**************************************************************** THIS WAY OUT RUNDOWN for Program #649, distributed 09/04/00 (hosted by Greg Gordon and produced with Lucia Chappelle) The long road to civil unions in Vermont, and what other dreams may come; The waters are calm for the British Navy's "out" sailors, the latest Boy Scouts controversy becomes campaign fodder, authorities bust a Brit's Bangkok sauna birthday bash, an Ohio transchild is removed from her accepting family, Montreal couple files a marriage license lawsuit, it's bitter herbs for Israeli marriage rights activists, and other GLBT news "TWO" FEEDS via the PRSS EACH MONDAY @ 14:30 ET*, EACH TUESDAY @ 16:00 ET on Pacifica`s KU band, and is mailed on cassette to non-satellite-equipped stations and to individual subscribers *=> REMINDER: NPR Distribution has confirmed our PRSS feed on A71.9 for the SEPT 4th feed only... and then back to A72.3 for the rest of the year. -------- AIR THE ENTIRE HALF-HOUR AND/OR USE SELECTED SEGMENTS ------ ALWAYS FREE OF CHARGE! USAGE LIMITED ONLY BY TIMELINESS OF NEWS CONTENT! => RUNDOWN <= Opening Teases/Theme Music/Intro Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:15 SEGMENT #1 - NewsWrap: The British Navy's head of personnel policies, Admiral James Burnell-Nugent, says the controversy over allowing "out" sailors to serve was basically much ado about nothing; a U.S. Interior Department question about Boy Scouts use of federal land becomes presidential campaign fodder; a British businessman celebrating his birthday at a Bangkok, Thailand sauna is arrested – along with the manager – for organizing an "immoral sex party", even though no illegal activity was discovered; a young transchild is removed from her accepting parents home in Ohio, but the family is fighting for her return; one transwoman's legal defeat in Texas (Christie Littleton) is leading to another's victory over the state's ban on same-gender marriages (Jessica Wicks and her female partner Robin Manhart Wicks); Russian transman Nicholas Krivenko, who married his female German partner in Limerick, has been denied legal residency in Ireland based on that marriage because the country has no relevant legislation to cover such a situation; activist Montreal couple Michael Hendricks and Rene Leboeuf file a lawsuit charging that Quebec's law against same-gender marriage violates both provincial and federal anti-discrimination statutes; Israeli activists are bitterly disappointed that a civil marriages proposal drafted by one of their political allies, Justice Minister Yossi Beilin, does not include same-gender couples; a call for legal recognition of same-gender couples in the U.K. by newly-appointed Tory Vice Chair Steven Norris gets a thumbs down from party leader William Hague, prompting Labour to say that Norris is being used as "a liberal fig leaf for a Conservative Party that is more extreme than ever"; and openly-gay million-dollar "Survivor" winner Richard Hatch can't figure out why he's getting marriage proposals -- from women [written by CINDY FRIEDMAN, with thanks to GRAHAM UNDERHILL, BRIAN NUNES, JASON LIN, REX WOCKNER, CHRIS AMBIDGE, THE GENDER ADVOCACY INFORMATION NETWORK, GREG GORDON and LUCIA CHAPPELLE, and anchored by CINDY FRIEDMAN and CHASE SCHULTE]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:20 SEGMENT #2 - The celebration of the first "CIVIL UNIONS" in July was far from the end of the marriage rights story in VERMONT. As election season heats up, the backlash against enactment of the law to extend the benefits of marriage to same-gender couples has become a key campaign issue. Especially in rural areas, conservatives vowing to "Take Back Vermont" are registering to vote in record numbers, intent on removing legislators who passed the measure. But activists who put years of effort into raising consciousness about lesbian and gay issues have been hoping that the long process would lay a strong enough foundation to resist such a backlash. Reporter ELAYNE CLIFT of Saxtons River, Vermont [with production assistance by MARY O'GRADY and FRIEDA WERDEN] talks with some of the people who worked on that foundation and helped bring civil unions into being: SUSAN MURRAY, co-counsel in the state Supreme Court "Baker" case leading to civil unions, and co-founder of the Vermont Freedom To Marry Task Force; and longtime lesbian couple and Task Force members SANDI COTE and BOBBI WHITACRE who, after 33 years together, are getting "civil unioned" before friends and family this month (the first of a 2-part feature courtesy of WINGS, the Women's International News Gathering Service*, ending with a brief promo for next week's conclusion) . . . . . . . >. