a float with a life-sized Jesus on a cross and the homosexuals on the float danced like Roman revellers. The San Francisco police department and its gay division was represented. So were the CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION and should we be surprised, the NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, Latino Lesbians and Bisexuals for Political Action, the Asian-Pacific Lesbian Alliance, the United Farm Workers Gay and Lesbians, even a contingency of gay American legionnaires, Gay Lesbian Therapists Association, a Journal Association, and FLAG (Federal Lesbian and Gay Employees), even gay employees of AT&T, and as they passed by, they would say, "WE'LL PAY YOU $75 TO SWITCH." There were the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" as they called themselves, Drag Queens dressed as nuns, and the Janus Society, who believe sadomasochism should be the order of the day. The slogans were interesting. I saw signs, pictures, T-shirts that said, "2, 4, 6, 8, MANY OF US AREN'T STRAIGHT," said by CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOC., bragging about HOMOSEXUALITY BEING TAUGHT IN THE CLASSROOMS IN FRONT OF YOUR CHILDREN. One man carried a sign that said, "I WANT TO SHOWER WITH A TERRIFIED MARINE." Another carried a sign showing a man masturbating and they intended to have a pun, tongue-in-cheek, on the subject of stopping AIDS. It was a "Stop AIDS project." So they showed the picture of the man masturbating with the sign saying "BEAT IT LONG! BEAT IT HARD! BEAT IT GOOD! BEAT AIDS!" Get it? "DYKES TAKE OVER THE WORLD!" said one sign. Another one said "F___ YOUR OWN GENDER." "HATE IS NOT A FAMILY VALUE." One contingent chanted "2, 4, 6, 8, HOW DO YOU KNOW YOUR GRANDMOTHER IS STRAIGHT." These were the gay and lesbian seniors. These were the old folks. The gay therapist chanted "2, 4, 6, 8, DON'T ASSUME YOUR SHRINK IS STRAIGHT." And there was even a group of gay bankers that chanted "2, 4, 6, 8, HOW DO YOU KNOW YOUR BANK IS STRAIGHT?" You don't think they want to recruit and proselytize. One sign said, "GET YOUR WHOLE FAMILY OUT OF THE CLOSET." Another sign said, "LEGALIZE GAY AND LESBIAN ADOPTIONS." A lesbian-gay parent- ing group walked hand in hand with small children. T-shirts said, "I'M THE MOM, SO IS SHE." One gay-parent group carried a sign that said, "WE LOVE OUR GAY AND LESBIAN CHILDREN AND GOD DOES TOO." Favorite T-shirts were the picture of Tipper and Hillary having lesbian sex. There were signs that said "EAT (and it was a reference---a term I won't use---to the vagina), not cows." There was a contingent of vagitarians, as they called themselves. Not vegetarians---vagitarians. Think about the sickness of that. One T-shirt said, "I CAN'T EVEN MARCH STRAIGHT." Another one that I won't even explain to you because it is too disgusting to me, "Eroticize my fist." I will only tell you that it is in reference to one of the homosexual practices of inserting the fist and the arm into the anus of a lover for sexual excitement. One lesbian had a sign with a meat tenderizer attached to it. It read, "FUTURE PTA MEMBER." In celebration of gay parenting, they carried plackers showing sperm. The sign read, "NO SACRED SPERM." Two lesbians, who were cheered wildly, walked down the street, holding a sign between them that on the front read, "LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP, 10 YEARS TOGETHER" and on the back it read "STILL DOING IT AFTER ALL THESE YEARS." Now contemplate that for a moment. Long term love. Get it? With the gays and lesbians, a long term relationship is ten years. That is their idea of a long term relationship. And these are the people who want to force employers to provide death, health, bereavement, medical benefits to gays who have lovers. And how many times are they planning on switching lovers, and how many kinds of domesticated relationships would an employer have to underwrite. Can you imagine the legal and litigious nightmare that would exist. The rainbow is everywhere. It has become a sign of the gay community embracing every form of sexuality imaginable. The promise of God, the Noaic covenant, the rainbow has now been turned into a homosexual symbol. How sad! What else did I see? Topless lesbians draped with fruit, a crucified, nude woman depicted on the back of a man's black, leather jacket, jumbo-sized lesbians with nipple rings, medieval dress on a sadomasochistic biker gay man, a sign on the back of a dyke on bike that read, "NO GUILT." Truer to life and Scripture than they could imagine, with some lesbians wearing signs that read, "DAMNED LESBIAN." There were lesbians carrying children, lesbians leading their lovers by chain, lesbians fondling other lesbians, lesbians as vampires. I walked up to one lesbian, topless with nipple rings, who had her front teeth cosmetically altered to create 2 fangs. They were permanent. She didn't just have them for the event. "What do you do with them?" I asked. She said, "What do you think I do to my lover?" She bit her own arm and drew blood. I saw women biting the necks of other women to draw blood. Perhaps most disturbing with the gay and lesbian parenting groups, pushing little children in strollers, they carried a sign which read, "WE PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE RAINBOW FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND TO THE DIVERSITY FOR WHICH IT STANDS, WORKING TOGETHER IN DIGNITY AND LOVE WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL." One car, driven by a gay man, has a liscense plate that