Date: Tue, 4 Jun 1996 09:52:00 -0400 (EDT) From: A Jay Eddy Subject: Band of LogCabin Republicans - 20th Century Alamo Stand Against State GOP Inequality - Send Letters of Support (fwd) SEND LETTERS OF SUPPORT TO: June 3, 1996 FAX 713-220-6575 Editor In Chief Houston Chronicle PO Box 4260 Houston, TX 77210 ***************************************************************** Release: Broward Log Cabin Club of Florida STAND OFF-SMALL BAND OF TEXAS GAYS DENIED ACCESS BY STATE GOP They have been surrounded from all sides and attacked by irrational conservatives and religious exclusionists but their "Twentieth Century Alamo Stand," -so typical of Texan independence and fire for freedom- inspires Log Cabin Progressive Republicans never to surrender in defeat to those who would take away their individual and God given Human Rights. They are strongly supported by caring and concerned citizens of this unique nation who stand-fast in the energizing rays cast by the torch of Independence fueled by our great Constitution. Undeniably its shining light of freedom protects those who fight the unjust repression of cruel force that would deny equality to all. M.Warren, Pres. BWD Log Cabin Club of Florida P.O. Box 1281, Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33302 (954) 563-3626