Press Release - February 16, 1996 Contact: Karl Clark, Exec.VP AmFedVets - (954) 782-1095 P.O. Box 1281, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302 "We Are One" THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF VETERANS Veterans Hall 240 Broadway, New York City, N.Y. "An Alliance for Equality of Rights" Friday, February 16th, Ft. Lauderdale. The Metropolitan Community Church local Board of Directors and Rev. Grant Lynn Ford, Pastor of the MCC Sunshine Cathedral, received a ground swell of support from the local South Florida MCC congregation who approved the purchase, relocation and development plans for a new complex that will not only be a home for the church but a center for outreach and community sharing. Karl Clark, National Executive Vice President of the American Federation of Veterans and a church member noted "this vision will take our community into the Twentyfirst Century and beyond. It's a dream for all of us, especially for those who have been abandoned and hurt by distortions of who and what we are. We will be included. No one will be excluded because of affiliation, having or not having a particular religious conviction." Andrew Eddy, President of the Sunshine Athletic Association, noted that the members of the SAA Tri-County Council of Clubs have long awaited the fruition of this inspiring vision. His only regret was that "David Lee, a key figure in SAA's historical development, was not at his side mutually sharing this exciting moment of time. MCC has given us so much without ever asking anything in return and SAA has grown since its inception in 1981 knowing that they can depend upon the MCC in any time of need." Individuals from the Log Cabin Club, P-FLAG, SAGE, GUARD, Dignity, BWMT, The Stonewall Library, Poverello, Think Life, PWA Coalition, the Tuesday Night Group, the Community Center, etc. were all well wishes. Dan Murphy of Dignity noted, "we are wit- nessing the reality of truth in that "We Are All God's Children." The Complex which will exceed 150,000 square feet is located on Oakland Park Boulevard and has parking for over 1,000 cars. The initial cost of 6 plus million dollars has been covered in pledges. Other pledges have been made to care for two years of operating costs. Rev. Grant Ford when asked how much could the project eventually cost out at stated "as much as 25 million dollars but that's only if we do all that has been envisioned." He addressed projects such as a senior center, health-fitness center, Theater, etc. The Rev. Ford is the Chaplain to the Florida Gold Coast GLB Veterans an affiliate of the American Federation of Veterans.