Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 14:36:48 -0500 Reply-To: Bob.Sillyheimer@MIXCOM.COM X-Lines: 705 [ Send all responses to Bob.Sillyheimer@MIXCOM.COM only. Any responses to the list or list-owners will be returned to you. ] We see a lot of "gay television" information on the net, so here's some "homosexual television" reviews from Don Wildmon (not a wrestler). I'd suggest contacting the companies mentioned in the list below and expressing your support for them. BEST: a letter or a FAX. Wildmon's people are probably keeping the 800 numbers busy, and those are usually intended for answering customer questions about products, so it isn't nice to tie them up, even for showing support (but it is better to use the phone than to do nothing). {AFA's latest mailing. It consists of [1] a response form (reproduced partly here) with a check list "Here's how I will help this month: ( ) Sign and mail my three postcards. ( ) Make phone calls to two other companies ( ) Write a personal letter to another company ( ) Keep you and our AFA family in my prayers And... ( ) Give a financial contribution (amounts from $15 through $500 and "other" suggested); [2] a letter with [3] a long distance phone service ad on the back; [4] a double sided Action! Page; [5] 3 postcards (one reproduced below, others to Philip Morris and Ford); a PPD return envelope; and [6] a letter-size brochure folded three times to yield six columns of TV ratings.} {[2] The letter 14 or 15 point type} American Family Association Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, President P.O. Drawer 2440 ' 107 Parkgate ' Tupelo, Mississippi 38803 DREAM GREAT DREAMS No one should be afraid to dream. Indeed, every person should have some dreams of his own. Dreams help make life more enjoyable. Someone has stated that we should climb until our dreams come true. Of course, that is presupposing that we have dreams to climb toward. Most of us do. Those who don't, should. Dreams will be as different as the people who have them. And why shouldn't they be? After all they are personal. We do our own dreaming, no one else can ever do it for us. I'm a dreamer myself. I always have been. I hope I always will be. Some of my dreams seem unrealistic and impossible . But no matter how far removed they may seem, they are still possible as long as I continue to pursue them. Even if I never accomplish my dreams, they have been of value to me. For they have given me a goal to reach for, and a desire to press toward that goal. They have helped me keep trying when defeat seemed ever so close and when I wanted to quit. In one way, dreams aren't expensive. They don't cost any money. Even the poorest person in the world can have all the dreams he desires. But in another way they are expensive. For we have to work and sacrifice to make our dreams come true. There just aren't many Prince Charmings around who will pop out of nowhere to make our dreams come true without any effort on our part. I believe this ability to dream is one of God's great gifts to us. It has caused us to press on, to advance, to try to climb higher than we are. And in this respect we are indebted to God. Therefore, our dreams should be toward some goal that would make life richer for others as well as ourselves. One thing I know for certain God wants us to be somebody, to do something worthwhile. He never intended for a single one of us to be a nobody--to waste life. I hope you are a dreamer. And I want you to remember that your dreams don't have to include fame and fortune to be worthwhile. A woman who dreams of being the best possible mother has a very noble dream. A person who dreams of being kind and loving to other people has a dream worthy of pursuit. The world. and those of us in it, are greatly indebted to the dreamers. Our lives would be much the poorer without them. Their contributions to mankind can never be measured. Get captured by a great and worthy dream. Then pursue it. Pursue it with your whole self. Never stop pursuing it. Great and worthy dreams can come true. They have come true. And remember that everything began as a dream. As Carl Sandburg said "Nothing happens unless first a dream." Dreams can come true. But even if they don't, life will be more rewarding for the person who dreams. {[3] the ad} If you are an AT&T customer, you are helping to promote homosexuality in America. It's true. The nation's largest telecommunications company is committed to using their resources to convince America that homosexuality is a normal alternative lifestyle. AT&T has a history of promoting