Date: Sat, 25 Feb 1995 19:24:55 PST From: Elizabeth Abbott Subject: Corporate America and the Homosexual Agenda Forwarded from a friend: Thought you might be interested in wasting some of the Right's money and getting their propaganda on us... YitR, James ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Howdy Queers I got this info from a lesbian Avenger on Dykenet. You can call Focus on the family at 1-800-232-6459 to get a copy of "Corporate America and the Homosexual Agenda" information sheet. You can also get a free subscription to their magazine :) I gave them a call and the woman on the other end was very sweet. I gave my "religious right stuff" name. She asked me what radio station I head their commercial on and I just said "actually I read it on the Internet" she was very exceited about that. She also asked for a daytime phone # and I just gave a fake one, you can decline to give one though. Soooo call now for your information and cost the RR some money :) XXOO, Tracy queerDyke from Philly