Submitted On: November 1, 1993 NAMBLA's Position Papers are available via snail mail for anyone who requests them. It should be noted that NAMBLA has taken stands on A WIDE RANGE OF ISSUES relating to individual freedom and youth liberation, in addition to those relating to youth and sexuality. Our position on age of consent was adopted in December, 1983. I first posted this statement to USENET in August of 1991. Please note that we are NOT proposing that ALL young people must or should engage in intimate sexual relationships. Our position is that the present state of affairs in this country: 1) fails to consider individual differences and the wishes of the young person, his parents, or any one else. 2) does not take into account the QUALITY of such a relationship. Loving, supportive, consensual relationships are treated the same way as those that are violent, coercive, and destructive. 3) deals more with repression of individual choice and the intrusion of the police into people's private lives, rather than the education and empowerment of youth to have more control over their own bodies, and 4) for the most part this current approach does more harm than good to everyone involved. Other countries have successfully examined this problem (with perhaps a lesser degree of prejudice and hysteria) and have come up with laws which are more responsive to the needs and wishes of all its citizens. ********************************************************************** The following is NAMBLA's official position on age-of-consent laws, adopted at our seventh General Membership Conference in Boston, on December 4th, 1983. WHEREAS it is impossible to say at what age a person is capable of consenting to sex because every individual and every case is different; and therefore any attempt to set an age is capricious, arbitrary, and unfair; and WHEREAS any attempt to set an age would weaken NAMBLA's identity as a sexual freedom organization, and limit it to advocating the point of view of only a segment of its membership and of youth; and WHEREAS the state has no business intervening in any mutually consensual relationship, and NAMBLA has correctly refrained from asking it to do so; BE IT RESOLVED that NAMBLA reaffirm its position of abolition of all age-of-consent laws and of other laws that violate the freedom of young people to control their own lives. ********************************************************************** In Liberation, Roy Roy Radow ...rutgers!cmcl2!panix!roy North American Man/Boy Love Association -For a packet containing a sample Bulletin, publications list and membership information send $1.00 postage to: NAMBLA Info, Dept.RR, PO Box 174, Midtown Station, NYC NY 10018.