Date: 25 August 1993 Subject: What's wrong with the Religious Right From: (David Bruce, PhD; Member, Citizens Project) X-Copyright: Copyright (c) 1993 by David Bruce. This material may be freely copied and distributed for noncommercial purposes provided that this notice remains intact. Commercial use of this material requires prior written permission from the author. X-Disclaimer: THIS MATERIAL DOES NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE VIEWS OF CITIZENS PROJECT. IT IS PROVIDED SOLELY AS A SERVICE TO OUR PARTICIPANTS. Several months ago, on a bright, sunny Sunday afternoon, a young woman and middle aged man rang my doorbell. When I answered, the young woman somewhat nervously stated that they had come to confirm "the census" and asked if I would be "good enough" to participate. I was a little suspicious: "You mean the official U.S. census?" They both nodded affirmatively, so I asked the young woman "Where are you from?" I looked at her; she looked at the middle aged man and he smiled benevolently and said, "From your local neighborhood church." My suspicion grew; I couldn't help but ask the young woman, why she hadn't responded to my question, didn't she know where she was from? But never mind, confirming the census sounded like a civic-minded thing to do regardless of who was putting in the leg work, so I agreed to participate. "Alright, first question: 'Do you believe in God Almighty?" We had just exceeded my limit of tolerable deviance. As a Unitarian, I've actively encouraged tolerance and have developed a sincere personal appreciation for religious and cultural diversity. But I can't stand being lied to; I lost my temper: "There were no questions about God (Almighty or otherwise) on the census; I know; I filled it out; You're lying to me; Why would you lie? Did 'my local neighborhood church' send you here to lie to me? Does Jesus know what you're doing?" By the time I paused to take a breath, they were already half way down the walkway; she, near tears and he assuring her that I was possessed (or something like that). I had acted badly and I knew it; I was frustrated and disappointed with my own response. Clearly, they were in the wrong but what I had done probably just confirmed all their negative stereotypes of people, like me, who might not choose to attend their "local neighborhood church". Who were these "church" people, and what made them think they had the right to intrude on my Sunday afternoon under false pretenses? Over the next several months, my activities with Citizens Project allowed me a better understanding of what had transpired that afternoon. As you know, Citizens Project is a non profit group concerned about threats to public and private civil liberties posed by certain factions of the religious right. As a member of Citizens Project Board, I've had the opportunity to meet with senior executives from Focus on the Family, attend one of their "Community Impact" seminars and also talk with several other folks involved with "the religious right". Some of what I've discovered might interest you. Most of my information has been drawn from pamphlets and programs provided by one particular group: Focus on the Family. I hasten to point out that Focus is by no means the most extreme group on "the religious right". In fact, they speak very pejoratively of the "loose canons", "Bible-thumpers" and "bomb-throwers" whom they see as having gone "too far". I really think Focus expected those of us from Citizens Project they invited to attend their day-long Community Impact Seminar to return and reassure the rest of you that we had nothing to fear from Focus. They miscalculated. The Community Impact Seminar provided considerable evidence that Focus fully intends to impose their own "Christian solutions" on a wide variety of complex social problems. Claiming the scriptures as the "exclusive", "literal" and "inerrant" word of God, their agenda involves removing barriers between church and state and "re"establishing "Christian rule" in America. Although they've discovered that Christian television and radio programs provide a very effective way to connect "like-minded Christians", the seminar made it clear that social activism in local neighborhood churches is also necessary. Replacing traditional "works of mercy" with "a quest for justice" through locally-coordinated economic and political action transforms their fundamentalist, evangelical beliefs from a source of personal values and spiritual strength to a framework for social, political and judicial change. During the seminar, Focus made a number of theological, philosophical and historical claims concerning the identity of those who shared their views. Before suggesting how we might counter the threat I think they pose, it is important for you to understand who they really are. Spiritual Claims Theologically and spiritually speaking, Focus on the Family claims to represent traditional Christian beliefs and values. They paint themselves as somewhat moderate, mainstream representatives of the faith; however, even the surveys they used during the seminar presentations suggested that only a minority of Americans who "claim" to be Christians really accept the Bible as the exclusive, literal and inerrant word of God. A friend, who heads a Biblical Christian organization (seen by some as being even more conservative than Focus) was very quick to admit that the Bible is full of metaphors (i.e., it is not literal). While there are many who claim to be Christians who insist that the Bible is the only (i.e., exclusive) divine revelation, many others accept the possibility that other great religious works also contain revelation and enlightenment. Many such moderate Christians are embarrassed by the dogmatic and exclusive perspectives put forward by groups such as Focus and are eager to disassociate themselves from such groups. In his book, Evil: the Shadow Side of Reality, author John Sanford recounts the story of the grand inquisitor from Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov. Basically, Christ has