I did a Master's dissertation on Greek Homosexuality at the University of London, and a long paper on Medieval homosexuality [45 pages] as part of my doctoral studies at Fordham. I am a now history graduate student at Fordham working on my doctoral dissertation on Sanctity and Gender in 9th and 10th century Byzantium! I also teach ancient history at Queensborough Community College and modern western history at Brooklyn College. I added the non-ancient, non-medieval stuff because I intend to teach courses on queer history at some stage. Paul Halsall Halsall@murray.fordham.edu *************************************************************** Paul Halsall Homosexuality in History - An [Partially] Annotated Bibliography This bibliography is arranged according to subject matter. It originated in a bibliography of medieval homosexuality and so has references to the wider field of the history of all sexuality in this period. A few items appear more than once. Most of the annotations are mine, but some are from the bibliographies whence came the reference. This was compiled in 1990. There are other important works published since then. A good way to keep up is to consult the running bibliographies in the Journal of the History of Sexuality. I Bibliographical Resources An Annotated Bibliography of Homosexuality and Other Stigmatized Behavior, ed. Vern Bullough, Dorr Legg, Barry Elcano et al, (New York: Garland, 1976) Arts and Humanities Citations Index, (Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information) [complicated and complete] Bibliography of Prostitution, ed. Barry Elcano & Vern Bullough, (New York: Garland, 1976) A Gay Bibliography: Eight Bibliographies on Lesbianism and Male Homosexuality, ed. Jonathan Katz, (New York: 1975) Homosexuality: An Annotated Bibliography, ed. M. Weinberg & A. Bell, (New York: 1972) "Homosexuality and History: An Annotated Bibliography", ed. William Parker, Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 191-211 [123 entries. Well annotated] Homosexuality and the Judeo-Christian Tradition: An Annotated Bibliography, ed. Tom Horner, (New York: ATLA - Bibliographical Series No. 5, 1981) Homosexuality: A Reasearch Guide, ed. Wayne Dynes, (New York: Garland, 1987). [Excellent, excellent, excellent; For works up to 1987 this is a must.] Homosexuality: Bibliography Supplement, ed. William Parker, (Metuchen, NJ.: Scarecrow Press, 1977) Homosexuality: A Selective Bibliography of Over 3000 Items, ed. William Parker, (Metuchen, NJ.: Scarecrow Press, 1971) Humanities Index, (New York: H.W. Wilson, 1974-) [Complete and easy to use] International Medieval Bibliography, ed. R.S. Hoyt & P.H. Sawyer, (Leeds & Minneapolis: 1967- ) [Contains references in foreign languages. Easy to use. Needs a better indexing system] The Lesbian in Literature: A Bibliography 2nd ed., (Reno, Nevada: The Ladder, 1975) Medieval Studies: A Bibliographical Guide, ed. Everrett V. Crosby et al, (New York: Garland, 1983) Recently Published Articles, pub. by American Historical Association [complete, but no index and so difficult and time-consuming] Women in Western European History: A Select Chronological, Geographical and Topical Bibliography: Vol I: Antiquity to the French Revolution, (1982) Also useful bibliographies below in Adam, Boswell, Bullough (Sexual Variance), Goodich (Unmentionable Vice), Greenberg, Greenberg & Bystryn and Kuster & Cormier. Many academic journals now accept articles on homosexuality. Of special interest are:- Gender and History Journal of Homosexuality Journal of Sex Research Journal of the History of Sexuality Jahrbuch fur Sexuelle Zwischenstufen, (Leipzig: Max Spohr, 1899-1923) Salmagundi Signs II History of Homosexuality - General Works Aries, Philippe & Andre Bejin, eds., Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present, (Oxford: Blackwell, 1985; orig. pub. as Sexualities Occidentales, Paris: Editions du Seuil/Communications, 1982) The Bible, References to homosexuality (some only possible):- Old Testament: Genesis 13:13, 18:20- 22, 19:4-8. 