Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 11:27:00 EST From: (MR ANDREW B EDDY) Subject: Re: PresidencyIII-Buchanan sneers at GAY PRESS RELEASe "We Are One" AMERICAN FEDERATION OF VETERANS "An Alliance for Equality of Rights" Veterans Hall - Suite 811 346 Broadway -New York, New York Contact: Karl Clark, Executive Vice President American Federation of Veterans (305) 782-1095 e-mail FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOVEMBER 17, 1995 ============================================================ ============== PAT BUCHANA'S RAG-TIME BAND PLAYS ON Friday November 17, Orlando Florida, Westridge Middle School. Once again, Pat Buchanan echoes the rhetoric of the extreme evangelical fundamentalist right, sneering at equality of rights for gay women and men who ask nothing more than what "we fought for 'one nation under God with liberty and justice for all,'" stated Karl Clark National Vice President for the American Federation of Veterans. "Many of our members were and are Green Berets. German Lopez, our AmFedVets National President is a Purple Heart, Silver and Bronze Star decorated Nam Green Beret. How dare these exclusionists play 'The Ballad of the Green Berets' and proclaim that we, because of our sexual orientation, have no equality of rights to their God nor a place at this Nation's decision making table," he exclaimed further. It's time for America to wake up and expose this "ragging" for what it really means and really is. It's time to secure solutions to the real problems of a nation under siege and not legitimize distortions at the expense of an escapegoat minority using biblical misquotes and mind-altering interpretations which refute that "We Are All God's Children." It's time that we open the doors of equality for all and close the gates to special rights for a majority as dictated by a church through state. "It's time for our politicians to earn our votes and not just expect them." It's time for them to separate the good message from the hate and to walk away from those who have only self-serving motives. It's time to expose that which is fallacious "born again distorted rhetoric" and strip it from the heads and backs of innocent victims.