Since its inception NAMBLA's membership has been open to all people regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation. Young people have participated on an equal basis in our organization. They have served as full voting members of NAMBLA's Steering Committee (the governing body of the organization). Young people have also been designated as official Spokespeople for NAMBLA and have publicly appeared as such representing our organization. The NAMBLA Bulletin (published 10 times a year) has always been an open forum for young people and issues pertaining to Youth Liberation. Our youngest regular contributor was eleven years old when he began writing a monthly column for the Bulletin. Young people have been members of our Bulletin Collective, and our current editor was a gay youth himself when he first became involved in NAMBLA. We provide financial and other assistance to GLB youth organizations here and abroad. NAMBLA and its members have been involved in various groups which provide support and services to the GLB youth community. We have participated in and sponsored public forums as well as appearing before the media, university and community groups where we supported the cause of GLB Youth and Youth Liberation. For years NAMBLA has adopted numerous official positions and have spoken out publicly regarding youth empowerment and liberation. The following are a sampling of our positions. 1980- Opposition to reinstatement of the military draft & conscription. 1982- Opposition to the "Schwieker" bill which would force doctors to inform a young women's parents if she sought contraceptive devices or an abortion. 1983- Support of equal civil rights for youth, including: freedom of speech, press, religion, and privacy; freedom from involuntary servitude; the right to due process; protection from illegal search and seizures. More student input in matters pertaining to their education, and the establishment of viable alternative living conditions. 1985- Call for improved funding and education regarding AIDS, and opposition to forced testing and quarantines. 1991- Support of young people's right to emancipation. Support of young people's right to sex education & contraception. How many other GLB organizations historically have had such accessibility and meaningful participation by young people? How many other GLB organizations have adopted positions and spoken out publicly in support GLB Youth and Youth Liberation way before it was fashionable to do so? Yours in Liberation, Roy -- Roy Radow Now: (was: North American Man/Boy Love Association -For membership info & brochure write to: NAMBLA, Dept. RR, PO Box 174, Midtown Station, NYC, NY 10018. Send $5 for current Bulletin with amount credited toward membership fee. Publications list available upon request.