19:24-25, Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Deuteronomy 23:17-18, Judges 19:22-24, Ruth 1:16- 17, II Samuel 1:26, I Kings 14:24, 15:12, 22:46, II Kings 23:7, Proverbs 10:9 New Testament: Romans 1:24-32, I Corinthians 6:9- 10, Galatians 5:19-21, I Timothy 1:9-10, II Peter 2:6, Jude 1:7, Revelations 21:8, 22:15 Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, Gisela, Tabu: Homosexualitat: Die Geschichte eines Vorurteils, (Frankfurt: Fisher, 1978) Boswell, John, "Towards the Long View: Revolutions, Universals and Sexual Categories", Salmagundi 58- 59 (Fall 1982-Winter 1981), pp. 89-113 [Opposes the view that homosexuality as a category only came to exist in the modern period.] Bullough, Vern L., "Homosexuality and the Medical Model", Journal of Homosexuality 1:6 (1975), pp. 99-110 Bullough, Vern L., "Sex in History: A Virgin Field", Journal of Sex Research 8 (1972), pp. 101-16, repr. in Vern L. Bullough, Sex, Society and History, (New York: Science History Publications, 1976) Bullough, Vern L., Sexual Variance in Society and History, (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1976) [Large scale survey of both western and eastern cultures in all historical periods. Groundbreaking work, but only a beginning. Has one of few discussions of Byzantine homosexuality. Has good references and foot notes] Bullough, Vern L., Sex, Society and History, (New York: Science History Publications, 1976) Bullough, Vern L., Homosexuality: A History, (New York: New American Library, 1979) Coote, Stephen, ed., The Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse, (Harmondsworth: Allen Lane, Penguin, 1983) [Poetry from Homer to today] Cory, Donald W., Homosexuality: A Cross Cultural Approach, (New York: Julian Press, 1956) Crompton, Louis, "Gay Genocide: From Leviticus to Hitler" in Louie Crew, ed., The Gay Academic, (Palm Springs, Ca.: Etc. Publications, 1978), pp. 67-91 [Polemical title. Evidence of 200+ gay men and women put to death in the past, as well as 100-400,000 during the Third Reich. The German figures are very inflated.] Daniel, M. & A. Baudry, Les Homosexuels, (Tournai: 1973) Daniel, Marc, "A Methodology for the Study of Historical aspects of Homosexuality", ONE Institute Quarterly 3 (1960), pp. 268-280 deBecker, Raymond, The Other Face of Love, (New York: Grove Press, 1969; & London: Sphere Books), trans. Margaret Crosland and Alan Daventry [Survey from Ancient times to now, with concentration on Christian world from early middle ages. Contains 172 pictures.] Ellis, Havelock, "Sexual Inversion",in Studies in the Psychology of Sex 2 vols., (New York: Random House, 1905), Vol 1, pp. 1-64 [One of the earliest pieces of work. Looks at where and when homosexuality has been tolerated, and lists famous gays.] Fleming, Thomas, "Criminalizing a Marginal Community",in Deviant Designations, ed. Thomas Fleming and L.A. Visono, (Toronto: Butterworths, 198?) Fone, Byrne R.S., "Some Notes Toward a History of Gay People", The Advocate no. 259 (Jan 25, 1979), pp. 17-19 & no. 260 (Feb 28, 1979), pp. 11-13 [Argues that there is material for a history of homosexuality, at least for some times.] Fone, Byrne R.S., ed., Hidden Heritage: Historry and the Gay Imagination: An Anthology, (New York: Avocation Publishers, 1980) [Eclectic selection of sources and commentators covering Greece, Christianity, the middle ages and the 18th and 19th centuries. Some are not easily available elsewhere such as J.A. Symonds' "The Dantesque and Platonic Ideals of Love"] Foucault, Michel, History of Sexuality, Vol I: An Introduction, (New York: Pantheon, 1978) [Almost more like a meditation than history. Leading French structuralist applies his view of human society, already seen