Bisexual Resource List BISEXUAL RESOURCE LIST ELECTRONIC MAILING LISTS AusGBLF A gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgender & friends list for more serious discussion of queer related topics, announcements etc. To subscribe send e-mail message to Leave Subject: header blank and put the following command in the body of the message: subscribe ausgblf your e-mail address BNNJ BiNet New Jersey. Mostly announcements. To join, send mail to . Contributions to: Channel Q Up-to-the-minute action alerts and news, via email, from lesbigay organizations such as GLAAD, NGLTF, Project 21, the Gerber/Hart Library and more. To subscribe, send email to with one of the following subject headings: SUBSCRIBE or SUBSCRIBE DIGEST OzBi A list for Australian bisexuals and those interested in bisexuality. Overseas bisexuals are welcomed. To subscribe send e-mail message to with the following command in the body of the message: subscribe ozbi your e-mail address OzChat A gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgender & friends list for less serious discussion, chatting, fun, gossip etc. To subscribe send e-mail message to with the following command in the body of the message subscribe ozchat your e-mail address PFLAG-Talk and PFLAG-Announce Unmoderated discussion list and moderated announcement list for people all over the world who have friends or family members who are gay or lesbian to share personal experiences, to provide support, or to help list members find resources in their own communities. This list is sponsored by PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), but you do not need to be a member of PFLAG to participate. The charter of PFLAG also includes bisexual people and their parents, and has recently begun outreach into the transgender community (see Tgs-Pflag.) They suggest that all subscribers to pflag-talk also subscribe to pflag-announce. To subscribe to both pflag-talk and pflag-announce, send a single message to with these two lines in the body of your message: subscribe pflag-talk subscribe pflag-announce Tgs-Pflag This is a list for people all over the world who have friends or family members who are transgendered. We also welcome the participation of those in the tg community who are concerned with issues of parental/familial acceptance. To subscribe, send the following command in email to subscribe. To switch from individual messages to digest format, send email to with a body of subscribe tgs-pflag-digest unsubscribe tgs-pflag APANet Mailing list for Asian Pacific Americans and anyone who is interested in them and their issues. To subscribe, send email to with the message: subscribe apanet BiAct-L Announcements and discussions of bisexual activism. To subscribe, send a message to with the following in the message body: sub biact-l Your Name Directions for posting to the list will be sent to you when you are added to the list. To unsubscribe or suspend your biact-l mail, send one of the following commands to unsub biact-l OR set biact-l nomail BiFem-L Discussions by bi and bi-friendly women [only]. To subscribe, send a message to with no subject line and the following message body: subscribe bifem-l your full name You will receive an acknowledgement of your message, and will later receive a message welcoming you to the list and explaining how to post messages. The list volume is 80-100 messages per day. binl-l Bisexuality discussion in Dutch. To subscribe, send e-mail to with the following command in the message body (the Subject: line is ignored): subscribe binl-l Bisexu-L Discussions by bisexuals and bi-friendly people. To subscribe, send a message to with no subject line and the following message body: subscribe bisexu-l your full name You will receive an acknowledgement of your message, and will later receive a message welcoming you to the list and explaining how to post messages. The list volume is 45-50 messages per day. A digest form (2-3 mail messages per day, each a packet of messages received that day) is available to reduce the number of mail messages. Instructions for switching to the digest form are included in the welcome message you receive when you are added to the list. BiThry-L Discussions of bisexuality and gender theory. To subscribe, send a message to with the following in the message body: sub bithry-l Your Name Directions for posting to the list will be sent to you when you are added to the list. To unsubscribe or suspend your bithry-l mail, send one of the following commands to unsub bithry-l OR set bithry-l nomail Biversity Boston area announcement list. This is not a discussion list. Subscriptions to, announcements to CD-Forum Support of cross-dressing, transsexuality, and other gender issues. A "safe space", digested electronic mailing list for friendly and frank discussions. No membership fees. Your address will be kept in strict confidence. Articles you submit for publication in the forum are stripped of header and signature id unless you instruct me otherwise. To subscribe, please send a short paragraph describing your interest in cd forum, and where you heard of it, to You will be requested to submit an introductory article within one month of your subscription. You can also subscribe via WWW: Novyj forum dlja RUSSKOJAZYCHNYH LES, BI i GEJev: Dlja vkljuchenia v list ili chtoby uznat' o nem podrobnee, pishite (ne objazatel'no po-russki :) na adres: . Avtomaticheskogo listservera poka net, tak chto vozmozhna zaderzhka podpiski na 2-3 dnja. Vy poluchite izveshchenie o vkljuchenii v list. Dobro pozhalovat'! Gala. For English readers: A new