Office Location: Bisexual Resource Center 95 Berkeley Street, Suite 613 Post Office Box 639 Boston, MA 02116, USA ______ Cambridge, MA 02140, USA 617-338-9595 ______ Board of Thank you for your interest in bisexuality, bisexual Directors people and bisexual issues! The Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) is a non-profit Michael Beer educational organization which provides resources on bisexuality. BRC provides educational services and Alan Hamilton materials, including: o Telephone information and referral services for Bobbi Keppel information and resources on bisexuality, and to support groups and services for bisexuals and their families and Laura Perez friends. o Publish the International Directory of Bisexual Groups Susan Rooney to facilitate contact with and between organizations which specifically support bisexuals. (See order form on opposite side.) o Publish information about bisexuality and sexual Advisory Board orientation. (See order form on opposite side.) Areas Representeo Maintain the Bisexual Archives of newsletters, articles, books, magazines, and tapes of radio and video programs on bisexuality, for scholarly research. Maine/ o Bisexual speakers and contacts for speaking New Hampshire engagements and consulting with student groups, community organizations, corporations, professional Vermont organizations, etc. o Contacts for interviews and articles for magazines, Boston / Easternnewspapers, radio and television shows, documentaries, Massachusetts etc. o Sponsor conferences and retreats on bisexuality. Western o Consult with researchers on bisexuality, sexual Massachusetts identity, AIDS, and other issues related to bisexuality. o Consult with and sponsor organizations writing grants Upstate to provide education and services related to New York bisexuality. New York City/Most of our work is supported by individual donations. New Jersey Please make a tax-deductible contribution so that more services and updated literature are available. Connecticut To receive items, fill out the order form and return it with your payment to our post office address. Please send Pennsylvania U.S. currency only. All prices are postpaid (we pay shipping.) Please allow time for delivery, as we are an District of all-volunteer organization. For bulk orders, contact our Columbia office by phone or by mail. The International Directory of Bisexual Groups is updated twice each year. We will Florida send you the current edition when we get your order. Sincerely, BRC ORDER FORM (1993/12/30) Name: __________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________ City: _________________________ State/Province/etc: ____________ Postal Code: _______________ Country: _______________ Bisexual Resource List _____ @$ 5 $ ____ International Directory of Bisexual Groups: Book _____ @$ 5 $ ____ Macintosh 3-1/2-inch disk @ $25 $ _____ ____ PC-compatible 3-1/2-inch disk _____ @ $25 $ ____ Mailing Labels (450) @ $10 $ _____ ____ Pamphlets: (Original for duplication: $10 each, Single copies: $1) Package: One copy of each pamphlet @ $5 $ _____ ____ A Brief History of the Bisexual Movement _____ @ $ ____ Bisexuality @ $ _____ ____ Bisexuality: Some Questions Answered _____ @ $ ____ 50 Steps To Bisexual Visibility @ $ _____ ____ Bisexual Books Of 1991 bibliography _____ @ $ ____ Bisexual Books Of 1992 bibliography @ $ _____ ____ Bi-Bliography (suggested readings) _____ @ $ ____ How To Start A Bisexual Support Group @ $ _____ ____ Myths About Bisexuality _____ @ $ ____ Why Gay & Lesbian Organizations Include Bisexuals @ $ _____ ____ Safer Sex _____ @ $ ____ Using The Klein Scale To Teach About Sexual Orientation @ $ _____ ____ LesBiGay and Transgender Glossary _____ @ $ ____ Retreat And Conference Budgeting @ $ _____ ____ Lambda Rising's bibliography of bisexual books @ $5 $ _____ ____ Package: Bisexual Resource List, International Directory of Bisexual Groups, bibliography, and all pamphlets @ $15 $ _____ ____ Buttons: Bisexual Pride @$ 2 $ _____ ____ VisiBIlity _____ @$ 2 $ ____ Books: Closer To Home: Bisexuality and Feminism _____ @ $15 $ ____ Your donation helps to make all this possible. Thanks! $ ____ All prices postpaid. U.S. currency only! Total $ ____