Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 09:33:35 -0500 From: Subject: CLINTON DEFENDS ANTI-GAY ADS, WILL NOT PULL THEM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: David Greer October 15, 1996 (202) 347-5306 CLINTON WON'T PULL AD Clinton-Gore Spokesman Says Anti-Gay Ad Will Continue to Run As Is (WASHINGTON) Despite rumors among gay Democratic activists that the Clinton-Gore campaign would soon alter, pull or repudiate an anti-gay radio ad running on Christian radio stations, a campaign spokesman defended the ad and confirmed that it would continue running unaltered. In an article in today's Washington Times, entitled "For Christian Radio, Clinton Changes Tune on Gays, Abortion," it was reported that the Clinton-Gore campaign "shrugged off" angry calls to shelve the radio ad. The article cited reports from gay and lesbian groups that the campaign might delete the portion of the ad which boasts of Clinton signing the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), but "Clinton campaign spokesman Joe Lockhart said there are no plans to alter the radio ads, which will run for 'a few more days.'" After boasting about Clinton signing the anti-gay DOMA, the ad concludes with the line: "President Clinton has fought for our values and America is better for it." "After flip-flopping on gay issues for four years, President Clinton seems to have made up his mind in the last days of the campaign to go anti-gay," said Richard Tafel, executive director of Log Cabin Republicans. "These ads reveal exactly where gays and lesbians stand in his vision of America -- we're completely expendable." Log Cabin Republicans is the nation's largest gay and lesbian Republican organization, with 52 chapters in 30 states and 10,000 members. #### Log Cabin Republicans Voice: 202/347-5306 E-mail: FAX: 202/347-5224 Home page: ***************************************************************** From: Date: 96-10-16 18:46:23 EDT .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- After angry complaints from gay rights advocates, the Clinton campaign on Wednesday replaced an ad running on religious radio stations that boasted of the president's signature on a bill banning gay marriages. Campaign spokesman Don Foley said the new 60-second spot was ``an improved version of the ad ... a more direct response to the scurrilous ad that the Dole campaign has been running.'' After Dole ads on some 70 stations suggested Clinton approved of certain types of late-term abortions, the Clinton campaign responded with a spot pointing out specific reservations led him to veto a bill that would have banned the procedure. The Clinton spot also touted his signing of the Defense of Marriage Act, in spite of earlier White House complaints that the Republicans' use of the issue amounted to ``gay baiting.'' The Human Rights Campaign, Log Cabin Republicans and other gay rights groups protested, and ACT Up threatened demonstrations and newspaper ads to criticize Clinton for the ad. ACT Up spokesman Steve Michael said the group was not satisfied with the campaign simply switching the ad, calling on Clinton to take out ads apologizing for the error. The new ad focuses criticism on Dole's new negative tack and deletes the reference to the gay marriage ban. ``There's a value we all teach our children and practice ourselves -- telling the truth,'' the ad says. ``Unfortunately, Bob Dole has resorted to untruths.'' AP-NY-10-16-96 1841EDT Copyright 1996 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without prior written authority of The Associated Press. ----------------------------------------------------------------- End of Message _________________________________________________________________