Date: Sun, 6 Aug 1995 18:57:23 -0400 From: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ ============================== ______________________________ ============================== Forum On the Right to Marriage Newsletter Number 1, July, 1995 227 Chelsea Street, E. Boston, MA 02128 (617) 569-9733 E-mail: FORMBOSTON@AOL.COM Gay Pride Thanks to everyone who visited our table at Boston pride! Over 100 people signed up for our mailing list, and hundreds more brochures and other materials were given out. It was great to talk with many of you, answering your questions as well as hearing your hopes and feelings about the future of marriage for our community. We were very pleased to have one of our first major "outings" go so well. It's Official! As of April 25th, we are officially incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts! This will allow us to more readily raise the funds necessary to continue and greatly expand our work through individual contributions (see below!) as well as nonprofit and corporate grants. ***FORM San Francisco/California *** Marty Lingg has started a chapter of FORM in the Bay Area. This makes FORM the only multi-state gay marriage organization in the country! Because marriage rights will have to be won at each state level, we are continuing to foster the development of FORM and other marriage groups in all fifty states. Through the Internet, organizers have already been mobilized in over twenty states. To supplement this effort, we are preparing a mailer to gay newspapers, magazines, as well as community organizations throughout the country. With your help, we will continue to expand until our dream of becoming a truly national organization is made a reality. HAWAII UPDATE The Baehr v. Lewin case in Hawaii is scheduled to be reheard on July 15th, 1995. A final ruling is not expected until mid-1997. The legal aspects of the case can be confusing, but they boil down to this: The burden of proof placed on the State of Hawaii to justify its discrimination against same-sex couples is so high, there is virtually no chance of it being met. Our same-sex plaintiffs are overwhelmingly likely to win! Far less predictable is what will happen after that: Will Hawaii attempt to enact a state constitutional amendment barring gay marriage? Will other states recognize Hawaii's same-sex marriages? Resolving these questions in our favor is, of course, the reason for this organization's formation. Lawsuits had been brought in other states as well, but these are on hold pending a final outcome of the Hawaii case. (If Hawaii goes our way it will set a positive precedent for bringing cases in other states.) Though some gay leaders have decided that the best approach is to wait, we believe this is far from settled. To paraphrase a famous economist, there are two kinds of gay leaders: Those who don't know what's going to happen, and those who don't know they don't know. We must remember that the Hawaii case came about independently of established gay rights organizations; indeed, prior Baehr's May, 1993 initial victory, many groups opposed it. FORM's plans for the immediate future: 1). Marriage Forums throughout Massachusetts and New England, soon to be scheduled. 2). Outreach to all fifty states. Providing materials and other help, local training and public speaking. 3). Speakers bureau. Outreach to "mainstream" and gay community organizations, larger events involving nationally-known gay leaders and others. 4). Media. Press release announcing FORM's formation. Stories, interviews, local responses to gay marriage events occuring nationwide, editorial columns, letters to the editor, etc. 5). Legislative action. Head off "conservative" efforts against gay marriage, draft bill specifically allowing for same-sex marriage. 6). Court challenges. Work with local lawyers in the preparation of a marriage case, assist those bringing cases in other states through informational, legal, financial, and other help. 7). Public education. Foster a discussion of marriage as a fundamental right. 8). Fundraising. Applying for grants from gay community and general charitable groups and foundations, as well as individuals. 9). Marriage announcements. Asking local and regional newspapers to publish our wedding announcements alongside heterosexual notices. . . . and much more! Boston Area Marriage Roundtable FORM is participating in a local coalition of groups working toward the same goal--marriage rights for the gay community. The first meeting, held in June, was very informative as well as promising. The roundtable plans to meet about once a month. Gay Marriage News Items Ithaca, New York The Mayor and City Council have agreed to issue a marriage license to gay couple Phillip Storrs and Toshov Greene. Legally, the Mayor has the authority to order the city clerk to issue one. However, it is unclear how New York State official will respond if and when a license is issued. FORM is keeping in touch with Ithaca residents involved in this issue, and we'll keep you updated as well. Alaska It appears that a same-sex marriage lawsuit may be filed in Alaska in the very near future. This would be the only case we are aware to be proceeding prior to a final resolution of the Hawaii case. Give us your stories! FORM is collecting stories by and about same-sex couples that illustrate the need for recognition of our relationships. Whether tragic or joyous, sad or wonderful, we want your experiences so that we can make the personal case for gay marriage. Now, we know many of you have some powerful tales to tell. We need these for legal briefs, as well as for general educational materials. You can get your stories to us in several different ways: -write us at our mailing address -e-mail us -send us a recorded audio or videotape However you care to communicate, we need your experiences! Of course, those who don't wish their names mentioned will have such wishes respected. The main thing is the stories, although at least a few actual names would be great to add as well. x x x x x x x x x x For those of you outside the Boston/Massachusetts area. . . Consider becoming involved in starting a FORM chapter where you are! You can do it! All it takes is a first discussion meeting to get things rolling--and we can help! Please write, call, or e- mail us for more info. Many of you have already, but many more are needed! Who are we, anyway? As FORM's organizers, we thought we would tell you a little bit about ourselves and our role in the organization: Jeffrey Atwood: I'm interested in taking the initiative here in Massachusetts by lobbying the state legislature. John Burrows: I live in Rockland with my partner John, where I own a company that specializes in historic designs. I'm interested in working on religious issues, including planning a forum on religion and same-sex marriage; networking with religious denominations and leaders to find