1234 Massachusetts Ave, NW #523 Washington, DC 20005 January 4, 1994 Name of President or Station/Network PSA Director News Organization Address Dear [Name of President or Station/Network PSA Director]: I would like to express my support for the new AIDS prevention Public Service Announcement program sponsored by the Center for Disease Control [CDC]. It is my hope that [News Organization] will air these PSAs at prime times available to all audiences. AIDS is a disease that does not discriminate- it attacks all people regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, color or creed. The Center for Disease Control has taken the lead by providing the necessary and life saving information in a clear, concise and attractive package. It is your turn to pass it on. Please take this opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to your community and its well-being. Sincerely, George M. Neighbors, Jr. 202-737-4176 202-638-4200 PS: For further information, contact the CDC at 1-800-342-AIDS [2437].