This is a verbatim copy of the old post - I haven't tried it recently. Good luck, Paul ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Save this into a temp file, and cut as commented. Then type "uudecode temp." This will give you a tiny file called tri16.xbm. Stick it in your bin. Then, while in X-windows, type xsetroot -cursor bin/tri16.xbm bin/tri16.xbm -foreground 'Pink' or, better yet, throw it at the bottom of your cshrc or xinit file. The result? Your cursor will become a 0.5 cm wide triangle with the point facing down. On a color machine, it will be light Pink, and this will make you immensely happy and give you a warm, cheerful feeling whenever you look at your workstation. #### Delete all lines above this line, including this line ################ begin 644 tri16.xbm M(V1E9FEN92!T