Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 11:08:42 -0800 (PST) From: Jus'FeelSoAlone Subject: (Fwd from dq-la) Survey Says...! I was poking around on the web last night, and stumbled across the following from Georgia Tech: "This is the main document for the Graphic, Visualization, & Usability Center's (GVU) 7th WWW User Survey. GVU runs the Surveys as public service and as such, all results are available online (subject to certain terms and conditions). The 7th Survey was run from April 10, 1997 through May, 1997 and was endorsed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)" "What are the sexual preferences of users? This is the first time we asked users to tell us about their sexual preference. Of those users who responded, 92.61% stated that they are heterosexual [out of 19,970 respondents]. This corresponds roughly to the proportions reported in US surveys (typically 10% non-heterosexual). Out of the other choices, 3.05% reported being bisexual, 4.33% gay males, 3.27% lesbian, and 0.33 transgender. (Note, the "gay male" and "lesbian" responses would each be selected by a single gender, whereas the other categories could be selected by both genders.) There were no major differences between European and US users. More females reported being bisexual than their male counterparts (4.29% female vs. 2.48% male)." Anyone else know of any surveys such as this on the web, and their results...? Sincerely, ds. =)