CLASSICSLGB C L A S S I C S ________ \ / \ / L \ / G \/ B Welcome to the ClassicsLGB (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual) E-Mail Discussion Group! ClassicsLGB exists to provide a forum for lesbian, gay, and bisexual academics (faculty and students) and gay-friendly academics in the broad field of Classical Studies (Greek and Latin literature; Greek and Roman history, art, archaeology) to discuss and apply queer studies in classical studies and to promote the better treatment of Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals in academe. ClassicsLGB is intended for open discussion among its subscribers, but for those who need to remain anonymous, there is an ANONYMOUS posting mechanism (see below). To subscribe, mail to: this message: subscribe classicslgb (no name is necessary) To unsubscribe, mail to: this message: unsubscribe classicslgb (no name is necessary) To contribute, mail your contribution to: To contribute ANONYMOUSLY, mail your contribution to: ~~~~~~~~~~~ [Note: The real address of Anonymous posters will be obtained by the List Manager, if the posting is malicious.] Please keep this message for future reference. Access to the subscription list is restricted to the List Manager. If you want the address of a subscriber, please contact the List Manager (see below). ClassicsLGB is sponsored by the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Classical Caucus, an independent affiliate of the American Philological Association (APA) and associated with the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), and by the Department of Classical Studies, Duke University. THIS LIST IS MONITORED. PLEASE OBSERVE THE USUAL ETIQUETTE: RESPECT ALL INDIVIDUALS, KEEP YOUR LANGUAGE CIVIL. The List Manager is John G. Younger Professor of Classical Archaeology Dept of Classical Studies PO Box 90103 Duke University Durham, NC 27708-0103 TEL: 919-684-2082 FAX: 919-681-4262 --, July 12, 1995