Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:40:00 -0500 (EST) From: Shane Windmeyer Subject: OUT IN FRONT GREEKS ******* Please forward to others who might be interested******** OUT IN FRONT RECOGNIZING THE EFFORTS OF GREEK INTER/NATIONAL HDQURTERS ** Check out the growing list at OUT IN FRONT recognizes the efforts and contributions of inter/national fraternal organizations to educate and create more inclusive fraternal communities free of hate and homophobia. Such fraternal organizations have taken important educational steps to address issues of "sexual orientation" in the college Greek community. The Lambda 10 Project has identified several inter/national fraternities as being "out in front" on this issue. You can find a current listing at Please show support for these inter/national fraternities and sororities for coming forward to be inclusive organizations and to not tolerate discrimination toward our many gay,lesbian, and bisexual Greek members. PLEASE SUBMIT information concerning educational efforts and policies by inter/national Greek fraternal organizations that promote respect, non-discrimination and inclusivity on issues of sexual orientation among chapter members. Please call or email your inter/national headquarters and help us update our listing with new and accurate information. You can email us at Lambda 10 Project National Clearinghouse for GLB Greek Issues LAMBDA 10 ONLINE AT WWW.INDIANA.EDU/~LAMBDA10***************************** *****BI-WEEKLY CHAPTER MEETINGS****WHO'S OUT?***SUBSCRIBE TO LISTSERV***** Join us online for Greek Chapter Meetings and add your name to the list of "OUT" Greeks!!! For more information, go to our website of online resources at Subscribe to the Lambda 10 Project listserv!!! Email @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@EXCLAMATIONS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I do not want my homosexuality to be something that must be accepted and respected. I want it to be something that is perfectly ordinary." -- Lambda 10 Project, 1998 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@EXCLAMATIONS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@