homosexuality. Consider a few examples: * AT&T was one of the main financial sponsors of the Gay Games IV and Cultural Festival in New York, part of a huge calendar of events in June specifically designed to reshape America's traditional moral values. * AT&T is directly soliciting homosexual customers through a mail campaign which comes in a lavender envelope and a letter from AT&T's homosexual employee group. * AT&T doesn't seem to care about family values. Concerning a customer backlash because of their support for homosexuality, a company a company spokesman told an advertising trade publication, "Anyone with that kind of attitude [concern about the homosexual lifestyle] has to lose it. " * AT&T has sponsored the homosexual musical Falsettos. * AT&T indoctrinates their employees to accept homosexuality using the video "On Being Gay" by homosexual activist Brian McNaught. * At the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association in 1993 AT&T was among companies named as progressive because of support for homosexual causes. THE GOOD NEWS -- AN ALTERNATIVE American Family Association is offering its supporters the opportunity to quit doing business with AT&T and switch to a long distance carrier with a distinctively Christian difference - Lifeline. With one toll-free phone call, not only have you taken business away from AT&T, but you are making a stand for morality in America. It works like this: When you switch to Lifeline Long Distance Service, 10% of your long distance billing will be given to American Family Association. It won't cost you anything and in many cases, your long distance phone bill will decrease. Lifeline is a major long distance carrier like AT&T, MCI, Sprint, etc., except, like you and me, Lifeline is committed to family values and decency. STAND UP. BE COUNTED. SWITCH TODAY TO LIFELINE. 1-800-800-7550 Be sure to say that you want 10% of your long distance charges to go to the American Family Association. {[4] The Action! Page} Action! Page A call to action from Donald E. Wildmon, AFA President November, 1994 Stop Network TV's Promotion of Homosexuality! This fall network TV executives will continue to try to promote homosexuality as a normal and acceptable lifestyle. And this in spite of the fact that a new study has gained valuable information about homosexuality! I'll give you the details in a moment. First, I want to warn you that the push to make homosexuality "morally acceptable" is a VERY REAL THREAT to you, your family, your children and our entire society! The homosexual community has awesome power in Hollywood! And yet, you can FIGHT BACK! And WIN, too! Here's how: * First, get INVOLVED and take ACTION! Sign and mail the enclosed postcards. Make phone calls. Recruit neighbors, friends, co-workers and fellow church members to get involved. * Second, stay COMMITTED to whatever action you begin! Let the companies which use their advertising dollars to promote homosexuality on TV hear from you! * Third, continue to storm heaven with your PRAYERS! Ask God to give you the grace to persevere in your commitment. Make no mistake, the homosexuals all but control Hollywood. They are powerful, militant, well-connected and well-financed. And the facts prove it: * FACT: The networks regularly consult with homosexuals on projects they are considering. ABC executives admit this publicly. * FACT: New York executives say homosexuals are the most effective and well-organized pressure group lobbying TV. * FACT: The networks solicit input from the Gay Media Task Force and pay them for their input * FACT: 80% of Hollywood creators, writers and producers believe that homosexuality is NOT wrong. * FACT: Most of the Hollywood TV elite believe they have a role to play in reshaping American society: which in this case means making homosexuality acceptable. * FACT: Hollywood fund raisers for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force sell out and are attended by a "Who's Who" of network TV. That's how powerful the homosexual lobby is in Hollywood. And their influence is showing up in more and more TV shows, shows like: * MELROSE PLACE (Fox, January 26) Matt, a regular homosexual character, begins dating Jeffrey whom he met in a cafe. * SISTERS (NBC January 29) Norma, the lesbian boss of one of the series' regular sister characters, appears as a "normal" person. * MARTIN (Fox February 20) Martin and his live-in lover Gina attend a couples church retreat before marrying. A minister takes great pride in introducing the retreat's first homosexual couple. * ROSEANNE (ABC March 1) This episode aired the