Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 09:46:47 EDT [ Send replies to DUNNMATT@UDAVXB.OCA.UDAYTON.EDU... ] Does anybody out there read the comic strip "For Better of for Worse?" Last year the author had a character come out to his parents and friends. It was a much publicized event in the media and several papers chose not to run the series for the month in which the story line dealt with being gay. Yesterday I was reading the comics and to my surprise the character is back. His friends were discussing in the first three clips whether 'Lawrence' was going to go to his high school graduation dinner. In the last clip it showed the back of two male heads and another character saying "He's here!" Today's column is as follows: Clip 1: (Lawrence) Sorry we're late guys...this is Ben! Clip 2: (friend) I didn't think you were coming. (Lawrence) Yeh...we thought about cuttin' out, Mike, but then, I figured this is one time you gotta BE there! Clip 3: (Lawrence) I matter what anybody thinks or says, you gotta stand up for yourself, stand up for freedom, stand up for... (Mike, cutting in) Uh, Lawrence... Clip 4: (Mike) ...sit down an' eat!! Check it out folks and keep following it to see what happens. Get the word out and make sure your friends see it to. Be sure to write to your local papers telling them that you're glad to see them running the strip!! And, gee, wouldn't it be nice if all lesbigay students in America could take their dates to dinners and dances at school!!! Equal rights, not special rights!!!