Date: Thu, 02 Jun 94 15:56:34 EDT From: PFLAG: Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays Celebrating Real Family Values Contact: George Neighbors, Jr., 202/638-4200 For local comment contact: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS RELEASE National Family Organization Endorses Gay Anti-discrimination Bill (Washington, DC--June 15, 1994) Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), a national support, education and advocacy organization, has endorsed the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1994, which would outlaw employment discrimination against individuals solely on the basis of their sexual orientation. The US Senate is expected to begin hearings on the bill in mid-June. The following resolution was passed by the PFLAG Board of Directors at its May 22, 1994 meeting in Houston, Texas: Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Inc., recommends passage of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1994. This Act of Congress would prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of sexual orientation. Individuals who are discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation currently have no recourse under federal law. This Act would provide for such recourse. We have witnessed the pain and economic hardship that job discrimination causes gay, lesbian, and bisexual persons, family members, and friends. We know, too, the abilities, dedication, and talent that our gay, lesbian and bisexual family members and friends bring to their jobs and communities. We affirm the right of all individuals to contribute fully to the economic and civic life of our society. Therefore, we encourage all members of the PFLAG family to support passage of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1994." Sandra Gillis, Executive Director, said, "One of the most fundamental hopes that families have for their loved ones is the ability to support and provide for themselves and their families by holding a secure and rewarding job. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1994, by prohibiting arbitrary discrimination in employment based solely on sexual orientation, would provide our loved ones and their families and friends with that security of mind, heart and home." - 30 - PFLAG: PARENTS, FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF LESBIANS AND GAYS 1012 14th St, NW Ste 700 Washington, DC 20005 (202)-638-4200 Fax: (202)-638-0243 E-mail: PFLAGNTL@AOL.COM