read "PROM QUEEN." One man had a giant dildo, a mock penis, that extended about 3 feet. There was a contingent of gay witches, that had a banner with a pentagram on it that said, "Witches heal." Two gay guys marched down the street in high-heels, constantly kissing one another, carrying a sign that said, "DON'T ASK. IT'S CLEAR. WE'RE QUEER. DON'T TELL. THANK GOD, WE'RE GAY." There were gyas who were dressed as monks, a horned-man standing next to a nude woman, a man dressed as a giant, yellow condom, a gay parent with a sign that said, "I RAISED MY CHILD WITH LOVE AND PRIDE, AND ON THIS DAY, I'M ON HER SIDE. WITH HER LOVER WE MARCH TODAY TO TELL THE WORLD I'M PROUD THEY'RE GAY." Signs said, "LEGALIZE GAY AND LESBIAN ADOPTIONS" "LEGALIZE GAY MARRIAGE" "GOD LOVES GAYS" "SUPPORT DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS" "REPEAL SODOMY LAWS" and there were the gay and lesbian avengers who carried signs that read (making no bones about it), "WE RECRUIT!!" There was a man who had a g-string with a string attached to the end of his penis. Men led other men in dog collars by chains. There was a naked lesbian on stilts, who had other lesbians walk under her legs faining her you know what. I saw one man on a float wearing something which barely covered his genitals. He stuck his finger in his mouth and licked his anus with it. There were many in wheelchairs, AIDS victims who looked like they were ready to die. It could only happen in America. There were visitors from other countries. Their comments were rather interesting. One man was from England. He said, "THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN IN ENGLAND!" A man from South Africa said, "THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN IN SOUTH AFRICA IN A MILLION YEARS!" A young girl from Spain said, "GAY COUPLES IN SPAIN DON'T HAVE THIS KIND OF FREEDOM." After what I have just described to you, listen now to who else was represented. Roberta Actinburg, the woman nominated by Bill Clinton, the President of the United States, as undersecretary for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. She received the longest and the loudest cheers and she has a gay lover, has been pictured with her gay lover, and is the top official ever appointed to a government post by a president, who has declared themselves openly gay or lesbian. One of the local reporters said of her appearence, "IT WAS ALL VERY SWEET AND GOOD NATURED, JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT THE PARADE. JESSE HELMS WOULDN'T SHOW MOMENTS LIKE THESE ON HIS VIDEO TAPE." This is the woman who tried to stop funding of the Boy Scouts because they didn't allow homosexuals. Bob Hatoi, assistant to the President, surrounding by Secret Service men, rode in the back of an open convertible with his lover. Hatoi is dying of AIDS. He has a gay lover. They openly displayed their affections before the hundreds of thousands who were gathered there. He represented the President of the United States, and the sign on the side of the car said so. Keith Minoll (sp), petty officer, kicked out of the Navy, fought it in the courts, who came out of the closet on National television rode in a yellow convertible with a liscense plate that read, "That boy!" The SF Sheriff was there. Folks, perhaps most disgusting was to see the endorsement of what took place from a political standpoint. I watched this for 4 solid hours. I took scores of pictures to document what I had seen. For the most part were freely taken and the people who were marching would stop in the middle of the street and pose for me suggestively. At one point, 2 topless, nipple pierced, leather clad lesbians decided they would put on a public display of sadomasochism. One of them leaned over, exposed her buttocks, grabbed her ankles while the other took out a 20 foot bull whip and began to beat her. I started taking pictures of it. I was attacked. What was interesting is that about 45 minutes earlier I had turned to my wife who was with me and said, "WATCH THAT MAN OVER THERE." Do you know how I have explained to you how some homosexuals become demon possessed because of their conduct, and how I have dealt with them and learned to spot them, "THAT MAN HAS A DEMON." Well, I became so preoccupied with taking the photographs and with taking notes about what I saw going on I had forgotten to keep an eye on this guy. And the next thing I know, him and his lover were accosting me physically. They threatened my wife physically. They grabbed and threatened me physically. They screamed and yelled that I was a hatemonger. And what angered them was that I was taking a picture of two topless lesbians beating each other with bullwhips. And he said to me, 'ARE YOU GOING TO SHOW THAT TO THE REST OF THE COUNTRY?' Now this was being done on Market Street, the financial center of SF, in front of 400,000 people and he was worried that the rest of the country was going to see this. He said, "YOU JUST WANT TO SEE THE NEGATIVE SIDE OF THIS." I said, "EXCUSE ME, WHERE WAS THE POSITIVE SIDE?" If this went on, why should I not be allowed to show it? I said to him as they accosted me, "HEY I'M ON A PUBLIC STREET. THIS IS AMERICA. GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME," at which point they jammed my camera, ripped the film out of it and threw it into the crowd. "YOU'LL NEVER SHOW THAT FILM TO AMERICA," they bragged. My wife became frightened. A riot was about to erupt. She frantically looked about for a police officer. There was none in sight. In fact, we had to walk over a mile