Q U E E R C A M P U S ========================================= QUEERCAMPUS is a list devoted to organizing and networking among the l/g/b/o campus communities world-wide. It will be a means to foster communication in an inexpensive manner between lgb activists, student leaders, organizations and individuals committed to making all campuses more queer and queer-friendly. QUEERCAMPUS is not intended to be a general discussion mailing list, although topics of interest to campus organizers are certainly welcome. As a guide (and only a guide), this list could be used to address to following: o confronting and reducing homophobia, harassment and violence; o removing ROTC from campuses; o implementing non-discrimination statements as university policy; o announcement of conferences or items of interest to campus leaders; o creating l/g/b/o recognized student groups; o discuss campus issues in relation to Stonewall 25 and Creating Change 7 The purpose of this list is work to allow all students, regardless of sexual orientation, a safe and comfortable learning enivornment to grow and become citizens and leaders of the world. This list is the discussion on how to best go about this. ______________________________ To join the QUEERCAMPUS mailing list send a message to MAJORDOMO@vector.casti.com with a one line message 'subscribe QUEERCAMPUS'. To leave the list, send a message to MAJORDOMO@vector.casti.com with a one line message 'unsubscribe QUEERCAMPUS'. To post to the QUEERCAMPUS mailing list, send email to QUEERCAMPUS@vector.casti.com 22 February 94