Since there has been so much interest in the NGLTF Press Release regarding the meeting with Bush's Campaign Chairman. Mr. Buckmire thought that I wouldn't mind typing the whole thing in. So, here it is: NATIONAL GAY & LESBIAN TASK FORCE P R E S S R E L E A S E 1517 U Street NW Washington, DC 20009 202 / 332-6483 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Robert Bray or Urvashi Vaid, (202) 332-6483 GAY AND AIDS ACTIVISTS MEET WITH BUSH CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN "GROUNDBREAKING" SESSION WITH ROBERT MOSBACHER FOCUSES ON ISSUES, PRESIDENTIAL RACE Washington, D.C., Feb. 13, 1992...Representatives of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) met today with Robert Mosbacher, head of George Bush's reelection campaign, to discuss gay and lesbian and AIDS issues during the 1992 presidential race. The historic meeting -- believed to be unprecedented in recent memory -- was heralded as a "groundbreaking" moment between the gay activists and Republican political leaders. During the meeting, Mosbacher, General Chairman of the Bush For President Campaign, was briefed on anti-gay and lesbian discrimination, the Federal Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights Bill, AIDS, hate crimes and military discrimination. In addition, NGLTF raised concerns about the general conduct of the campaign, including outreach to the gay and lesbian community, and AIDS-baiting and gay-baiting by candidates. The meeting was requested and arranged by Urvashi Vaid, NGLTF executive director. Vaid was joined by Jeffrey Levi, director of government affairs for the AIDS Action Council; Peri Jude Radecic, NGLTF deputy director of public policy; and Robert Bray, NGLTF public information director. Also attending was Diane Turpeluk, deputy to Mr. Mosbacher. The activists commended Mosbacher and described the 25-minute meeting as open and frank. Mosbacher was warm, attentive and appeared genuinely concerned with the issues. He engaged the activists in dialogue, asked questions and instructed his deputy to make notes. Vaid presented Mosbacher and the Bush campaign with a briefing book on key gay and AIDS-related issues. Also presented were ;the NGLTF Presidential Questionnaire and "1992 Presidential Campaign Briefing Paper: The National Gay and Lesbian Agenda." In addition, AIDS Action Council's HIV questionnaire and campaign backgrounder [sic] were included. Mosbacher was surprised, if not stunned, upon learning that only five states have discrimination laws that protect gays and lesbians. "It was like a light bulb went off in their heads," said Vaid, "when the realized the basic injustice our people face." - more - The Bush officials in particular seemed surprised when NGLTF's Radecic explained the Cracker Barrel discrimination case. Cracker Barrel, a nationwide "family style" restaurant chain headquartered in Tennessee, has fired several lesbian and gay employees under its "heterosexual values" company policy. Radecic also addressed the pervasive problem of anti-gay and lesbian violence, and the rising tide of bias crime in general in the U.S. The murder of a gay man, Paul Broussard, in Houston, Texas, last July was cited. Houston is the location for the 1992 Republican Convention. NGLTF also noted that President Bush left out gays and lesbians during the hate crimes portion of the recent State of the Union speech. During the AIDS briefing, Mosbacher asked, "Is there a feeling the President doesn't care -- I don't thing that's right. I've known him for 30 years, and he does car." But AIDS Action Council's Levi challenged President Bush's response to the epidemic and encouraged him to provide leadership for *all* people with the virus, not just "AIDS babies." "Mr. Mosbacher and staff were responsive," said Levi, "but the proof is in the pudding. We hope our message is carried up to the President that we would like a kindler, gentler George Bush sooner rather than later." Vaid suggested that Bush himself tour the Dallas AIDS Resource Center. The Center, in Bush's home state, is run by gay Republican and Texas activist John Thomas. NGLTF also suggested the Republican Campaign appoint an openly lesbian or gay liaison to the gay community. The activists urged Bush to be inclusive of gays and lesbians and to talk about AIDS in an overall health care context. Vaid then asked for a formal meeting between Bush and gay activists. Finally, the activists expressed their concern about campaign "conduct" and homophobia, citing statements made by Patrick Buchanan and past political incidents of gay-baiting and AIDS-baiting tactics to generate controversy and anti-gay votes. Vaid was assisted in arranging the meeting with Mosbacher by his openly lesbian daughter, Dee. "Robert Mosbacher is to be commended for listening to us and responding with concern," said Vaid. "This was a first step in opening a dialogue with the Bush campaign." ### [Editor: Photos were taken during the meeting. Contact Robert Bray, (202) 332-6483, for more information.] ======================================== Bryan J. Blumberg, The MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation 815 Colorado Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90041-1777 (213) 259-4914, B_BLUMBERG@MACSCH.COM