much-promoted kiss between lesbian character Sharon and Roseanne, the series star. Sharon is Nancy's lover. Nancy is a recurring homosexual character on the program. * NORTHERN EXPOSURE (CBS, May 2) In this episode the highly-promoted wedding of Eric and Ron, the series' recurring homosexual characters, was aired. Because homosexuals cannot "reproduce" themselves, they are forced to recruit new members. And the targets of their recruitment drives are OUR CHILDREN! Today, these recruitment efforts are going on in government, in our schools, in our military, in nearly every avenue of influence. But they are most pronounced in Hollywood. And a major weapon in all these recruitment efforts is their distortion of truth. This distortion states that homosexuals are... ...Healthy! Why then their fear of AIDS? ...Happy! Why then are they so bitter and angry? ...Normal! Why then can't they reproduce like every other species on earth? ...Everywhere! That 10% of all Americans are "gay"! This last lie is the biggest of all. And the news and entertainment media have willingly promoted it for years. But now the truth is out. A study by the University of Chicago (released on October 7 1994) states that, at most, only 2.8% of men and 1.4% of women are homosexual. You probably didn't even hear about that study. Why? Because the liberal media finds it politically incorrect. Fortunately, you know that homosexuality is, by its nature, morally wrong. The homosexuals want our children to accept homosexuality. God calls on us to protect His innocent little ones. That's why we must oppose the homosexual movement and their friends in places of power. So today, I am issuing this CALL TO ACTION. Read over the list of companies which give the most money to promote the homosexual agenda. Contact as many of these companies as you can. Be polite but firm. Let these companies know that their support of homosexuality is leading many to unhappiness, sorrow and death. 1. SIGN AND MAIL your enclosed postcards. 2. Make PHONE: CALLS to other companies. * Procter & Gamble Company 1-800-543-7276 * Philip Morris Companies - 1-800-343-0975 * AT&T - 1-800-222-0300 * Nestle USA - 1-800-637-8537 * Unilever United.States - 1-800-598-1223 * Ford Motor Company - 1-800-392-3673 3. Write a PERSONAL LETTER to yet another company. Take a few moments today to help keep TV from promoting homosexuality as a "normal," "acceptable," "healthy," and "moral" lifestyle. Finally, in order to expand this project and keep our other Hollywood monitoring projects on track, I once again turn to you for financial support. You have been very generous in the past. And all I ask is that you continue to be generous toward your AFA in the future. I would be thrilled if you could make a contribution each and every month. But. I know that often isn't possible. That being the case, I leave it to you to decide when you can help and when you can't. But I will ask you for help every month because you and the rest of our AFA family are our only source of funds. If you can give a contribution this month, please do; even if it's just $15. With all of us sacrificing together, we can win - and have already won - many victories for God and our children! If you absolutely cannot help with a contribution today, at least let me know what actions you'll take to help stop network TV's promotion of the homosexual lifestyle. Thank you for your commitment and for having the courage to get involved. {[5] One of the postcards} Chrm. Michael R. Quinlan MCDonald's Corporation 1 Kroc Drive Oak Brook, IL 60521 Dear Mr. Quinlan: I am very concerned About your use of advertising dollars to help promote the homosexual agenda. This is very disturbing to me. I ask that McDonald's be more selective in the programs you help sponsor and stop your financial support of those programs promoting the homosexual lifestyle. If McDonald's fails to do so, I will be forced to boycott McDonald's and ask my friends to do the same. Considering the overwhelming rejection of the homosexual agenda by the public, I don't think that a boycott of McDonald's because you push homosexuality would be difficult to promote. ([6] The brochure} TOP SPONSORS OF PRO-HOMOSEXUAL PROGRAMS RANK COMPANY Total Units' 1 Procter & Gamble 40.0 2 PepsiCo 23.5 3 Philip Morris 20.5 4 McDonald's 16.0 5 AT&T 15.5 Nestle 15.5 6 Unilever 15.0 7 General Motors 12.5 8 Ford 12.0 9 Walt Disney 11.5 * Results based on programs monitored from January 1, 1994 through June 30, 1994. Advertisers were scored on the total number of units run on monitored programs. A unit consists of one 