afterwards to find a police officer. Police officers were stationed at the end and the beginning of the parade, 2 miles apart, and I walked the entire parade route and never saw another cop. Now imagine, 400,000 people, not one police officer. And imagine would you, if on any other day at any other time a woman walked topless down the street OR if a man with his penis in clear view were to march down market street, they would be arrested for indecent exposure. But this was a moral free zone. Ironically some signs said, "HATE FREE ZONE." But the hate directed toward me, the violence directed toward me was vicious, and I knew we were in trouble. I managed to get my camera back, tried to get them to calm down. They threatened to beat me, I got free, ran across the street, we jumped a fence, and lost ourselves in the crowd. By the way, it wasn't the only time I was accosted. At one point and must have bumped a young lady standing next to me. I don't know that I did but I must have. I guess my camera must have bumped into her. The next thing I knew, a 4 foot 10 inch butched dyke screamed four letter words at me and doubled up her fists and started punching me in the chest. "YOU BUMPED MY WIFE," she screamed. What do you do in a situation like that? You don't hit a woman! You can't fight back. And she was encouraging the crowd, as the others were, to attack me. Naturally I backed off. The gays would have you to believe that they are kind, loving, peaceful people, only interested in achieving equality. I'll tell you this. What I saw was an environment of HATE, hatred toward decency, hatred toward Godliness, hatred toward anything that represented normalacy. And maybe one of the most ironic signs that they carried said "LOVE YOUR BODY!" Love your body? Love your body so much that you are willing to risk killing it from AIDS. It was an incredibly sensual environment. Stroking, patting, licking, touching, feeling. This parade is about sex, because the gay community is about sex. That's its obsession. Some homosexuals were handsome. Some were ugly. Some were sweet. Some were mean. But I guess if I had to describe the dominant attitude, it had nothing to do with equality and beauty, it was defiance, it was "IN YOUR FACE." The smell of pot and half digested booze permeated the air and hung there sickningly. The smell made you nauseas. I suppose the alcohol gave them some liquid courage to literally let it all hang out. And you know by the time I had watched this for 4 hours, normal and weird, straight and gay became blurred and even "I" was a victim of descensitization, because you have seen so much of this for 4 solid hours and it so sickened you emotionally, spiritually, physically, you just can't cope with it anymore. It goes into a kind of ammoral haze. After a while, you literally couldn't tell who was male, who was female. The women who were lesbians seemed to want to pride themselves in their freedom, in their femininity, and yet they showed it by beating each other with bullwhips. The signs and slogans on posters and T-shirts continually extolled love, but what I saw were cheap sexual thrills and degredation. The word love was there because the forces of darkness compelling all this wanted to make it all look acceptible. But it really didn't look like love, and it didn't feel like love. It wasn't love that caused women to beat other women. It wasn't love that made men lead other men down the streets in dog collars. It was brutalization and exploitation. For 4 hours, nothing was private. Nothing sexual was special. Anything that had to do with the human body or human intimacy was raw, exposed, and disrespected. Maybe, one of the flyers handed out said it all, "PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS!" And what were the rights they demanded? Here's what it is all about folks. I read to you from the flyer. 1)marriage 2)living together 3)children 4)adoption 5)surrogacy 6)Foster parenting 7)guardianship 8)Powers of attourney 9)artificial insemination 10)insurance 11)state planning 12)renting/buying property 13)child custody. Those are the special rights they want accorded without the recognition of heterosexual monogamy. But the Word of God says very plainly in Leviticus 18 "Thou shalt not lie with man kind like with woman kind. It is an abomination." Jude 6-7 "Even the cities of Sodom and Gommorah gave them selves to fornication and went after strange flesh are set forth as an example, having suffered the vengence of eternal fire." Genesis 1 says, "God created man in his own image male and female." The year of the queer was an attempt to blur that distinction and commit the ultimate blasphemy. For just as man's relationship to God is spoken of in the New Testiment in conjugal terms, Christ is the groom turning for the church, the bride, so it is that Satan wishes to, in these last days, blur that line of gender identification distinction because it mocks the heart of the gospel, the consumative relationship, spiritually speaking, between Christ and his church, the spiritual intimacy by which we know him is ridiculed by the suggestion that a man may sexually co-habit with a man and a woman with a woman. And only those who know the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ will be able to carry a message to Bill Clinton's homosexual America that they don't have to belong to the Year of the Queer, that they can be apart of the Kingdom of God, set free from the bounds of perversion by the mercy and grace and the victory given to us by his death, burial, and resurrection. ******************************************************************************** New Gay Magazine Publishes National Directory of Public Sex Spots: 'Steam' list may include your favorite park or department store. Source: The Lambda Report, Sept. 1993/ Steam magazine "City of [....] Rest Area. On the north bank of the [....] River, just just off Hwy. [....], at the foot of the [....] bridge, on the parklike historic Fort [....]