Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 18:02:32 -0600 From: Kevyn Jacobs To: Multiple recipients of list GLB-NEWS Subject: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL GLB EDUCATION RESOURCES [SEND RESPONSES TO: Christopher Renner RESPONSES SENT TO THE LIST WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU.] AIMLGC and AIUSA's Human Rights Educators network have created a curriculum on gay and lesbian human rights issues for secondary schools. The sample lessons in the curriculum include participation in exercises designed to stimulate critical social thinking about how attitudes about homosexuality are created and sustained in US society, as well as more traditional readings and response work. The focus is on making gay and lesbian rights a part of human rights paradigm, and sample lessons for English, Social Studies, and Health classes are included. The curriculum was distributed a to educators at the Annual Meeting of AIUSA in June 1994 for field testing, and will be revised and finalized later this year. If there are any interested teachers or AI members who would like to give it to a teacher they know, contact Ms. Vienna Colucci at the Midwest AIMLGC office, TEL. 312-427-2060.