Date: Mon, 6 Nov 1995 17:25:01 -0500 Reply-To: CLIPundo2@AOL.COM Nov-06-95 10:00am For Immediate Release November 6, 1995 From Kevin Tebedo As the co-founder and Executive Director of Colorado for Family Values, I have had the blessing and pleasure of being at the forefront of the start-up and leadership for one the most effective and influential organizations in Colorado and America. Today I wish to announce my resignation from the position of Executive Director for Colorado for Family Values. In the Fall of 1990 it became evident to me that the state of Colorado, my birth place, and the community in which Loretta and I have chosen to raise our children, was, and still is, under siege by the radical, and intrusive, homosexual political lobby. Driven by this knowledge, I, and a handful of others, felt motivated to begin an effort to thwart and head off this destructive agenda and its inevitable consequences. From this foundation Colorado for Family Values was born, and from CFV came Amendment 2. The rest, as they say, is history. The impetus for my resignation is a shared belief on the part of CPV's Executive Board, of which I am a member, that my personal desires and motivations have expanded beyond the scope of CFV's mission. I will always affirm and support the principles of Amendment 2 and the self-evident, inalienable rights that it protects. I will always be available to defend and speak for these values. However, I have come to see and understand the many and interdependent components of the homosexual issue in relation to our culture as a whole. This understanding leads me to the conclusion that the limited scope of preventing special rights for homosexuality is only one part of the puzzle, and is incapable, by itself, of effectually halting the larger threat that open acceptance of homosexuality poses to our communities, children, and culture. It is the compelling nature of this conclusion, and my desire to explore and address its broader components, which has lead to my resignation. The board of directors wishes to stay within the boundaries of the issue that has been consistent with CFV's success namely, special rights and protected class status for homosexuality. Ultimately, however, it is unwavering obedience to God's truth that empowers CFV's success, and not mere human intellect and effort. The board sees expanding the scope as being incompatible with CFV’s current stated mission. This is a logical and tenable position with which I fully agree. Therefore, I have chosen to resign so that both paths may be pursued freely. My separation from CFV is friendly and amicable. I hold the deepest of love, honor, and respect for each member of CFV's board, its staff, and its thousands of supporters around the state and nation. The passion of protecting our children, our lives, and our future from homosexual aggression burns deeply in me, and it is not likely this fire will ever go out. I will continue to stay in close contact with the organization I helped to start, and the people (my beloved friends) who have contributed to its success. I will be available to the press and public when the Supreme Court issues their ruling on Amendment 2. I will continue to work as a resource to CFV in any way I can. And, I will stay dedicated to my sovereign state of Colorado and her citizens. Thank you for corning today. I will turn the podium back to Will Perkins at this time. For more information, contact CFV at 719/5774916