Date: Wed, 14 Jun 95 19:33:10 0000 From: Monica Worline My name is Monica and I am a bisexual member of the staff at SurfWatch Software. The company makes a product that filters the Internet for sexually explicit material; many of you have heard of SurfWatch today because we have been portrayed as censoring gay, lesbian, and bisexual sites on the Internet. I am writing as myself, not as an official representative of SurfWatch -- because I have felt heartbroken all day as I have read your messages accusing me of denying educational information to young gay people. I wanted you all to know that the people at SurfWatch are my friends and companions. They have been supportive of me through all kinds of situations, and they are really responsive to this issue. I was skeptical when I first heard about the idea of SurfWatch, because it sounds like at right-wing product. But the people at SurfWatch are being very thoughtful about the way they implement filtering. ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISCONCEPTIONS IN EVERYONE'S MESSAGES IS THAT SURFWATCH BLOCKS OUT ALL LESBIAN/GAY/BI SITES ON THE NET!! SURFWATCH DOES NOT BLOCK BASED ON SEXUAL PREFERENCE!! We have included gay and lesbian people in our product testing, and we are in the process of forming an advisory board which will include people in the community (like Christopher Kyrzan) to look at all of our sites. I only agreed to come to work for this company because they were committed to allowing access to sex ed, safe sex, and other sexual educational materials on the Internet. I only agreed to come to work for this company because I think that a company who can provide broad vision and fair-minded leadership will be a much better alternative than Jesse Helms and his band. I believe in the people of the company to respond in a way that is just and right. It is so hard for me as a member of the community to read all of the mail accusing me of being a fascist trying to take away the speech rights of gay people; but at the same time, I love the idea that the community responds so fast and with such passion about the issues that matter. I'm not a fascist. I'm not trying to limit anyone's rights to say anything--In fact, I'm trying to do just the opposite-protect the free speech rights of all of us before they are legislated away through bills like the Exxon amendment and the Dole proposal. It feels very ironic and sad that SurfWatch has been misunderstood and barraged with "censorship" accusations on the very same day that the Exxon amendment passed overwhelmingly in the Senate. That law would make any "indecent" speech on the Internet a criminal act -- and that is they type of censorship I think the community really needs to fight. My wish is that everyone who sent us such passionate messages about keeping information available on the Internet will hear that we want to and plan to do just that. We will make mistakes, and we are willing to fix them. (I didn't know the square dance page was blocked--but once we blocked the library of congress and once we blocked IBM) We want input from the community about our product and our site list. In his original message, Christopher Kryzan says that he searched 40-50 sites and found a few that were blocked (BTW, all but 1 have been unblocked by SurfWatch already). What people took from that was censorship of LGBT sites--instead of focusing on the fact that the MAJORITY of the sites he looked at were NOT blocked. In this case, I think we're firing on the wrong enemy. I care about Internet free speech and the availability of information for the gay community. SurfWatch gets the message. Please, instead of spending energy trying to convince SurfWatch of what it already believes, write your Congressperson, call the House of Representatives to urge them to kill the Exxon amendment, or do something today to fight against *real* censorship. Thanks for listening, Monica