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:45 (*http://www.wings.org) Closing Continuity/Credits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:35 TOTAL PROGRAM TIME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28:55 ----------------------------Please note-------------------------------- Anyone with questions, suggestions, or *news stories* is encouraged to email "TWO" Coordinating Producer Greg Gordon at TWOradio@aol.co ----------------------------- thanks! --------------------------------- STATION PROMO COPY: ANNCR: NEXT TIME ON "THIS WAY OUT", TRACKING THE LONG JOURNEY TO VERMONT CIVIL UNIONS, AND PREVIEWING THE ROAD YET AHEAD... IN THE NEWS, THE WATERS APPEAR CALM FOR THE BRITISH NAVY'S "OUT" SAILORS, THE LATEST BOY SCOUTS CONTROVERSY BECOMES U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN FODDER, AUTHORITIES BUST A BRIT'S BANGKOK SAUNA BIRTHDAY BASH, AN OHIO TRANSCHILD IS TAKEN FROM HER ACCEPTING FAMILY, AND BITTER HERBS ARE SERVED TO ISRAELI MARRIAGE RIGHTS ADVOCATES. THOSE STORIES AND MORE THIS WEEK ON "THIS WAY OUT: THE INTERNATIONAL LESBIAN AND GAY RADIO MAGAZINE", ______________________________________ [DAY and TIME] HERE ON __________________________. [STATION] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> STATIONS: MISSED THE SATELLITE FEED? <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE CONTACT THE PACIFICA RADIO ARCHIVES TO ORDER A COPY OF THE PROGRAM, WHICH THEY CAN SEND YOU VIA U.P.S.; PHONE 818/506-1077 AND ASK FOR MARK OR EDGAR. ******************************************************** On the air since April 1988, "This Way Out" is the multi-award-winning internationally-distributed weekly gay and lesbian radio newsmagazine. It currently airs on over 100 community radio stations around the world, who receive it via satellite in the U.S. on the Public Radio Satellite System and Pacifica's KU band, in Australia via the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia's ComRadSat, across Europe on World Radio Network's WRN1, worldwide via the A-INFOS Project Internet service at www.radio4all.org, and on tape from the producers. Listeners can also hear "This Way Out" online on PlanetOut at www.planetout.com, on shortwave via Costa Rica-based global station RFPI (Radio For Peace International) and on cassette by individual subscription. ======================================== To listen to the most recent "This Way Out" program online in RealAudio (usually available by Tuesday evenings each week), go to http://www.planetout.com, click on "Multimedia" on the lefthand side of the front page, then on "Radio". ======================================== Hungry for more frequent queer news? Run for coverage to the "PlanetOut News" area of PlanetOut (http://www.planetout.com, or keyword PlanetOut on AOL) for weekday text news updates, prepared by many of the same people who bring you "This Way Out". ======================================== For lots of other information about "This Way Out" (including audiocassette subscription information), please visit our own Web page at http://www.thiswayout.org, email us at TWOradio@aol.com, or write to P.O. Box 38327, Los Angeles, CA 90038-0327, U.S.A. ********************************************************* Some "This Way Out" operating expenses are funded by grants from The Gill Foundation and the Kicking Assets Fund of the Tides Foundation, by PlanetOut (www.planetout.com), from designated contributions by Uncommon Clout VisaCard holders who've chosen "This Way Out", and through direct charitable donations from our listeners around the world. "This Way Out" is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit under the corporate name of OVERNIGHT PRODUCTIONS, INC. *********************************************************