FACT SHEET SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND CHOICE * In the debate concerning the military's ban on lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals, there has been substantial confusion around the issue of sexual orientation and choice. Some supporters of the ban have argued that because the current biological inquiry into the origins of sexual orientation are still inconclusive, it is likely, still probable, or simply unknown whether homosexuality is a matter of choice. This is not true. * Psychological and psychiatric research concludes that sexual orientation is a core part of an individual's identity. For most people, sexual orientation, homosexuality or heterosexuality, is a central component of an individual's identity by early adolescence and this aspect of an individual's identity is not subject to external manipulation. What the current biological research is attempting to do, and what is still inconclusive, is to determine the origins of sexual orientation: Is it determined by biology or environment? * Dr. Gregory Herek, who recently testified before the House Armed Services Committee, summed up these conclusions in an article appearing in Law and Sexuality (Summer 1991): "The assertion that homosexuality is a choice that can be changed is erroneous for the vast majority of lesbians and gay men. Although the origins of sexual orientation are not well understood, neither heterosexuality nor homosexuality appear to represent a conscious choice for most people." * John C. Gonsiorek, perhaps the foremost authority on the issue of sexuality and choice, agrees. In his introductory chapter to Homosexuality: Research Implications for Public Policy, he says: "It might appear to outsiders that individuals going through this process have 'chosen' their homosexuality. We suggest that the term 'sexual preference' is misleading as it assumes conscious or deliberate choice and may trivialize the depth of psychological processes involved. We recommend the term 'sexual orientation' because most research findings indicate that homosexual feelings are a basic part of an individual's psyche and are established much earlier than conscious choice would indicate." * Chandler Burr in his recent article, "Homosexuality and Biology," The Atlantic Monthly (March 1993), came to the same conclusions. Burr stated that "psychiatry not only consistently failed to show that homosexuality was a preference, a malleable thing, susceptible to reversal, it also consistently failed to show that homosexuality was a pathology." * The American Psychological Association recently set forth its position on sexuality and choice in an amicus brief filed before the Supreme Court of Texas in the case of Texas v. Morales. The APA said that "sexual orientation generally is a characteristic over which individuals lack a substantial degree of control. To punish an individual for an essentially 'immutable' characteristic, based upon false stereotypes, when that characteristic is in no meaningful sense detrimental or harmful to society is arbitrary." * The APA also stated: "Sexual orientation is acquired at an early age, and thus it makes little sense to argue that the trait is voluntarily acquired." Further, the APA maintains that "Once established, homosexual orientation is highly resistant to change. Researchers generally agree that the majority of gay people are unable to change their sexual orientation, even if they wished to do so." * On the issue of whether people can change their sexual orientation, Douglas C. Halderman concluded in an article appearing in Homosexuality: Research Implications for Public Policy that "empirical studies fail to show any evidence that conversion therapies do what they purport to do: change sexual orientation." * The American Psychological Association's 'Fact Sheet on Reparative Therapy' opens with the following statement: "No scientific evidence exists to support the effectiveness of any of the conversion therapies that try to change sexual orientation." Bryant Welch, APA's executive director for professional practice, recently stated: "[these] research findings suggest that efforts to 'repair' homosexuals are nothing more than social prejudice garbed in psychological accoutrements." * The research is abundant and clear. Sexual orientation is not a matter of choice and it cannot be changed. Those who argue that the military can and should enforce its ban on lesbian, gay and bisexual soldiers because gay people can choose their sexual orientation ignores the wealth of scientific research in the area. Douglas Halderman put it well: "We do gay men and lesbians, and society as a whole, a disservice by perpetuating the myth that sexual orientation can be changed." * * * * Prepared by the Legal/Policy Department of the Campaign for Military Service. 2707 Massachussetts Ave, NW Washington, DC 20009. (202) 265-6666.