returned to earth and the grand inquisitor has had him thrown in prison. It's not that the grand inquisitor believes Jesus is an imposter; the grand inquisitor accuses Jesus of having come back to disturb and disrupt the work the church has been carrying out in his name. The inquisitor claims that the church has "corrected" Christ's teachings which had placed on mankind the impossible burden of being free but which led to too much misery. The church had lifted this burden of freedom so that people could be happy. Needless to say, Sanford as well as many others who call themselves Christians do not share the grand inquisitors perspective. As Sanford suggests: The greatest ethical value, according to Jesus, is to become a free person, and this means a conscious person... When we are told to conform to a standard of goodness imposed by collective authority, and to repress everything from our consciousness that contradicts this, we have lost our freedom; we are no longer conscious people responsible for ourselves. But in Jesus' ethic man is left with the alternatives life poses, the problem of his own duality and the necessity for psychological honesty. Growth in consciousness is valued more highly by Jesus than conformity to "goodness." Freedom is of the highest psychological value, because this alone makes possible the development of consciousness and love. (p.83) Focus' implicit insistence on accepting a particular interpretation of scripture as the literal and inerrant "truth" obviates individual conscious decision making. The perspective taken by the grand inquisitor and Focus on the Family requires individual cognitive abstinence. However, it is unfair to blame Christianity itself for the imposition of mind-numbing servitude as the price of salvation. There are still grand inquisitors among us but many modern Christians I know are much more comfortable with the perspective Sanford expresses. One last point to be made involves the claim of the "inerrancy" of the scriptures. The belief that a work as extensive and eclectic as the Bible is without error necessarily rests on the assumption that the work itself is without internal contradiction. However, when we read in Matthew 5:9: "Blessed are the peacemakers", it is a little disconcerting to read Jesus' words several chapters later (Matthew 10:34) "Think not that I come to send peace on earth, I come not to send peace but to send a sword." Similarly there appears to be an inconsistency between the admonition in Matthew (26:52) that "All that take the sword shall perish by it." and the direction in Luke (22:36) that "He who hath no sword, let him sell his garments and buy one". However, it is in Luke (6:27) where Jesus tells his disciples to "Love thine enemies; do good to them that hate you" but John (2:15) tells that in dealing with his own enemies (the money changers in the temple), Jesus "made a scourge of small cords and drove them out of the temple ... and poured out the changer's money and overthrew their tables" (tough love perhaps?). In an attempt to understand Focus on the Family's support of Amendment 2, a friend of mine called and asked for Biblical references for their position. She was referred to the story of Lot and the Sodomites in the book of Genesis. Here's how the story goes: two angels were visiting Lot one afternoon, when a rowdy crowd from nearby Sodom came by and demanded that Lot send out the young men that they (the Sodomites) might know them (in the Biblical sense). Being a man of high virtue who loved God, Lot resisted and said "No; ...take my young daughters instead." Several chapters later, the young daughters exact their revenge by getting Lot drunk and partying with him all night long (in the modern sense of the word). We all know what God did to Sodom (and Gomorrah as well) and I suspect if one accepts the Bible as the "exclusive", "literal" and "inerrant" word of God, one might consider this story as a legitimate basis for denying gays and lesbians the right to protection from discrimination. However, what is less clear is how one might avoid taking this same story as an indication of God's support for child prostitution and incest. The point of all this is that Focus's claim that the Bible is the exclusive, literal and inerrant word of God is much farther than most contemporary Christians want to go; and claiming that this view is representative of most Christians or even necessary is simply untrue. Philosophical Claims From a philosophical perspective, Focus on the Family claims they represent objectivism, the approach shared by "Aristotle, Christianity and 20 centuries of Western Culture". However, once again there is Quite a gulf between their claim and reality. Since Aristotle died nearly 500 years before the scriptures were collected into anything resembling a New Testament, it hard to argue he believed that they were the exclusive, literal and inerrant work of God (but perhaps I'm becoming too literal). There is, in fact, a philosophical approach known as objectivism within which Aristotle fits. Technically speaking, Focus' belief in the literal inerrancy of scripture also does qualify for inclusion in this category. However, since others in this category also include the modern writer Ayn Rand and the late, great, 18th century German philosopher Immanual Kant, characterizing the Focus philosophy as "objectivist" is like calling a tomato a fruit; although technically true, it is clearly not representative of the category. In fact the closest I came to finding a philosophical category which was consistent with Focus's approach was scholasticism. This movement dominated Western Culture from the 9th until the 17th century. It combined a fixed religious dogma with the mystical and intuitional tradition of patristic philosophy in an attempt to document natural evidence consistent with pre-existing religious assumptions. Human reason was not employed to discover truth but to explore, explicate, and defend scriptural truths that were already known. These "truths" themselves were not subject to scrutiny, doubt