Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 23:58:49 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Letter from the President Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida M. Warren, Pres P.O. Box 1281, Ft. Lauderdale,Fl. 33302 (954) 563-3626 **************************************************************** DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS AN EQUAL RIGHT FOR ALL President Clinton has once again caved into the pressures of the politically active evangelical supremacist who continue to openly and subliminally advocate that gay women and men are demonic, evil and destined to destroy the fibre of the American family. They further suggest, under the agenda of "Reclaiming America for Christ," that non-heterosexuals cannot be entitled to full equality under the Constitution of the United States because they are a moral, ethical and spiritual abomination threatening this great nation. Affording ceremonial marriage rituals between two people, regardless of sexual orientation, is a right and privilege extended by any one of a number of religious institutions. Such liturgy is based on particular interpretations of an array of spiritual beliefs, laws and guarded historical traditions. Therefore, it is not government's job to determine which institution is religiously correct or incorrect regarding a number of religious rights and freedoms protected under the Constitution. In that divide lies the essence of "Freedom of Religion" vs "Freedom From Religious Persecution." In that separation is the heart of "one nation under God with liberty and justice for all." In that gap is the reality of "all" regardless of their God and their religious laws that either include and/or exclude equitably across the line. In that chasm is the reason why so many fled to these shores to escape the inquisitors and the horrors of religious persecution. The Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida rejects the skewed evangelical supremacists agenda within the party of Lincoln- as should fair minded Democrats in the party of Jefferson - where hard working, law abiding and tax paying citizens are inequitably treated because of their sexual orientation. How can there be equality if we exclude same sex protection under the law vis a vis licensing domestic partnerships be they heterosexual or homosexual women or men? Government must stay out of our private lives, bedrooms and issues in situations that deny equality. Don't Ask-Don't Tell was the cock that crowed once. "Don't Ask - You Can't Have" domestic partnerships is the foul that crowed twice. The members and friends of the GLBi community cannot afford a third "supremacist" crow of denial. They must work to extract promises for their political support- never subjugating the human needs of the community as some do and have- for a pledge of unrestrained commitment to waffling political back room dealers who forget forged promises once elected.