. Most gay activity goes on along the river, under bridge, and around a pond known as 'Crazy Lake.' Look for the discarded rubbers. Police authorities are aware, but seldom molest discreet cruisers. Gate is locked at sundown; not recommended after dark, due to drug activity." "The above is an excerpt from the current issue of STEAM, a new quarterly journal dedicated unapologetically to 'gay and bisexual men with an interest in public and semi-public sex.' One of STEAM's regular features is a national directory of meeting places to help gays locate partners for anonymous sexual encounters. The directory in isue number two, entitled 'Outdoor Action: Summer 1993,' lists hundreds of sex spots in outdoor areas like public parks or under bridges, as well as various 'tearooms' in shopping malls and department stores. 'Tearooms' are public men's rest rooms where homosexuals meet to have anonymous sex with each other. STEAM's readers are credited for supplying most of the information in the magazine. "With the flippant disclaimer, 'It is not our intent to encourage illegal activity (much as we may enjoy it ourselves),' the magazine's editors offer tips on where and when partners for anonymous encounters can be located, and which areas are more risky due to police patrols. "STEAM lists 'tearooms' allegedly located inside famous department store chains, including Bloomingdale's Sears, J.C. Penny, and Hecht's, as well as those in malls and shopping centers across the country. "The name J.C. Penny appears several times in STEAM's listings, in various states---a shock for Penny's spokesman Duncan Muir, who told LR he had no idea why the company was named. 'We certainly do not condone having our company's name used in this listing.' said Muir. "'J.C. Penny is aware of this problem in some our stores and has been taking appropriate action,' he said. 'We will not olerate it and will do everything in our power to prevent it. We will do what is reasonable in each individual situation, ranging from randomly monitoring rest rooms to calling in local police for assistance.' "For their part, STEAM's editors (Scott O'Hara is publisher and editor) condemn any notion---even from so called 'assimilationist' gays---that their cause is wrong. Under the headline 'Gay/Sexual Pride,' an unsigned editorial in the summer issue outlines STEAM's credo: We believe sex is natural, beautiful, and generally a good thing, whether in public or private. We believe 'The Public' get over it---because we've always had sex in public, we always will, and it's obscene than reading a book... "Further on, STEAM's editorialist writes that 'Gay Pride' means much more than attending an annual parade: It's what you do about your sexuality the other 364 days of the year that matters in your psyche. And hiding your sex in a darkened with drawn curtains, doesn't strike me as an indicator of a healthy mind in a healthy body. 'Flaunting it' on the beach, in a park, in a tearoom, or on the street, whether with your lover or with a lovable stranger---now there's my idea of real Gay Pride. "The directory, if it is to be taken seriously, is a clear indication that anonymous homosexual acts are literally going on all around us. Yet many gay activists dismiss the notion that the homosexuals as a group are more promiscuous than heterosexuals. "While some of STEAM's listings are identifiable gay bars and bathhouses, the vast majority are rest areas and public parks---the places many people choose for family outings. More than half of the areas listed are outdoors, where the reader is instructed to follow paths through the bushes to a certain site where other homosexuals are likely to be waiting. "Tips like 'Look for the discarded rubbers' expose a significant health risk---e.g. to children who may wander innocently into a sex area and com in contact with AIDS-infected condoms left behind from a gay orgy the night before. "Typical of STEAM's evaluations of local police are the following: 'Police make regular sweeps, but usually just tell guys to 'move along'' and 'Closes at 11pm and the police do cruise through after that, and they can get very nasty,'" ******************************************************************************** Gay Hate Crimes (and Hateful Speech) The Lambda Report September 1993 "Homosexual columnist Dan Savage of the Seattle newspaper The Stranger let loose another barrage of prank and hate calls after printing Lambda Report's toll-free number in his column. "After receiving copies of LR's first two issues, Savage (who earlier maligned LR's publishers, the Report) wrote that the newsletter is full of 'lies, hate, distortion, and bullsh__ about queers.' He was particularly upset by LR's regular column 'Gays can Change,' which he said features the 'stories of serious[ly] twisted, self hating...ex-gay guys.' Savage said 'sexual orientation' is 'immutable' and that former homosexuals have merely 'stopped having sex.' "The gay writer's column, entitled 'Savage Love,' fell short of its billing. Savage encouraged his readers to call LR's 800-number with 'hot tips' about homosexuality. He told