Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:47:15 -0500 (EST) From: Shane Windmeyer Subject: GAY GREEKS: WHO'S OUT? **Please forward to others who might be interested** GAY GREEKS: WHO'S OUT? HELP BREAK THE CYCLE OF INVISIBILITY & LIST YOUR NAME CHECK OUT THE CURRENT LISTING @ WWW.INDIANA.EDU/~LAMBDA10 The Lambda 10 Project is collecting names of men and women who are openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual in the college fraternity. We hope by listing "Who's Out" we can bring visibility and education about sexual orientation issues in the college Greek system. We also want to show that there are indeed gay, lesbian and bisexual members of every Greek letter fraternity and sorority. Whether you are an alumnus, active member, pledge/new member, advisor or inter/national headquarter staff, we encourage your participation in Who's Out? If interested, please send the following information listed below by email to We will attempt to verify all submissions prior to publishing on the website, so please list current contact information. Name: Fraternity/Sorority Affiliation: University/College Attended: Years Attended University/College: Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual Greek: *Current Address: *Phone Number: *Email: Please let us know if you would like your email made public for others to send you email directly from the website. Occasionally, we have people wanting to write other members and we would like to offer the option for those who want to list his/her email. We are not responsible for email responses generated by having your email accessible on the website. * Confidential information We will not disclose your confidential information (*) unless you have indicated differently. Lambda 10 Project National Clearinghouse for GLB Greek Issues LAMBDA 10 ONLINE AT WWW.INDIANA.EDU/~LAMBDA10***************************** *****BI-WEEKLY CHAPTER MEETINGS****WHO'S OUT?***SUBSCRIBE TO LISTSERV***** Join us online for Greek Chapter Meetings and add your name to the list of "OUT" Greeks!!! For more information, go to our website of online resources at Subscribe to the Lambda 10 Project listserv!!! Email @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@EXCLAMATIONS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "I do not want my homosexuality to be something that must be accepted and respected. I want it to be something that is perfectly ordinary." -- Lambda 10 Project, 1998 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@EXCLAMATIONS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@