Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 09:14:16 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: PWAC to Honor Congressman Foley 1-A For Immediate Release July 6, 1999 Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida P.O. Box 1282 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302 (954) LCR-1995 PWAC TO HONOR CONGRESSMAN MARK FOLEY OTHERS APPRECIATIVE June 30th, Ft. Lauderdale. The Broward County People with AIDS Coalition (PWAC), an organization dedicated to serving and defending the rights of men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS, voted this evening to present an award of recognition to Republican Congressman Mark Foley of West Palm Beach for his efforts on behalf of HIV/AIDS funding and support. Robert Rosenthal, former president of BPWAC, has notified Representative Foley's DC office about the award and has invited the Congressman to the awards dinner which will be held on Sunday, October 17th at the Ft. Lauderdale Airport Sheridan. Tickets are $45.00/person and anyone interested in the event should contact the PWA Coalition at 2302 NE 7th Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, (954) 565-9119. Tom, Houston, President of the Coalition noted, in a conversation with Log Cabin Community Relations Director, Andy Eddy, that "this was a very fair and fully informative nomination and selection process and I'm very proud of the members of the PWAC board who made the system work in an open and productive forum." Jack Majeske, President of the Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida, was very pleased with the decision of the People With AIDS Coalition. He noted that, "Log Cabin DC has work with many Republicans on the Hill as part of the organization's national effort of addressing adequate Congressional support and funding for Ryan White and HOPWA. Mark Foley is a good man and the PWAs have made a fine choice." Bill Skeen, Florida AIDS Action (FLACC) network noted, "Foley's office has been very helpful to us this year,so I definitely think the award is appropriate." The Florida Gold Coast members and friends of BLCCF are very thankful and appreciative of this recognition and know that, regardless of political affiliation, the HIV virus does not discrimination when it attacks the men, women and children of this world in rapidly growing and unsuspecting numbers. Foley, like other concerned and caring representatives has not kept his head in the sand of indifference. -------------------------------------------------------------- End of Message 1-A -------------------------------------------------------------- A Jay Eddy