30-second commercial. During the past few years programs promoting the homosexual lifestyle have greatly increased on network television. The Lichter/Rothman Report, the most in-depth study of TV's elite ever made, showed that only 5% of those responsible for TV programs strongly felt that homosexuality was wrong ; 80% felt homosexuality was not wrong. Two-thirds of the TV elite felt that "TV entertainment should be a major force for social reform." Listed in this report are the companies which agree that homosexuality should be promoted, and are willing to provide advertising dollars to accomplish that goal. Advertisers pre-screen programs and pull their support when the content of the program is not acceptable. Advertisers listed found the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle on the programs they helped sponsor acceptable. The most striking finding in this monitoring report is that there was not a single episode in which homosexuality was depicted in a negative manner. One can only assume that the advertisers, networks and producers have agreed that the traditional negative view of homosexuality must be censored in order to change the attitude of the public. American Family Association Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, MS 38803 ADDRESSES 1 - The Procter & Gamble Company, Chrm. Edwin L. Artzt, P. O. Box 599, Cincinnati, OH 45201, Phone 513-983-1100, FAX 513-562-4500, TOLL FREE: 1-800-543-7276. (Procter & Gamble helped sponsor programs numbered 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 21, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34. ) PRODUCTS: Bounce fabric softener, Charmin toilet tissue, Cheer detergent, Cover Girl cosmetics, Dawn dish detergent, Folger's coffee, Head & Shoulders shampoo, Joy detergent, Max Factor cosmetics , NyQuil decongestant, Pampers diapers, Prell shampoo, Scope mouthwash, Secret deodorant, Tide detergent, Zest detergent bar. 2 - PepsiCo, Chrm. D. Wayne Calloway, 700 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY 10577, Phone 914-253-2000, FAX 914-253-2070. (PepsiCo helped sponsor programs numbered 2, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33.) PRODUCTS: Doritos corn chips, Fritos snack foods, Lay's potato chips, Rold Gold pretzels, Ruffles potato chips, Sun Chips, Taco Bell fast food. 3 - Philip Morris Companies, Inc., Chrm. Michael A. Miles, 120 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017, Phone 212-880-5000, FAX 212-878-2167, TOLL FREE: 1-800-343-0975. (Philip Morris helped sponsor programs numbered 1, 2, 3, 11 , 12, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 32. ) PRODUCTS: Birds Eye foods, Breyers Ice Cream, Budget Gourmet, Cool Whip whipped cream, Country Time lemonade, General Foods products, Jell-O desserts, Kool-Aid soft drink, Kraft food products, Minute Rice, Oscar Mayer meats, Post cereals, Sealtest ice cream and yogurt, Stove Top stuffing mix, Tang orange drink, Velveeta cheese. 4 - McDonald's Corporation, Chrm. Michael R. Quinlan, 1 Kroc Dr., Oak Brook, IL 60521, Phone 708-575-3000, FAX 708-575-5512. (McDonald's helped sponsor programs numbered 1, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 26, 27, 29, 31.) PRODUCTS: McDonald' s fast food. 5 - AT&T, Chrm. Robert E. Allen, 32 Ave. of the Americas, New York, NY 10013, Phone 212-387-5400, FAX 212-605-6248, TOLL FREE: 1-800-222-0300. (AT&T helped sponsor programs numbered 1, 5, 11, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 33.) PRODUCTS: AT&T phone services, NCR office machines and computers. 5 - Nestle USA, Inc., Chrm. Tim Crull, 800 N. Brand Blvd., Glendale, CA 91203, Phone 818-549-6000, FAX 818-549-6952, TOLL FREE: 1-800-637-8537. ( Nestle helped sponsor programs numbered 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 17, 20, 21, 24, 27, 29, 30.) PRODUCTS : Alcon opti-contact lens cleaner, Carnation food products, Coffee-mate cream substitute, Fancy Feast cat food, Friskies pet food, Grand Gourmet dogfood, Nescafe coffee, Nestea tea, Nestle foods products, Stouffer's frozen foods, Studio Line hair products. 6 - Unilever. United States Inc., Pres. Richard A. Goldstein, 390 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022, Phone 212-888-1260, FAX 212-906-4411, TOLL FREE: 1-800-598-1223. (Unilever helped sponsor programs numbered 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 18, 19, 25, 28, 30, 31 , 32.) PRODUCTS: Aim toothpaste, All detergent, Brut toiletries, Calvin Klein cosmetics, Close-Up toothpaste, Dove soap, Can't Believe It' s Not Butter, Lipton tea and soups, Pond's Cream, Popsicle frozen treats, Q-tips, Ragu' Italian foods, Snuggle liquid fabric softener, Wisk detergent. 