allies; and preparing a list of each church's position on gay unions. I can also help with planning forums on the South Shore as well as Springfield. Ross Elliott: I'm a 35-year-old, single, pediatric nurse who has lived in Cambridge for thirteen years. I'm a member of the Boston Gay Men's Chorus, and am also FORM's Treasurer. I'm interested in working on religious issues, as well as doing graphic artwork for the group's flyers, etc. I believe it's time for the entire gay community to embrace the issue of marriage, and step up our efforts unapologetically. Our ability to be terrific parents, our right to adopt, and issues of child care are extremely important. I'm ready to dig in over the summer and fall to help out with all of FORM's efforts. Carol Flavin: I live in Medford and am interested in doing legal and legislative research. Rebecca Gorlin and Kim Shaw: We live in Brighton. Since our wedding in Waltham last September, we've collected a small library of resources on how to put a wedding together (including one book on how to get advice for a les/bi/gay wedding!), and we are happy to share pointers with whoever may be planning their own big event in the greater Boston area. We're also interested in working with local media to publish gay union announcements, as well as developing a logo for a banner, t-shirts, etc. Mary Ann Grim: I live in western Massachusetts, and will be able to help with marriage forums out here. Jeff Nickel: I'm the founder of FORM and will be working on all of these and other areas, as well as organizing through the internet. Lisa Ornberg: I live in southern Rhode Island, and will help in any way I can from here! Joe Pereira: I live in Boston with my lover Patrick. We started a small company to help couples who need a wedding/holy union coordinator. I'll be helping out with various FORM projects. Beverly Schwartz: Bev Schwartz is a software engineer and computer hacker who will give FORM computer support, as needed. Bev, and her wife Miriam, hope to be plaintiffs in a case against the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We would like our marriage recognized! Eden Stone: With my background in journalism and public relations, I hope to facilitate media coverage of FORM activities. At the very least, I can contribute written materials such as press releases and educational material. Maybe I'll even get a published article or two out of this. I'm interested in participating in the educational process as it unfolds in whatever way I can be of use. Steve Volgelsang: I live out here in the suburbs with my partner Cliff. I've volunteered to be part of the speaker's bureau and am working on a list of organizations to contact regarding speaking engagements, and have posted a message in the Issue Forum on Compuserve. I also volunteer with the Gay and Lesbian Helpline and have posted information regarding FORM there. Loralee Young: I live in Hingham, and am interested in providing legal support. David Zanone: I'm interested in general public education about why marriage is needed. I'm also able to do legal research as needed. FORM BUDGET Expenses Revenues Copying: 108.38 Honorarium: 150.00 Supplies: 77.04 (Boston College, Stamps: 291.55 2/16/95) Bay Windows ad: 125.00 Contributions: 205.00 Online computer service: 62.67 Les./Gay Law Notes subscription: 30.00 Incorp. fee: 35.00 Pride Table: 150.00 TOTAL: 879.64 355.00 As you can see, we're in urgent need of funds just to cover past and present basic expenses. We have spent this money gladly, and we believe, wisely. But in order to continue and greatly expand the work of this organization, funds are urgently needed. We know that many of you probably get numerous appeals from many worthwhile groups that serve both the gay and broader communities. But there is a great need to create same-sex marriage advocacy organizations at every state level. As many commentators have noted, national discussion of gay marriage likely to follow a final ruling in Hawaii will likely dwarf the gays in the military debate. Far from fearing this coming American dialogue, we welcome it. We believe that only an open discussion of the nature of our love and our relationships holds the promise of at last making gay men and women full participants in every aspect of American life. Please help us to begin building this national framework. Eventually, gay marriage must happen. But eventually could be a long time away indeed. Or, with your help, it could be sooner that many of us even imagine. Please help. (Please make checks payable to: Forum on the Right to Marriage (FORM), Incorporated.) . . .and it takes more than money. . . . . . . . . Brothers and sisters, can you spare some time? Although there are now several of us doing the organizational work for FORM, we still need many, many more hands, hearts, and minds. Everyone has something to contribute, whether it's providing legal help, designing a new brochure, or helping to get out a mailing. It really is a privilege for us to have the opportunity to be in on something so important virtually from the beginning. Please let us know if you're considering becoming a FORM organizer. . Marriage Material Available from FORM and How to Reach Us *Flyer *Law Review Summary *General Quotations *Hawaii Explication *Legal Summary *Marriage Law Chart *Marriage Resources *Timeline You can get these materials in several different ways: 1). The old-fashioned way; i.e., by mail. We are happy to mail copies of any material free of charge. 2). On the Internet's Worldwide Web (WWW): The Same-Sex Marriage page, as well as the Partners Task Force for Gay and Lesbian Couples, have agreed to make all of our public material available: -and- http:/ 3). On America Online: Look in the Gay and Lesbian Forum/Files area/New Uploads. These will probably soon be moved to the Legal Issues folder. 4). By sending an e-mail request to FORM: FORMBOSTON@AOL.COM Of course, all FORM materials can be freely copied and distributed widely. Please, do! ****************************  Yes, I believe in equal marriage rights.  Add me to your mailing list: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________  I can help with a donation of: $10 $25 $50 $100  other (Please make checks payable to: Forum on the Right to Marriage (FORM), Inc.)  I'm interested in becoming a FORM organizer.  Questions/Comments: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ We hope that you will become involved in FORM. But the most important thing, in whatever aspect of gay rights we may be involved in, is that we as gay people share with those around us the truth of our lives. FORM's activities can serve only as an adjunct to individual gay men, women, and young people willing to reach out and change the hearts and minds of the American people. Thanks for your interest and your continued assistance in helping to make marriage a reality for the gay community.