in his history of madness, to sexuality. Argues that sexuality is "constructed" in each society, in a similar manner to language/grammar. This goes against Boswell's idea of "homosexuality" as a continuing part of the human condition. Foucault's ideas, along with Levi-Strauss's have heavily influenced other modern gay historians such as Weeks and Katz, who however, set the formation of modern homosexual consciousness at different periods. The conflict between Boswell and the others is as much an issue of philosophy as history.] Foucault, Michel, History of Sexuality, Vol II Garde, Noel I., Jonathan to Gide: The Homosexual in History, (New York: Vantage Press, 1964) [Biographical sketches of 303 men in chronological orders. Gives the refs. that justify each inclusion.] Gilbert, Arthur N., "Conceptions of Homosexuality and Sodomy in Western History", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 57-68 [Discusses two approaches to history of homosexuality: to look at famous individuals; or to look at what was the (hostile) view of society.] Greenberg, David F., The Construction of Homosexuality, (Chicago: Chicago UP, 1988) [Recent exposition of the social construction school. Has an extensive historical survey] Hirschfeld, Magnus, Die Transvestiten, (Berlin: Alfred Pulvermacher, 1910) Hirschfeld, Magnus, Die Homosexualitat 2nd ed., (Berlin: Louis Marcus, 1914, 1920) Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Love That Dared Not Speak its Name: A Candid History of Homosexuality in Britain, (Boston: Little, Brown, 1970) [From William II to the present Queen.] Karlen, Arno, Sexuality and Homosexuality: A New View, (New York: W.W. Norton, 1971) [Early overview. No footnotes, Superseded by Bullough's Sexual Variance.] Kirsch, John, & James Rodman, "The Natural History of Homosexuality", Yale Scientific Magazine 51:3 (1977), pp. 7-13 Lamm, N., "Judaism and the Modern Attitude to Homosexuality", in Jewish Bioethics, ed. F. Rosner & J.D. Bloch, (New York: Sanhedrin Press, Hebrew Publishing Co, 1979), pp. 197-218 Licata, Salvatore J. & Robert P. Petersen, eds., The Gay Past: A Collection of Historical Essays, (New York & London: Harrington Park Press, 1985), repr. of Historical Perspectives on Homosexuality (1981), which was a repr. of Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980) [Very useful edition of interdisciplinary journal. Many of the articles are cited elsewhere. The publishers republish the issues of this journal as books.] Lloyde, Robin, "The History of Boy Prostitution" in For Money or Love: Boy Prostitution in America, (New York: Vanguard Press, 1976; paperback, New York: Ballantine) [Superficial discussion of boy prostitution through history.] McNeill, John, The Church and the Homosexual 3rd ed., (New York: 1988) Mayne, Xavier (pseud. of Edward I.P. Stevenson), The Intersexes: A History of Similisexualism as a Problem in Social Life, (New York: Arno Press, 1975, originally pub. privately 1908) [Survey of Homosexuality from early times, especially amongst rulers, aristocrats, soldiers, athletes, religious, and intellectual leaders. A very early American study.] Padoug, Robert, "Sexual Matters: On Conceptualizing Sexuality in History", Radical History Review 20 pp. 2-23 Quill, Zachary, Homosexuality Throughout the Ages, (Los Angeles: Wiz Books, 1969) Rattray Taylor, G., Sex in History, (New York: Vanguard Press, 1954) Rattray Taylor, G., "Historical and Mythological Aspects of Homosexuality" in Judd Marmor, ed., Sexual Inversion: The Multiple Roots of Homosexuality, (New York: Basic Books, 1965) [Thinks source material for a history of homosexuality is only available from 17th century. Later writers seem to have proved him pessimistic.] Robinson, Victor, ed., Encyclopaedia Sexualis: A Comprehensive Encyclopaedia-Grammar of the Sexual Sciences, (New York: Dingwall-Rock, 1936) Rowse, Alfred, L., Homosexuals