non-gays to call and 'let LR know that not all breeders [heterosexuals] are small-minded, homophobic, rightwing, flat-earth motherf___ers.' Savage also advised callers to use a pay phone if they didn't want their number traced, warning that hang-ups and harrassing calls were illegal. "The latter advice went unheeded. In the hours and days after Savage's column hit the streets, the LR was pestered with hang-up calss and those from people who said they dialed only to make LR pay for the call. Some phoned in repeatedly for that purpose. The campaign went national after Savage's column was reprinted by a gay activist over the computer bulletin board 'Internet.' "A smattering of callers talked civilly with LR personnel, but most were intent on heckling or worse. Several men made crude references to gay sex acts that simply cannot be printed here. Below is just a sampling of the Savage-inspired fare: ->'What you're doing borders on the illegal.' ->'God loves you even though you're a pile of sh__.' ->'We know who you are. We're watching you...' One caller who volunteered that he makes upward of $70,000 a year scolded LR for encouraging 'discrimination' against homosexuals. When it was suggested that he and other gays were excelling in the workplace without special protections, he became irate. "A special letter-to-the-editor by an elderly Iowa man earned him the type of harrassment from gay activists that will make him 'couch his words' the next time he complains about anything pro-gay. Of course, that is the goal of homosexual intimidators. "Harold Smith---a pseudonym for the actual writer, who asked LR not to use his real name---wrote the Des Moines Register newspaper in March and complained about an article by reporter Elliot Nusbaum. It ridiculed, among other things, the concerns of citizens over the showing of a film depicting male homosexual sex acts to University of Iowa students. "Smith, a Des Moines resident wrote the Register saying that Nusbaum's article 'could have been authored for the shoddy sheets of the Washington Blade,' D.C.'s homosexual newspaper, in that it 'extolled the underground virtues of sexual degeneracy versus the sins of organized religions...' "After his letter---and address---were published in the Register, Smith received an angry call from a gay man who protested that he and his boyfriend attend church every Sunday. Smith said the man started 'haranguing' him told the homosexual lifestyle is wrong. "About 15 minutes later, Smith said a pizza delievery truck arrived at his door asking payment for a pricey pizza he never ordered. A few minutes later, another delivery truck from a different pizza chain arrived, also carrying an unrequested pizza. "Within about 10 minutes of the second bogus delivery, Smith received a phone call from a woman who blurted out, 'Well, how did you like your pizza?' and then hung up. He and his wife presumed the call was an angry lesbian. The elderly couple received a few more harrassing phone calls the Sunday the articl appeared. "In the future, Smith said, 'I would still write but I'd certainly have to couch my words more...I don't relish the thought of receiving any more harrassment, and who knows what extent it will go.'" "The phone message on William Devlin's answering machine is a distressing sign of the times: 'Hello this is Bill Devlin. If this is one of our friends calling, at the sound of the tone please leave a message. If this is someone calling from the homsexual community with a death threat or verbal intimidation, I hope you have the courage of your convictions to leave your name and home phone number because we'd love to be back in touch with you...' The verbal abuse that led to Devlin's pre-emptive phone tag stemmed from his leading role in turning back a 'domestic partner' bill in Philadelphia that would have granted legal recognition to live-in homosexual couples. Such legislation has become a priority of gay activists nationwide. "Devlin is director of the Philedelphia Christian Action Council. The religious-led, multi-ethnic coalition of which he was a member waged an effective grassroots campaign that flooded City Hall with petitions and letters opposing the pro-gay legislation. "The pro-family coaltion won a come-from-behind victory, leaving homosexual activists furious and vengeful. On August 14, pink and black posters targeting Devlin began appearing on Philadelphia utility poles calling on people to 'PHONE ZAP THIS MAN!' The posters included his name, home address, and a paragraph describing his role in defeating the gay 'partners' bill. "The next days, activists began phoning Devlin's house to say that he and his family should be dead. One man called at 1:00 in the morning to say, 'I'm calling for all the queers in Philadelphia, and you should drop dead.' Another: 'You and your family deserve to die.' "Of course, Devlin's cohorts shared in the abuse. In May, Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, Catholic Archbishop of Philadelphia, and his spokesman Jay Devine were crudely mocked in an editorial cartoon in the Philadelphia Gay News. Photos of each of their heads were superimposed atop nude male torsos, with the Cardinal's dialogue insinuating a sexual relationship with Devine." ******************************************************************************** X-NEWS: talk.religion.misc: 57309 Relay-Version: ANU News - V6.1 08/24/93 VAX/VMS V1.5; site Path:!!!!!uunet!!b8!b8!not-for-mail Newsgroups: talk.religion.misc Subject: church attacked by homosexuals Message-ID: <2c8vd8$> From: (Joey Paul) Date: 15 Nov 1993 16:21:28 -0600 Organization: Intergraph Corporation, Huntsville, AL NNTP-Posting-Host: Lines: 356 ================================================================== Press Release from the Hamilton Square Baptist Church, 1212 Geary Street at Franklin, San Francisco, California, USA 94109, Ph: 415-673-8586 David C. Innes, Pastor ================================================================== Copied and distributed with permission as published by the church. ================================================================== September 23, 1993 Dear Fellowsoldier in Christ; Last Sunday evening, September 19, at our 6:00 PM service, our church was stormed by a mob of rioting homosexuals and lesbians. They came to protest the presence of Reverend Lou Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition. Because of the political stranglehold that the homosexual community has on this city, they were allowed to commit numerous criminal violations with impunity. I am enclosing two items: an official accounting of some of the events that took place that evening, and an information sheet listing the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the city officials responsible for this travesty against our church and our religious freedoms. What has happened here will be happening all across America if God's people do not establish a beachhead, draw the line and take their stand. I am pleading for your help. Here's what you can do: 1. Carefully read the enclosed materials and invest some of your money on long distance phone calls to each of the city officials on the list. Remember that we are on Pacific time. 2. If you would prefer, write a letter to each of the city officials on the list. I believe that phone calls would be more effective. 3. Copy these materials on you copy machine and distribute them to all of your people, requesting that they also call or write. 4. Send copies of these materials to those on your mailing list. Please consider carefully that if they can do this to us here in San Francisco, this kind of tragedy will soon spread across the country. Brethren, pray that you never see this happen to your church. The people of our church have responded to this incident with courage and grace. It is our prayer that God will save many of these precious people who are lost and in spiritual darkness, and make them trophies of His grace. God has not commissioned us to hate sinners and seek their destruction, but rather to love them and give them the good news of the gospel as their only hope. We are rejoicing in the Lord. We shall press on in our service for Him with joy, courage, and zeal. God is on the throne and we will always be triumphant in Him. Our goal is the exaltation of Christ and the glory of God. Brethren, pray for us. With warm Christian regards, David C. Innes ================================================================== NEWS RELEASE: OFFICIAL STATEMENT BY DR. DAVID C. INNES ================================================================== The following events took place on Sunday evening, September 19, 1993 revolving around the regularly scheduled 6:00 PM Sunday Evening Worship Service of the Hamilton Square Baptist Church, 1212 Geary St., San Francisco, California. Reverend Lou Sheldon, of the Traditional Values Coalition, was invited by the church to be the guest speaker. Only the church's membership and regular attenders were notified of the service, through the church's own Sunday bulletin. No public notice or invitation was made in addition to this. However, in the September 16, 1993 edition of the BAY AREA REPORTER, the meeting was announced in a front page article using intemperate, inflammatory language. A three-by-five ad on page five of the September 15, 1993 edition of the SAN FRANCISCO SENTINEL announced a protest of the Sunday night service. The church has no knowledge of how, or from whom they obtained the information. The church received telephone calls during the week prior to the meeting, demanding that our guest speaker should not come. Two people came to the church during that week asking to see the pastor and, speaking to the caretaker, notified him that we could not have Rev. Sheldon as a guest speaker in our church, and that they intended to stop him. The church's pastor, Dr. David C. Innes, made at least four calls to the Northern (Police) Station prior to the meeting, on Saturday and Sunday afternoon regarding the demonstration, expressing his concern for potential problems. He called the Northern Station immediately before the service, and requested more police backup because he felt the situation was not under control. He was informed that no backup would be sent unless requested by police that were present and further, that they had not requested it. Dr. Innes was told, "You must understand. This is San Francisco." Homosexual and lesbian demonstrators began gathering around the church property as early as 5:00 PM. The police were immediately notified by telephone of their presence. As people entered the building, demonstrators handed out flyers purporting to be published by the church. These were also placed upon automobile windshields in the immediate area. By 6:00 PM a riot was under way. The rioters assumed complete control of the exterior property and grounds of the church. In spite of several requests to have them removed the officer in charge insisted that everything was under control and that police procedures and regulations would not allow him to do so. At about the time of the