Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 19:07:40 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: Release: Gay Activist Want to "Out" Republicans For Immediate Release-July 28, 1996 Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida P.O. Box 1281, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33302 Contact: M. Warren, President MOVE TO "OUT" GAY REPUBLICANS WHO DID NOT ENDORSE DOMA The Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida has long supported the concept of "Full Domestic Partnerships" for non-heterosexuals while believing the concept of a traditional marriage is best laid to rest in the hands of religious institutions which treat this spiritual-bonding church ceremony as a sacrament. In August of 1995 Log Cabin Republicans passed a resolution at their national convention supporting Lambda Legal Defense Fund's position on the issue of equality of marriage rights in Hawaii. That matter has become a national battleground with many local Democratic and Republican Congressional Representatives endorsing marriage between a man and woman only. Then these same politicans confirmed the right of a state to deny same-sex marriages within its borders whether or not that union is legal in Hawaii or elsewhere. Obviously this issue has been blown out of proportion and there are divisions in both the heterosexual and non-heterosexual community as to the necessity of allowing such unions. Even if passed the debate will not end. Most likely the court will eventually have to slowly and meticulously litigate the matter. While long standing liberal Democrats like Rep. Peter Deutsch and Republicans like E. Clay Shaw voted to allegedly "defend the sanctity of marriage between husband and wife only," Rep. Hastings and others fully understood the long-term ramifications and the subliminal message being generated. A number of liberal gay Democratic activists and supportive gay liberal publications have suggested a campaign of "Outing" any gay woman or man holding elected office if he or she were not supportive of DOMA. This is not the position of the Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida because the approach generally targets Republican conservatives and not Democrats. Likewise many of these same activists who are willing to "out" their "oyxmoronic" sisters and brothers- obviously a form of blackmail typical of the "don't ask - don't tell military witch- hunts" -have too frequency blessed a waffling President for his lip service and denial while they were simulatneously betrayed by the wizardry of George Stephanopolis.