7 - General Motors Corporation, Chrm. John G. Smale, 3044 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202, Phone 313-556-5000. (General Motors helped sponsor programs numbered 4, 7, 11, 13, 18, 19, 26, 32.) PRODUCTS: AC-Delco auto parts, Buick automobiles, Cadillac automobiles, Chevrolet automobiles, Geo automobiles, Mr. Goodwrench service, Oldsmobile automobiles, Pontiac automobiles, Saturn automobiles. 8 - Ford Motor Company, Chrm. Alexander J. Trotman, P. O. Box 1899, Dearborn, MI 48121, Phone 313-322-3000, TOLL FREE: 1-800-392-3673. (Ford helped sponsor programs numbered 3, 7, 8, 9, 34.) PRODUCTS: Ford motor vehicles, Lincoln Continental automobiles, Mercury automobiles, Motorcraft automotive parts. 9 - The Walt Disney Company, Chrm. Michael Eisner, 500 S. Buena Vista Street, Burbank, CA 91521, Phone 818-560-1000. (Walt Disney helped sponsor programs numbered 2, 8, 15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 26, 28, 29, 33.) PRODUCTS: Childcraft, Inc, Disney Consumer Products, Miramax Films, The Disney Channel, The Disney Store, Touchstone Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Attractions and Theme Parks. Reviews of programs Programs are numbered to identify which programs advertisers helped sponsor. 1. BIRDLAND (ABC, January 5) Hector, an orderly in the psychiatric facility which is the setting for the drama, is featured as the resident homosexual character. 2. MELROSE PLACE (Fox, January 6) Homosexual character Matt, a regular in the ensemble cast, was prominent in one scene encouraging Michael, paralyzed from an auto accident, in his physical therapy session. 3. COLUMBO:BUYTERFLY IN SHADES OF GRAY(ABC, January 10) Homosexual advocacy appears in scenes like the conversation in which Lou remarks to his friend Jerry, "I was sorry to hear about Murray. I know you guys were together a long time. Anybody new?" "Yeah, there's Ted...," replies Jerry. 4. NORTHERN EXPOSURE (CBS, January 10) Maurice meets Ron and Eric, a homosexual couple on the sidewalk and delivers concert tickets he'd gotten for them. They offer Maurice a ride to Anchorage, but he declines because it might imply that he validates their lifestyle. Later in the episode-- after another character explains that all sexual behavior is normal--Maurice apologizes to the homosexuals for his "homophobic" behavior. 5. BIRDLAND (ABC, January 12) Hector, a homosexual orderly in the psychiatric facility which is the setting for the drama, appears in some scenes. 6. MELROSE PLACE (Fox, January 20) Matt, a regular homosexual character, helps Katya, a Russian immigrant, get a patient a bed at the hospital where he is employed. 7. THE COMMISH (ABC, January 22) When four thugs are routinely ambushing and beating homosexuals, it creates problems for Hank, a homosexual cop. After witnessing such an incident (while at a homosexual bar) Hank has to come out of the closet. Predictably, he is initially harassed by fellow officers and his partner demands a new partner. Conflicts, however, are resolved, "homophobia" is "cured," and Hank and his partner are reconciled. 8. MURPHY BROWN (CBS, January 24) Series regular Jim buys a piano bar as an investment. When he discovers that it is a homosexual bar, he decides to sell it, but after an evening of playing piano while all the homosexuals gather 'round for a down-home sing-a-long, it is implied that Frank has changed his mind. Another character recites a lengthy list of famous men of history who were purportedly homosexual. 9. BIRDLAND (ABC, January 26) Dr. Niles falls for Mary, and consults Hector on how to express his feelings to Mary. Hector shares with the doctor how he first expressed his love for Henry, his homosexual partner. 10. MELROSE PLACE (Fox, January 26) Matt, a regular homosexual character, begins dating Jeffrey whom he met in a cafe. 11. SISTERS (NBC, January 29) Norma, the lesbian boss of one of the series' regular sister characters, appears as a "normal" person. 12. MELROSE PLACE (Fox, February 2) Matt, a regular homosexual character, is angry to learn that Jeffrey, who he is dating, misleads him because Jeffrey is still "in the closet" to protect his military career. 13. BIRDLAND (ABC, February 9) Hector is the series homosexual. He is featured in several scenes, in his role as an orderly at a psychiatric hospital. 14. MARTIN (Fox, February 20) Martin and his live-in lover Gina attend a couples retreat before marrying. Martin doesn't like the retreat until he meets two friends from the gym where he works out--until he learns that the men are homosexual. The minister takes great pride in introducing the retreat' s first homosexual couple. 