For the curious in our midst, The QRD on took a total of 5994 hits via FTP and 8581 hits via gopher during the month of August. The highest FTP spike came on August 4, with a total of 703 accesses, and the slowest day was August 21, with only six file downloads. The FTP median was 176 accesses per day. The highest gopher spike came on August 6, with a total of 823 accesses and the slowest day was also August 21, with 34 downloads. The gopher median was 241 accesses per day. The QRD is currently 17,957K and contains slightly less than 3000 files. The entire contents of the QRD are now available as a compressed tarfile upon request only. Send your comments, requests, questions, etc. to TOP 10 VIA FTP: 128 /pub/QRD/qrd/aids/CDC-stats-2.93 97 /pub/QRD/qrd/info/RESOURCES/network/EMAIL/lgbt.list.of.lists 94 /pub/QRD/qrd/aids/ 83 /pub/QRD/qrd/aids/CDC-stats-6.93 71 /pub/QRD/qrd/aids/AIDS-TREATMENT-NEWS 69 /pub/QRD/qrd/info/LISTS/the.OUT.list-1.1 67 /pub/QRD/qrd/aids/1950-aidscase 61 /pub/QRD/qrd/info/LISTS/celebs 60 /pub/QRD/qrd/aids/aids.misinformation 47 /pub/QRD/qrd/info/LISTS/motss.OUT-1.93 TOP 10 via gopher: 125 /gaystuff/QRD/incoming/qrd.list 28 /gaystuff/QRD/qrd/info/homo-encyclopedia 24 /gaystuff/QRD/qrd/info/gay-comicbook 23 /gaystuff/QRD/qrd/info/ 22 /gaystuff/QRD/qrd/info/gay-films 21 /gaystuff/QRD/qrd/info/ 21 /gaystuff/QRD/qrd/info/gay-bands 21 /gaystuff/QRD/qrd/info/ 21 /gaystuff/QRD/qrd/email/GAYNET 19 /gaystuff/QRD/qrd/info/queerfilm 19 /gaystuff/QRD/qrd/info/LISTS/ 19 /gaystuff/QRD/qrd/gif/pink-cursor.Z ============================================================================= David Casti =============================================================================