or inquiry (this would have been "heresy"). Historically speaking, this approach formed the basis for canon law and feudalism and ushered in the Dark Ages, the Spanish Inquisition and was exemplified by the conduct of the Salem witch trials. The folks at Focus also took great pains to distinguish themselves from all the philosophical "isms" they felt were responsible for mankind's spiritual and ethical demise: empiricism, relativism, and subjectivism. They did not, however, admit that their rejection of empiricism as "an inherently unstable philosophical position" also meant the rejection of the scientific method which has been so essential to the advance of western technology and culture over the last 500 years. They also did not pursue the implications of their suggestion that "tolerance" was the evil consequence of relativism and subjectivism. (I wonder what modern miracles they expect "intolerance" to create in our community.) Thus far, I've argued that the Focus approach represents neither Christianity nor Objectivism; let's take a closer look at where they claim to have come from. Historical Claims To quote directly from their glossy Community Impact Curriculum: "(1) we were a Christian nation at one time and (2) forsaking that heritage was a big mistake" (p.16). At the seminar, an impressive sequence of dramatic recordings of the words of our founding fathers were used to create the impression that these 18th century patriots would have much rather formed a Bible study circle than founded a democracy (which one of the speakers referred to a little disdainfully as "majoritarianism"). It was argued that most of the words, thoughts and ideas contained in the Constitution were actually of Biblical origin and the separation of church and state was revealed to be a very recent and completely unprecedented misinterpretation of a casual phrase Jefferson once used in an obscure letter to a friend. The words of John Jay, first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court were offered as being much more representative of the perspective shared by our founding fathers: "Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for its rulers" (p.19) In an earlier article, Hocus Focus, I present a number of historical quotations which directly contradict this claim. From Franklin's "lighthouses are more useful than churches", to John Adam's dissertation on Canon and Feudal Law which vehemently warns of the danger of intertwining issues of church and state, to Thomas Paine's tirades against the Bible and hierarchically-imposed religious beliefs and Thomas Jefferson's authorship of a his own New Testament which deliberately omits the resurrection and ascension, it is clear that many of "our founding fathers" would have been just as uncomfortable with Focus' current approach as you and I are. In particular, the implication that these men were the kind of Christians who would be attentively tuned to Dr. Dobson every afternoon seems unimaginable. They were certainly men of high moral character, sincerely committed to creating a system which promoted life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but there were few Focus-style fundamentalists or grand inquisitors among them. The Current Situation So the Focus approach is neither Christian nor Objectivist and is without the historical foundation they assert. Nonetheless, groups like this on the religious right represent a force to be reckoned with, both nationally and locally. Nationally, these groups were featured prominently at the Republican Convention (and some have suggested with disastrous electoral consequences). Television evangelist, Pat Robertson, who already controls two television networks and numerous radio stations, recently offered to purchase United Press International. Our own local Focus on the Family grosses 10's of millions of dollars annually. During a tour of their facilities, they told us they receive 10,000 letters and 2,000 phone calls daily and respond to every one in less than 5 working days. Locally, Focus employs over 900 employees, all of whom have accepted a statement of fundamentalist religious beliefs as a condition of employment. And as I suggested previously, Focus is by no means the most extreme of the groups on the religious right. Over 50 other national, evangelical or fundamentalist "Christian" organizations already have headquarters here in Colorado Springs and reports suggest that more are on their way. Our Response What can we do? We can't ignore them - we and those we care about have too much to lose. We can't fight them - letting our anger and frustration out plays directly into the hands of our adversaries; they strive to be models of good citizenship; they've learned a lot from the likes of Hargis, Swaggert and Baker; it's unlikely they'll get caught with their fingers in the cookie jar. We can't even join them - their loyalty oath would exclude most of us. Even dialog with them is problematic; their views and values render them untrustworthy. Their standard of truth is scriptural consistency, not objective, empirical evidence or logical coherence. As our experience with the campaign they waged in support of Amendment 2 attests, they are ready, willing, and able to misrepresent themselves and their beliefs for the purposes of social or political expediency. We are unlikely to change them; we must accept responsibility for changing ourselves. There is little we can do directly to persuade them that sex education does not encourage promiscuity, condoms do not spread Aids, the legal availability of abortions do not increase teenage pregnancies, homosexuals are not out to recruit their children, humanists are not out to destroy their families and tolerance is not really a dirty word. These are their beliefs and we can't change them until they start looking at evidence and listening to reason. As I said, what we can change is ourselves: we must become VITAL. We must renew our commitment to be active participants in a free and constitutional democracy; we must reclaim our roles and