beginning of the service, an usher stationed himself in the courtyard to assist members in gaining entry to the building. The usher witnessed the destruction of church property and notified an officer who turned away and ignored him. The rioters recognized him as a church member, surrounded him and completely denied him any freedom of movement. Pastor Charles & Donna Mcllhenny were refused entry by the rioters, and told they could not enter the building. The doors were completely blocked by the rioters. Pastor Mcllhenny held on to Donna as they began to make their way through the mob who were shouting and screaming in their ears, "You will not enter this church." The rioters assaulted them, pushing and shoving them, seeking to keep them from the front door. One of them grabbed Donna's body, lifting her off the ground, and another put his arms completely around her, and attempted to pull her back away from the entry. She stretched her arms out for help from a nearby police officer who offered no assistance. Her son, seeing she was in trouble, pleaded with the officers to assist her. The officers appeared so overwhelmed by the rioters that they were unable to take control of the situation. Both of her hands were scratched (the skin was broken). Finally, the church's caretaker grabbed her outstretched arms and pulled her through to the door, out of the hands of the rioters. As they made their way past the three police officers at the door, they were pelted by rocks, which also struck the window panes of the entry doors. Several members from Pastor Mcllhenny's church also were accosted and had to flee to a side entrance. There they also found the entry blocked and had to remain outside until the riot police arrived and let them in the building. Pastor Mcllhenny's son, Ryan, and his friend were not able to enter the building. The rioters removed the Christian flag from the flagpole, and attached the gay flag under the U.S. flag. The church's caretaker removed both flags, but a rioter grabbed the gay flag and it was again run up the flag pole and the rope knotted out of reach. When the caretaker again attempted to remove the gay flag, he was assaulted and hit with eggs. Being pushed back, he was unable to reach the flag pole, and returned to the entry of the church. Much of the newly planted landscaping around the flag pole was damaged. One cement bench was pushed over into the fountain by rioters. When police were notified of this they refused to respond. A second bench was dismantled and the seat thrown over into a light well and destroyed by rioters. The rioters guilty of this vandalism described this wanton destruction of church property as "interior decorating". Paper messages were stuck to the handrails, walls and windows of the building. A single parent, who is a church member, and her six year old daughter were told they could not enter the building. A rioter grabbed her daughter's arm as she was clinging to her mother, and began interrogating her. The mother and daughter finally entered the building by passing through the rioters. The child was crying and terrified. The mother had also brought an elderly friend who was refused entry by the rioters. Twenty minutes passed before she was able to get her friend into the service. Along with these, many others of the elderly and children were terrorized. To our knowledge, riot police were never called in by the officers present. They came only because the guest speaker left the worship service and called 911. The rioters were then removed from the courtyard area of the church property by the riot police. They then proceeded to the emergency exit doors on the west side of the auditorium where they pounded and kicked the doors seeking to break them down. This so disturbed the service in process that the service had to be temporarily discontinued. The officers present were immediately notified. The pounding was so loud, that an elderly blind woman was terrified, thinking that the sound was gunshots. She began crying, feeling helpless and threatened, and was comforted by nearby members. Due to the forceful nature of the rioter's attempt to break down the doors, one of the exit doors was damaged in a major way, the door jam being broken. Rioters continued their demonstration, standing on church property with their megaphone. The rioters then laid down in the intersection of Geary and Franklin, blocking all traffic. The rioters passed out the fraudulent flyers to waiting vehicles and pounded on the vehicles of those attempting to cross the intersection. The police took no action to remove them for approximately ten minutes. A woman demonstrator exposed her breasts to church members present in the area. One woman, a regular attender at our services, and her husband were hindered from entering the building by the rioters who had been moved to the sidewalk. When she entered the building she was so terrified that one of our other ladies had to help her calm down. Another member stood across the street and did not enter because of fear of physical violence. As the service was concluded, the people were split into three groups. All of the children were clinging to the parents, frightened to leave the building. Two groups exited out emergency exits. One group waited, and then exited the main entrance. The people were shouted at and threatened by the rioters as they made their way to their cars, being called Christian bigots, hypocrites, fascists, homophobes, and other expletives, some obscene. An eight year old retarded girl, upon exiting