FRC: GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER ... ALFRED KINSEY' WASHINGTON, April 28, 1995 -- When John Bancroft begins work on May 1 as new director of the Kinsey Institute, he'll find that the future of the Institute will be tied to the past -- a Kinsey study of children's "sexuality" that will be highlighted in a soon-to-be-released research project and video. Family Research Council Director of Cultural Studies Robert Knight headed up the three-year project, which examines the child sexuality data in the original Kinsey studies -- data obtained either by molestation or lies. FRC will be demanding that Director Bancroft answer some key questions about the Children of Table 34. "Data collected from pedophiles, in prison and out, has been used as the scientific basis to justify everything from condom distribution in schools to teaching children how to masturbate, such as former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders advocated," said Knight, who wrote and directed the 30-minute documentary, with Charles A. Donovan as executive producer. Drawing from findings revealed in "Kinsey, Sex and Fraud" (Lochinvar-Huntington House: 1990) by Judith A. Reisman, Edward W. Eichel, J. Gordon Muir and John H. Court, the soon-to-be-released video includes a look at the circumstances and people involved in collecting the child sexuality data that is revealed in orgasm charts (Table 34) said to reflect children's reactions to stimulation while under observation of "technically trained persons" using a "second hand or stop watch." "Director Bancroft can do the Kinsey Institute a great favor and clear up this mystery," Knight said, "by answering some key questions: Were children molested in the name of science? Did their parents give consent? Were any Kinsey personnel directly involved in the experiments? What records does the Institute have that can tell us what has become of these children?"