responsibilities as "citizens". For me, each of the five letters in the word VITAL serves as a reminder for what I must do to contribute as a citizen: V - Visible; I - Informed; T - Truthful; A - Accountable and L - Liberal. Thomas Jefferson once said all tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. The two-to-one margin of victory Amendment 2 received in this community has given license to some to openly express their narrow-minded and hate-filled bigotry in even public settings and over the public airways. When we sit silently; others assume we're condoning or concurring with these opinions. The voice of love and reason are soft but extremely powerful. Living in this town gives each of us many opportunities to exercise or commitment to traditional values such as liberty, tolerance and cultural diversity. Each of us must become more Visible. Some of you may have heard of Ruth Williams, a therapist who was viciously attacked early one Saturday morning in her office. After she had been knocked unconscious, Mace was sprayed in her face, shoes and socks, religious slogans were spray painted on the walls of her office, crosses scratched on her hand and back, a knife stuck the last edition of Freedom Watch to her door and the Celebrate Diversity bumper sticker on her car covered with spray paint. I don't know Ruth, but Doug and Amy were in contact with her to provide Citizens Project's support. At the end of the initial conversation, Amy asked Ruth, "Is there anything at all you need that we might be able to provide?" After a short pause, Ruth replied, "Could I get another bumper sticker?" Being courageous is not enough; we also must be Informed. Without knowledge, we might even find ourselves being persuaded by the simple solutions the religious right proposes. Equally dangerous is the problem of automatically opposing any position simply on the knowledge that it has been proposed by the religious right. We cannot let others do our thinking for us. What kind of God would give us a mind and not expect us to use it? We must learn to cherish our doubts and actively seek answers to our questions by conducting our own research and constructing our own arguments. Some of the material put out by the religious right contains useful data and revealing arguments. Its hard to form our own opinions if we are unfamiliar with alternative arguments and perspectives. It is, however, a mistake to take their publications at face value: they will not hesitate to cite articles that have never been published or ones written by PhDs who've been censored by professional societies for academic fraud; they lift quotations out of context to distort their meaning; and often seek only the most outrageous representatives or spokes-persons to characterize the views of those who oppose them. Isn't it appropriate to fight fire with fire? Shouldn't we put our heads together and create the most compelling counter-arguments to their claims in order to persuade the masses of their infamy? Before you say "yes!", stop for a moment and consider your assumptions about other human beings. If you share the assumptions of these new age grand inquisitors, then such a strategy might make sense. Their religion teaches that humankind is naturally sinful and incapable of thoughtful reflection. Time and again at the Community Impact Seminar we were reminded that most of us can't really think but can "only rearrange our prejudices". On the other hand if you begin with more positive assumptions about humankind, then creating misleading propaganda is inconsistent. As Marshall McLuan suggested: the medium is the message; and we must be consistent; we must be honest; we must be Truthful. We must make every effort to listen objectively to evidence from all sources and fairly represent both sides of arguments and alternative positions. We cannot resist religious tyranny by ourselves becoming narrow-minded bigots. (Besides someone must teach the religious fanatics the importance of ethical behavior to a free society.) We must also be Accountable. Although we may not agree that being human is synonymous with being sinful, we also recognize that it is not the same as being perfect. Making mistakes seems to be one of the most common characteristics of the human condition (at least as I've experienced it). When mistakes occur we must admit them and then work to redress any harm we have done. Unlike, those on the religious right who don't make mistakes because the Bible is the absolute, exclusive and inerrant word of God (and they have many worthy clergy to interpret it for them); we're stuck with having to make decisions under considerable uncertainty. Our knowledge is often incomplete and our principles somewhat fallible. Once we accept responsibility for making our own decisions, we also become responsible for monitoring the social and human consequences of those decisions. Life is complicated and sometimes things don't go as we intended them to; when that happens we can't ignore our responsibility or blame the outcome on metaphysical others. A willingness to be personally accountable for our decisions is another requisite of democratic citizenship. And finally we must become more Liberal. I realize this word has many meanings, some of which have unpleasant or even pejorative connotations for some of you. What I mean by becoming more liberal is loving liberty more fully and completely; recognizing that whatever rights we might claim for ourselves we must gladly bestow on others. It also means accepting diversity and working to create systems where women and men of all backgrounds, skin colors and sexual orientations can live together in peace. Becoming more liberal requires us to become more positive in our expectations and more affirming, supportive and loving in our interactions. Loving liberty means reclaiming our national heritage and actively working with others to create communities which reflect the ideals on which this nation was founded. The Religious Right is wrong; becoming vital is not only our right, it is our responsibility.