>From: PMDAtropos >Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) >Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 12:33:06 -0400 [ Send replies to jfm3@RA.MSSTATE.EDU only, please ] Please help us discover what experiences gay, lesbian, and bisexual college students have had with student affairs services at US colleges. If you are a college student in the United States and have not previously filled out this short questionnaire, please take five minutes now to fill it out. (This short questionnaire was previously sent out in early May. If you have already filled it out, please do not fill it out again. Thanks for filling it out previously and sorry to clutter up your in-box.) If you responding by e-mail, your response will be confidential. We will delete the header identifying the e-mail address in order to preserve confidentiality. Use the forwarding or responding commands in your e-mail account and insert your answers to the questions. Please send your completed questionnaire and any questions or comments to: jfm3@ra.msstate.edu If you respond by U.S. mail and omit all identifying information, your response will be anonymous. The snail mail address is: Cathy Goree or John Marszalek P.O. Drawer DS Mississippi State, MS 39762 By responding to this survey you give your consent to include your responses in our study. If you feel that an item is too personal, you are, of course, free to omit the response to that item. Please also pass this questionnaire on to your friends. Cathy is a student affairs practioner at Mississippi State University (MSU) and John is a graduate student at MSU and a member of the MSU gay/lesbian/bisexual organization. We appreciate your time in completing this survey. --Cathy Goree, PhD --John Marszalek III, Graduate Student _____________________________________________________________________ Please answer the following questions by placing your response to the right of or below each question. 1. College/University in which you are enrolled: 2. Approximate student enrollment: 3. Your classification: 4. Age: 5. Gender: 6. Race/ethnicity: 7. Sexual Orientation: 8. To which of the following people are you out? (Place an X to the right of the people to whom you are out.) straight friends: gay and lesbian friends: co-workers: family: 9. Are you a member of a student organization for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals? 10. Is there a student affairs office on your campus whose mission is (in whole or in part) to support gay, lesbian, and bisexual students? 11. Which of the following student affairs offices at your college have you had personal contact with in the last 12 months? (In each case we are referring to offices provided by and staffed by the college, not to a student-run center.) Place an X to the right of the offices with which you have had contact in the last 12 months. counseling center: health center: student organizations office: housing/residence life: gay/lesbian center: student affairs administration (vice president, dean, etc.): 12. In terms of general service (not related to your sexual orientation) rate each of these student affairs offices at your college/university using the following scale: Not helpful Neutral Very helpful 1 2 3 4 5 Place the number rating the service to the right of each office listed below. counseling center: health center: student organizations office: housing/residence life: gay/lesbian center: student affairs administration: 13. In terms of their response to your sexual orientation and to gay/lesbian/bisexual issues in general, rate each of these student affairs offices at your institution: Hostile Neutral Very Supportive 1 2 3 4 5 Place the number rating each office to the right of the office listed below. counseling center: health center: student organizations office: housing/residence life: gay/lesbian center: student affairs administration: 14. Give one or more examples of positive support for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals which you have experienced from a student affairs office on your current campus. (Use all the space you need.) 15. Give one or more examples of hostility which you have experienced from a student affairs office on your current campus. (Use all the space you need.)