Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 16:27:46 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: Dignity and Methodist Commence Gay Study Proj. (fwd) FYI A Jay Eddy INFORMATION DIGNITY FT. LAUDERDALE P.O. Box 22884, Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33335 (305) 463-4528 DIGNITY CATHOLICS JOIN WITH METHODISTS IN BIBLE STUDY PROJECT One of Dignity/USA's less recognized but truly exciting projects began last January after the Board of Directors agreed to join with the United Methodist Reconciling Congregation Program to become joint producers of the "Bible Study Resource Project." The project, which is now underway and making strong forward progress, is developing an ecumenical Bible study curriculum focusing on the Bible and homosexuality. Recognizing that there is no such published education curriculum intended for lay persons, the project will include a student text for individual study as well as a teacher's guide to aid study groups. the project is looking at the Bible in its historical and cultural context with one of its goals to empower believers of today. Three dignity members are serving on the project. Daniel Helminiak,PhD., the author of the best selling book "what the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality" is dignity's official representative and consultant for the project. He will work as a resources and guide with the project's editor, Dr.Mary Jo Osterman. Dugan McGinley of Dignity/Philadelphia and Denver, and Frank Tamburello of Dignity/Suffolk, are serving as official readers and critical reviewers. Other groups participating in the project are the Association for Welcoming and Affirming Baptists, Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian and Gay Concerns, O & A Ministers Program of the Glad Alliance, and the ONA Program of the United Church Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Concerns.