[This file is in /pub/QRD/qrd/info/EVENTS/stonewall25/global.calendar at vector.intercon.com, the Queer Resources Directory] [FAX/OCR by Alan Batie: ] Quick glance at just a very few of the Global Calendar listings... June 18 - 25 Unity '94 Gay Games 4 212-633-9494 June 23 - 25, 1994: NYC 15th Annua1 International Conference, Gay & Lesbian Parents Contact: 202-583-8029 June 23, 1994: NYC Combined Concert of 500 Musicians, Lesbian & Gay Bands of America Contact: 713-522-4282 June 25, 1994: NYC Worship Service for the Lesbian & Gay of Faith, Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches Contact: 213-464-5100 June 25 - July 4 16th Annual Conference International Lesbian & Gay Association Contact in USA 212-620-7310, Center ILGA June 26 International Stonwall 25 Pride Rally Contact: 212-807-80-PRIDE June 26 International March on the United Nations to Affirm Human Rights of Lesbian and Gay People Contact: 212-439-1031 June 26 International Bisexual Conference Contact: 212-459-4784 June 26 GALA Festival, Gay & Lesbian Association of Choruses Contact: 303-832-1526 June, NYC International Leather Conference Contact: 212-727-9878 June, NYC International Lesbian and Gay Labor Conference Gay and Lesbian Labor Network The Global Calendar has been compiled on behalf of Stonewall 25, by the tireless Lester Pierce. These selections were selected from this calendar. -- Alan Batie \ batie@aahz.ht.intel.com \ V7 /bin/mail source: 554 lines. intelhf!aahz!batie / \ 1989 X.400 specs: 2200+ pages. +1 503-696-5647 / \ --Henry Spencer