Date: 06 Mar 95 19:10:00 MST From: (Chris Ryan) Frequently Asked Questions on How To Start Up A Log Cabin Club 1) There isn't a Log Cabin Club near me, how do I start up a club? First, get an interest group together. Then network to find other gay Republicans. Write or call Log Cabin Federation and let them know about your intentions. When the group has ten or more members, develop a set of by-laws for the organization. LCF has sample copies available. Next, collect national dues from each member (presently $10) and send this in, with a copy of the by-laws, and a letter requesting recognition as a Log Cabin Club to the national secretary. The President will call you with the good news in about a week or two. 2) What if I can't find 10 gay republicans in my area? Then become a member at large by sending in your national dues. Many times, gay Republicans are not connected with the subcultured gay community. Many see themselves as independent of the community. 3) Where do the national dues go? They cover the expenses of the leadership in the club. They pay for a quarterly newsletter and other mailings. They help fund the national convention