in History: Ambivalence in Society, Literature and the Arts, (New York: Macmillan, 1977) [Classic example of biographical approach to homosexuality in history. Believes that homosexuals are more creative.] Schlick, J & M.V. Zimmermann, The Homosexual in Civil and Religious Societies, (title is in French) {Reviewed in Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 2(64) (1987), p. 327} Sole, Jacque, L'amour en Occident a l'epoque moderne, (Paris: Albin Michel, 1976) Vanggaard, Thorkil, Phallos: A Symbol and Its History in the Male World, (New York: International Universities Press, 1973) [Includes information on Scandinavia.] Young, Ian, The Male Homosexual in Literature, (Metuchen, NJ.: Scarecrow Press, 1975) III Classical Antiquity A. Sources Aeschines, Against Timarchus Aristophanes, Clouds, Frogs, Birds, Knights, Wasps, Thesmophoriadzusae Aristotle, Nichomacean Ethics Plato, Symposium, Phaedrus, Laws, Republic, Sappho, Poems Theognis, Poems Thucydides, Peloponnesian War, 4.53 (Harmodius and Aristogetion) B. Works Bethe, E., "Die Dorische Knaben Liebe", Rheinisches Museum fur Philologie 62 (1907), pp. 438-475 Boardman, John, Athenian Black Figure Vases, (London: Thames & Hudson, 19 ) Boardman, John, Athenian Red Figure Vases, (London: Thames & Hudson, 19 ) Brelich, A., Paides e Parthenoi, (Rome: 1969) Bremmer, J., "An Enigmatic Indo-European Rite: Paederasty", Arethusa 13 (1980), pp 279-298 Buffiere, Felix, Eros Adolescent: La pederastie dans la Grece antique, (Paris, 197?) [Distinguishes between enobling pederasty and vulgar homosexuality. Contains a lot of useful information.] Burkert, W., Greek Religion Cassio, A.C., "Post Classical Lesbiai", Classical Quarterly 33:1 (1983), pp. 296-297 Cohen, D., "Law, Society and Homosexuality in Classical Athens", Past and Present 117 (1987), pp. 3-21 Compton, Louis, "What Do You Say to Someone Who Claims that Homosexuality Caused the Fall of Greece and Rome?", Christopher Street (March, 1978), pp. 49-52 Cory, Donald W., The Homosexual in Antiquity: A Subjective Approach, (New York: 1952) Davis, J.K., Democracy and Classical Athens Delcourt, Maurice, Hermaphrodite: Myths and Rites of the Bisexual Figure in Classical Antiquity, trans. Jennifer Nicolson, (London: Studio, 1961) Delcourt, Maurice, Hermaphroditea: Recherche sur l'etre double promoteur de la fertilite dans la monde classique, (Brussels: n.p., 1966) Devereaux, George, "Greek Pseudo-homosexuality and the Greek Miracle", Symbolae Osloenses 13 (1967), pp. 70-92 [Argues, from a Freudian point of view that there is a link between homosexuality and extended adolescence, and that homosexuality and Greek culture's freshness are related.] Devereaux, George, "The Nature of Sappho's Siezure in FR 31 LP as Evidence of her Inversion", Classical Quarterly 20 (1970), pp. 17-31 Dover, Kenneth J., "Eros and Nomos", Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 2 (1964), pp. 31- 42 Dover, Kenneth J., "Classical Greek Attitudes to Sexual Behaviour", Arethusa 6 (1973) Dover, Kenneth J., Greek Homosexuality, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1978; paperback, New York: Random House) [Standard work on ancient Greek homosexuality.] Elia, John P., "History, Etymology and Fallacy: Attitudes Toward Male Masturbation in the Ancient Western World", Journal of Homosexuality 14:3-4 (1987), pp. 1-19 Fisher, Saul H., "A Note on Male Homosexuality and the Role of Women in Ancient Greece", in Judd Marmor, ed. Sexual Inversion: The Multiple Roots of Homosexuality, (New York: Basic Books, 1965), pp. 165-172 Flaceliere, Robert, "Homosexuality", in Love in Ancient Greece trans. by James Cleugh, (New York: Crown Publishers, 1962;paperback, New York: Macfadden Books) Fornara, C.W., "The Cult of Aristogeiton and Harmodius", Philologus 114, (1970) Gonfroys, F., Un fait de civilisation meconnu: l'homosexualite a Rome, (Poitiers: Thesis, 