15. ROSEANNE (ABC, March 1) This episode aired the much-promoted kiss between lesbian character Sharon and Roseanne, the series star. Sharon is Nancy's lover. Nancy is a recurring homosexual character on the program. 16. ROSEANNE (ABC, March 8) Leon, a recurring homosexual character, appears in a scene at Roseanne' s diner of which he is part owner. 17. MELROSE PLACE (Fox, March 9) Matt, the series' homosexual character, struggles with how to tell a woman who comes on to him that he is homosexual. 18. MELROSE PLACE (Fox, March 23) Matt, the series' homosexual character, tells Jane about the true lab reports identifying Michael, Jane's ex-husband, as DUI an auto accident that injured Kimberly, Michael's new fiancee. 19. THE BAND PLAYED ON (ABC, March 28) The movie carried an "adult subject matter" advisory as it championed homosexual propaganda and took careful aim at the Reagan administration for lack of AIDS funding. The movie also took potshots at those who addressed homosexuality from a moral perspective. 20. MELROSE PLACE (Fox, March 30) Matt, the series' homosexual character, and Katya, a Russian immigrant become close friends. Katya offers Matt $1,000 and a weekly payment to marry her in order to avoid deportation. 21 . ROSEANNE (ABC, April 5) Nancy and Leon, recurring homosexual characters, appear in a part of a story line on child abuse. 22. ROC (Fox, April 5) Andrew ' s (series regular) homosexual brother Russell comes to announce that he and his sex partner Chris are moving to Paris because they find Europe so much more accepting of homosexuality. 23. BEVERLY HILLS 90210 (FOX, April 6) A series regular Steve discovers that his fraternity president is homosexual. At first, the homophobic Steve feels it his duty to tell his frat brothers, but by story's end, he has led the campaign for homosexual advocacy and all involved understand that homosexuality is normal. 24. MELROSE PLACE (Fox, April 13) Matt, regular homosexual character, offers to marry Katya, a Russian immigrant, to supersede her temporary visa and allow her to stay in the country. 25. MELROSE PLACE (Fox, April 20) Matt, regular homosexual character, gets a promotion at the hospital as soon as Michael becomes chief resident. (Matt had altered records of Michael's blood alcohol content when he wrecked a car that critically injured his fiancee.) 26. BIRDLAND (ABC, April 21) Hector, the regular homosexual character, talks with a Catholic priest about problems he has with his mother because of his live-in lover Henry. 27. MELROSE PLACE (Fox, April 27) Matt, regular homosexual character, appears in brief hospital scene. 28. NORTHERN EXPOSURE (CBS, May 2) In this episode the highly-promoted wedding of Eric and Ron, the series' recurring homosexual characters, was aired. Except for the arch-conservative Maurice, everyone in the little Alaska town is excited about the wedding. Of course, even he comes around before the big day arrives and attends the wedding. 29. MELROSE PLACE (Fox, May 4) Story lines continue to overflow with sexual shenanigans and self-centered chicaneries. Except for Matt, the series homosexual, who appears to be perhaps the series' most sane, sensitive and sagacious of all the characters who appear in this episode. 30. SISTERS (NBC, May 7) Series star Alexandra creates problems for Norma, her lesbian boss, by inviting Norma's parents to town for a surprise visit. They don't know their daughter is lesbian. For a while Norma tries to maintain her charade (that she is married), then confesses to her parents. At first they are distraught, but before they leave for home, Norma's father has come around to understand that Norma is "normal." 31 . ROSEANNE (ABC, May 24) Leon, a recurring homosexual character, appears in a scene at Roseanne' s diner of which he is part owner. 32. ROOMMATES (NBC, May 30) The story of the movie follows the friendship of Jim Riley (a straight ex-con who contracted AIDS as a result of his promiscuity) and Bill Thomas (a homosexual Harvard grad with AIDS). The story rightfully builds compassion for both victims. However, only once is homosexuality questioned as a moral issue (by a snooty, uncaring woman in a group Bill addresses on AIDS). 33. MELROSE PLACE (Fox, June 1) Matt, the series homosexual, appears as the only stable regular character as he appears briefly in one scene. 34. ROSEANNE (ABC, June 1 4) Recurring lesbian character, Nancy, appears in a scene with Roseanne. { -- the end -- }