through the front entrance was so traumatized upon being verbally accosted, that she fell down the steps. The guest speaker was escorted by police to the church van, as debris pelted him from the rioters. Following his departure the rioters began to depart and the riot police were dismissed. The rioters shouted at the police, "You won't be here all night, but the church (building) will be." Only two or three police officers remained to secure the building. Dr. Innes, Rev. Eugene Lumpkin, and the church's associate Pastor with his wife and children remained inside. When this became known to the rioters, they returned in force to the church and began pounding on the front doors. The situation was once again out of control and Dr. Innes called 911 for reinforcements. When the rioters saw children standing in the lobby, they shouted, "We want your children. Give us your children." The police asked us to move away from the entry. Dr. Innes, his associate and family left through another exit. A nine year old boy was crying in hysterics. "They are after me, it's me they want." He did not calm down until the family was several miles from the building. A rioter broke one of the large address numbers off the face of the building and attempted to remove others unsuccessfully. A citizen's arrest was made on this individual. The person making the citizen's arrest was verbally threatened by other rioters. Officers told us they were informed by the rioters that our meeting was an open, public meeting, and they did not intend to prohibit the entry of the rioters onto our property. The pastor, Dr. Innes, informed the officers that this was a regularly scheduled church worship service and was not, as such, an open, public meeting, in the secular sense. He further informed the officers that no public notice had been made by the church inviting the public. The police later insisted that they were bound by the rioters claim that this was an open, public meeting and not a worship service. We were informed by the police, that due to the city's police regulations and policies, the police were not allowed to enforce the law regarding the disturbance of church worship services and the presence of rioters on church property. Police estimates of the number of rioters were approximately 75, although actual counts indicated a number closer to 100. In spite of all this malicious disruption, not a single arrest was made by the police outside of one citizen's arrest. The church's property was not secured, and the fundamental rights of the worshippers were not protected because, we were told, "The Board of Supervisors would never support the measures necessary to do so." Upon leaving for the final time, several of the rioters said, "We will be back." Numerous obscene and threatening telephone calls have been received at the church following the riot. ================================================================== WHAT YOU CAN DO ================================================================== After familiarizing yourself with the events as described [above], we ask that you call each of the city officials listed [below]. Ask to speak to the chief aid of the person you are calling if the official is not available. Tell them you have called in support of Dr. Innes and his church. Express your outrage concerning the homosexual riot and storming of the Hamilton Square Baptist Church. PLEASE be respectful and kind in your remarks. By all means there should be no name calling or threatening; these will only be counterproductive. Specifically, ask the mayor to have the rioters arrested and to prosecute them to the full extent allowable under the law. Urge the Supervisors to pass a resolution: 1. Condemning the violence against the Hamilton Square Baptist Church. 2. Affirming that the churches of San Francisco have equal human rights with all other groups and must be given full protection under the law. 3. Calling for swift justice in arrest and prosecution of all of the rioters. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE Fax or mail a copy of the news release to the following San Francisco newspapers: San Francisco Chronicle - FAX number 415-512-8196 attention City Desk. San Francisco Examiner - FAX number 415-777-2525 attention City Desk. Call or write the news editors and protest their failure to cover this story: San Francisco Chronicle 415-777-7100 5th and Mission San Francisco, CA 94105 San Francisco Examiner 415-777-2424 110 Fifth San Francisco, CA 94103 IF THE PHONE LINES ARE BUSY, PLEASE CONTINUE TO CALL UNTIL YOU GET THROUGH! OFFICIALS San Francisco Mayor's office 415-554-6141 The Honorable Frank Jordan Room 200, City Hall 400 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 San Francisco Board of Supervisors Supervisor (Name) Room 235, City Hall 400 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 Angela Alioto 415-554-7788 Vocally hostile to the churches on this issue Sue Bierman 415-554-6661 Very liberal, but not openly hostile Annemarie Conroy 415-554-7751 Shares our concern somewhat Terence Hallinan 415-554-7766 Openly hostile to the churches on this issue Tom Hsieh (pronounced Shay) 415-554-5015 Neutral Barbara Kaufman 415-554-4880 Neutral Willie B. Kennedy She has been a real friend to us - write and thank her Susan Leal (pronounced Lay-al) 415-554-6644 Hostile to us on this issue Bill Maher 415-554-5401 Position not known Carole Migden 415-554-4033 Vocally hostile to the churches on all issues Kevin F. Shelley 415-554-4005 Position not known Gay Packet III to be posted Monday