******************** WARNING!!!!! THE FOLLOWING IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL AND MAY NOT BE COMMERCIALLY REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. PUBLICATIONS WISHING TO REPRODUCE THIS COLUMN, OR CARRY "ROBERTS' RULES" ON A REGULAR BASIS MAY CONTACT THE AUTHOR DIRECTLY AT shellyr@bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us. ALL OTHERS MAY SEND BOUQUETS AND SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT REQUESTS WITHOUT ANYBODY'S EXPRESS PERMISSION. YOU CAN DO IT JUST CAUSE IT FEELS GOOD. (C) COPYRIGHT 1994. SHELLY ROBERTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ************************ ROBERTS' RULES: by Shelly Roberts FYI. What's On The Agenda: Have you got your copy of The Gay Agenda around? I can't find mine. I'm sure I must have one around here somewhere, in a stack someplace, but my office is a mess right now, and I was wondering if I could borrow yours? Could you fax it to me? What, you don't have a copy either? Damn. I know that everybody in the Harrassgayterian Church got one. I'm pretty sure they were also sent out to all the members of Jerry Falsewell's and Jim BaKKKer's congregations. And I think Senator Sam Dumb distributed copies to the entire Senate Armed Services Committee. None of whom I'm speaking to this week. Well, isn't that odd. Since it's OUR agenda, you'd have thought at least one of us would be able to come up with a copy. Would have one lying around in the corner of a hard drive or a filing cabinet somewhere. Hmmmm. I can't seem to find a one of us with her own Xerox. As I said, "Odd." You see, I've been in far too many corporations for far too long, to proceed without one. I've lived too long in unfocused conference rooms, participating in aimless, egotistical exercises in futility, lead by senior members (most of the conveeners *were* men.) in the service of their own ambition, to think that we can accomplish much without one. (This is not a lesbian anti-male diatribe. It's just that, in my humble experience, women are usually more prone to perpetrating Parliamentary Procedure and less to committing Machiavelli. A playing field I'm sure we're working handily to level even as you read.) It seems to me to be a waste of everybody's time and attention to show up for even one more triangle conference, or rainbow committee meeting without a copy. So I guess there's just nothing for it, but to write up a new one, right now, and distribute it to everyone, so we'll know exactly what the purpose of the gathering is, what's scheduled, and what time we can get out of the meeting and get back to getting some real work done. For Your Information: THE GAY AGENDA I. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER TWENTY MINUTES LATE This is Gay/Lesbian Standard Time, and to presume anything different would be to defy Standard Operating Procedure. Proceed. II. READING OF THE MINUTES. They proposed. We disagreed. We proposed. They disagreed. DC al Coda. III. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS Well, the US Parks Department was off by about seven hundred thousand. Approximately. Give or take a couple of guys in corsets, and a few bare-chested women. 97% of all the child molesters are heterosexual. We don't recruit, we're an all-volunteer army. Because it is more than likely, probably, doubtlessly, presumably, apparently, believably, feasibly GENETIC, it WAS your parents' fault. The uniform of the day for most of us is not tutu's and goatees. Contrary to the popular wish-fulfillment beliefs of most married heterosexual females, most lesbians do not hate men, unless they have ever masqueraded as married heterosexual females. Or daughters. Or employees. Or voters. The only other people's children we want, thank you very much, are the helpless, the abandoned, the ones with AIDS, and the ones they don't seem to want unless we ask to adopt them. Minutes approved as read and amended. Amen. III. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Housing and Urban Development. Shut Up and Salute. Insurance Benefits and Beneficiary Rights. Job Security and Tax Equality. Legal Marriage and Universal Spousal Prerogative. Custody and Adoption. Will The Real Queers Please Stand Up. And why-the-hell-don't- your-folks- put-me-on-the- Christmas-card-too? We've-been-together-eighteen-years,-Dear? IV. NEW BUSINESS Perpetrating the following: The Golden Rule The wisdom to know the difference. Family (Of Wo/Man) Values. A balance of beams and motes. V. TABLED TO A FUTURE DISCUSSION World domination and/or demoralization. (At least any more than it already is. (About which we had nothing to do.)) VI. VETOED Subornment of Children. Seduction of Housewives and Truckdrivers. (Unless volunteering) Satanic Ritual. Bestiality. Unnatural Acts. VII. MEETING ADJOURNED There you have it. The entire Gay Agenda. From an entirely gay person for a change. Not a religious fanatic of any describable wing. Because, it seems to me, if we don't get our real agenda out on the table loud and clear, they'll just keep following their hidden ones. (ALL MEETINGS SHALL BE CONDUCTED ACCORDING TO ROBERTS' RULES OF ORDER) ________________________ Shelly Roberts is a nationally syndicated columnist, and author of The Dyke Detector, Hey, Mom, Guess What...??!!, and the forthcoming, Weighing In On The Butch/Femme Scale (Nov. 95) Paradigm Publishing.