LES-BI-GAY-oriented mailing list for RUSSIAN speakers on the net. To get more info and/or to get subscribed let you send a letter to the address: . You should concisely introduce yourself to get subscribed. You will get a notice when you will be put on the list (this is not automated yet, so 2-3 day delay may occur). You are welcome for friendly conversation (_Primarily_in_Russian_!) Eagle Gays in the Boy Scouts of America. Send subscription requests to and contributions to Euro-Queer is a list devoted to communication among European l/b/g/t activists, organizations and individuals. It has a specific focus on queer euro-news and euro-activism, but it is also a forum for general l/b/g/t discussion. To subscribe, send a mail message to: with the first (not subject) line of the message: subscribe euro-queer-digest (for the digest) or subscribe euro-queer (for separate messages). Euro-Queer-Studies is a list devoted to communication among European l/b/g/t researchers and students involved or interested in queer studies. Researchers and students are encouraged to contribute with information about their present projects, as well as with all kind of other information relevant to the purpose of this list. To subscribe, send a mail message to: with the first (not subject) line of the message: subscribe euro-queer-studies Gay-Libn Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Librarians Network. To join the list and receive mailings: At Bitnet nodes, send mail or an interactive message to listserv@uscvm with the text sub gay-libn firstname lastname (no punctuation, no other text). At other nodes, send mail to with the text sub gay-libn firstname lastname (no punctuation, no other text). GayMormon An email mail group has been created for gay Mormons and their friends for the discussion of the many issues that gay members of the Mormons church face with family, friends, the LDS church, and trying to become part of the gay community. This group is made up of gay Mormons with varying degrees of involvement in the gay community and/or the LDS church. It is meant to serve as a safe space for gay mormons who may feel isolated, to correspond with others facing similar issues. If you or someone you know is interested in joining, sent a note to GayNet LesBiGay issues. To join, send mail to . GLB-News LesBiGay-related news and information. To join send mail to or listserv@brownvm.bitnet with the following message body: Subscribe GLB-NEWS Your Name Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual People of Color mailing list. GLQSOC-L Gay/lesbian/queer social science email list. To subscribe, send email to listserv@bingvmb.bitnet or with the following command in the message body (the Subject: line is ignored): sub glqsoc-l Your Name LUTI (LesBiGay Christians) For information, send an email message (from Internet) to with the subject line: Subject: LUTI, yes NE-Social-motss Announcements about social (and not social) events in the North East (United States, from New Jersey up to Maine) that are of interest to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trangendered people. To subscribe, send mail to with the following command in the body of the message (the Subject: line is ignored): subscribe ne-social-motss NJ-motss and nj-motss-announce Mailing list for discussing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered, issues/etc. in New Jersey. Topics vary, but are mostly about happenings in the area. Messages are tagged as either "announcements" or non-announcements. To subscribe, send mail to with the following command in the body of the message (the Subject: line is ignored): subscribe nj-motss OR subscribe nj-motss-announce Poly (formerly "triples") Mailing list on polyamorous relationships. To subscribe, send email to with the following command in the body of the message (the Subject: line is ignored): subscribe poly Profemen Men's issues in a (pro-)feminist environment. Bi men & women are welcome. Subscription to: (Jason). QueerCampus is a list devoted to organizing and networking among the l/g/b/o campus communities world-wide. It will be a means to foster communication in an inexpensive manner between lgb activists, student leaders, organizations and individuals committed to making all campuses more queer and queer-friendly. To join the QueerCampus mailing list send a message to with a one line message: subscribe queercampus Spouse Support Mailing List (SSML) An Internet mailing list in both standard and digest formats for straight spouses and their bisexual partners who are trying to make their marriages survive and thrive. Membership is moderated and confidential. To Subscribe send a mail message to with the following command in the message body (the Subject: line is ignored): subscribe spouse-support OR subscribe spouse-support-digest TG-DISCUSS, TG-SPIRIT A free-form conference for discussion, debate and discourse on transgender issues/spirituality. Members of all religions are welcome, although the list is not to be used as a forum for the proselytization of a particular religion and/or its dogma. To subscribe to TG-DISCUSS or TG-SPIRIT, send email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM with the message SUBSCRIBE LISTNAME YOURNAME Transgen For people interested in gender and transgender. Send an email message to with only the message subscribe transgen Your Name UK-MOTSS Lesbian, bisexual and gay network community. Requests for information may be obtained automatically by sending a message to with the subject send misc/info. (c) 1996 Bisexual Resource Center . Last uploaded on June 16, 1996.