1972) Guthrie, W.K.C., History of Greek Philosophy, Vols III & IV Halperin, D.M., "100 Years of Homosexuality (Patzer on Classical Athens)", Diacritics 16:2 (1986), pp. 34-45 Halperin, D.M., "Plato and Erotic Reciprocity", Classical Antiquity 5:1 (1986), pp. 60-80 Halperin, D.M., One Hundred Years of Homosexuality, (London: Routledge, 1990) [A very important, if tendentious book] Heckel, Waldemar, "The `Boyhood Friends' of Alexander the Great", Emerita 53:2 (1985), pp. 285-289 Hooker, J.T., The Ancient Spartans Humphry, S.C., The Family, Women and Death Huxley, G.L., "Onomakles and the Alopekonnesians (Lesbian Antiquities in the Oxyrhyncus-Papyrus 3711)", Journal of Hellenic Studies 107 (1987), pp. 187-188 Johns, C., Sex or Symbol: Erotic Images in Greece and Rome Koch-Harnack, G., Knabenliebe und Tiergeschenke, (Berlin, 1983) Licht, Hans (pseud. of Paul Brandt), "Male Homosexuality", in Sexual Life in Ancient Greece, trans. J.H. Freez, (London: Routledge & Sons, 1932), pp. 411-498 Malul, Meir, Touching the Sexual Organs as an Oath Ceremony in an Akkadian Letter", Vetus Test. 37:4 (1987), pp. 491-92 Marrou, Henri I., "Pederasty in Classical Education",in A History of Education in Antiquity, trans. by George Lamb, (New York: New American Library, 1956), pp. 50-62 Meier, M.H.E., "Paderastie", Allgemeine Encyclopadie und Kunsten 167 vols, (Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1837), Vol 4, pp. 149-188 Mouratiadis, John, "The Origin of Nudity in Greek Athletics", Journal of Sport History 12:3 (1985), pp. 213-232 Murray, Oswyn, Early Greece Pacion, Stanley J., "Sparta: An Experiment in State Sponsored Homosexuality", Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 4 (April, 1970), pp. 28-32 Pacion, Stanley J., "The Life of Nero: Sex and the Fall of the Roman Empire", Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 5 (March, 1971), pp. 171-185 Patzer, H., Die Griechische Knabenliebe, (Wiesbaden: 1982) Pinney, G.F., "For the Heroes Are at Hand", Journal of Hellenic Studies 104 (1984), pp. 181-183 Papalas, Anthony, J., "Prostitution in Ancient Greece", Drum 28 (Jan 1968), pp. 19-21 Pogey-Castries, L.R. de, Histoire de l'amour Grec dans l'antiquite, (Paris: Stenhal et Cie, 1930) Rouselle, Aline, Porneia: On Desire and the Body in Antiquity. trans. Felicia Pheasant, (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988; first pub. as Porneia, Paris: Presses Universitaire de France, 1983) Sergent, B., La Homosexualite dans la Mythologie Greque, (Paris, 1984), trans. as Homosexuality in Greek Myth, (New York: 198?) Slater, Philip, The Glory of Hera, (Boston: 1968) Symonds, John Addington, Studies in Sexual Inversion: "A Study of Greek Ethics" and "A Study of Modern Ethics", (New York: Medical Press. 1974?; originally published privately 1896 & 1901) [Early study by Englishman.] Sweet, Waldo E., "Protection of the Genitals in Greek Athletics", Ancient World 11:1-2 (1985), pp. 43- 52 Ungaretti, John R., "Pederasty, Heroism and the Family in Classical Greece", Journal of Homosexuality 3 (1978), pp. 291-300 Veyne, Paul, "Homosexuality in Ancient Rome", in Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present, ed. Philippe Aries & Andre Bejin, (Oxford: Blackwell, 1985; first pub. as Sexualities Occidentales, Paris: Editions du Seuil/Communications, 1982), pp 26-35 Vida-Naquet, P., La Chasseur-noir, (Paris, 1981) William, Craig, Roman Homosexuality [Yale Ph.D; 199?] Winkler, John, The Constraints of Desire, (London: Routledge, 1990) IV The Middle Ages - Sources Alan of Lille, The Plaint of Nature (De Planctu Naturae), trans. James J. Sheridan, (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieaval Studies, 1980) Bachelor Jr. E., Homosexuality and Ethics, (New York: Pilgrim Press, 1980) [Excerpts from authors from Plato to modern times on ethical issues] Baudri de Bourgueil, Les Oeuvres poetiques de Baudri de Bourgueil, ed. Phyllis Abrahams, (Paris: Librarie Ancienne Honore Champion, 1926) (repr; Geneva, Slatkine Reprints, 1974) Bieler, Ludwig, The Irish Penitentials, (Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1963) [Includes Latin text. Homosexuality pp. 66-67. Does not translate parts he seems to consider vulgar.] Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, trans. John A. Carlyle, Thomas Okey & P.H. Wicksteed, (New York: Random House, 1950; original publication details not given) [Inferno Cantos xi, xiv, xv, and Purgatorio xxvi all possibly deal with sodomy.] Francis, W.Nelson, ed., The Book of Vices and Virtues, Early English Text Society Vol 217, (London: Oxford UP, 1942) [Edited from 3 extant texts of the French of Lorens d'Orleans Somme Le Roi - a vernacular penitential. Homosexuality p.43) Mansi, J.D.: Sacrum Conciliorum Nova et Amplissima Collectio, (Florence & Venice: 1759-1798) Peter Damian, Liber Gomorrhanius in MPL 145, cols. 159-190, and as Book of Gomorrah: An Eleventh Century Treatise Against Clerical Homosexual Practice, trans. Pierre J. Payer, (Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1982) [One of the strongest attacks in the middle ages on homosexuality.] Stehling, Thomas, trans., Medieval Latin Poems of Male Love and Friendship, (New York: Garland) [Gay medieval literature from the Roman Empire to 1300. Alcuin, Ausonius, Luxorius, Abelard, Baudri or Bourgueil, Hilderbert of Lauardin.] McNeill, John & Helena Gamer, Medieval Handbooks of Penance: A Translation of the Principal "libri poenitentatles" and Selections from Related Documents, (New York: Columbia UP, 1938) [Does not give Latin texts.] Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, (New York & London: Blackfriars with McGraw-Hill & Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1968) [On sodomy Aquinas rates it worse than fornication, incest or rape, but better than bestiality.] V The Middle Ages - Commentaries and Articles on the Above and Other Source Material a) General Birkhan, Helmut, "Qu'est-ce qui est preferable de l'heterosexualite ou de l'homosexualite? Le temoignage d'un poeme latin" in Amour, mariage et transgressions au moyen age: Actes du Colloque des 24-27 Mars 1983, ed. Danielle Buschinger & Andre Crespin, Universite de Picardie, Centre d'Etudes Medievales, (Goppingen: Kummerle Verlag, 1984) Blum, O.J., St. Peter Damien: His Teaching on Spiritual Life, (Washington, D.C.:1947) Bond, Gerald A., "`Locus Amoris': The Poetry of Baudri of Bourgueil and the Formation of the Ovidian Subculture", Traditio 47 (1986), pp. 143- 193 [DI.T67] Cadden, Joan, "It Takes All Kinds: Sexuality and Gender Differences in Hildegard of Bingen's `Book of Compound Medicine", Traditio 40 (1984), pp. 149-174 Curtius, E.R., European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, trans. Willard R. Trask, Bollingen Series 36, (New York: Pantheon, 1953) [pp. 115 ff. on homosexuality] Forsyth, Ilene, "The Ganymede Capital at Vezelay", Gesta: International Center of Medieval Art 15:1- 2 (1976), pp. 241-246 Harley M.P., "Narcissus, Hermaphroditus, and Attis: Ovidian Lovers at the Fontaine d'Amours in Guillaume de Lorris's Roman de la Rose", PMLA 101 (1986), pp. 324-337 Herman, Gerald, "The "Sin against Nature" and its Echos in Medieval French Literature", Annuale Medievale 17 (1976), pp. 70-87 Laeuchli, Samuel, Power and Sexuality: The Emergence of Canon Law at the Synod of Elvira, (Philadelphia: 1972) Latzke, Theresa, "Die Ganymed-Epstein des Hilerius", Mittelateinisches Jahrbuch 18 (1983), pp. 131- 159 Leclerq, Jean, "L'Amitié dans les lettres au moyen age", Revue du moyen age latin 1 (1945), pp. 391- 410 Lepage, Yvan G., "Francois Villon et l'homosexualite", Le Moyen Age 92:1 (1986), pp. 69-89 Levy, R., "L'Allusion a la Sodomie dans Eneas", Philological Quarterly 27 (1948) [Looks at allusions to sodomy in a twelfth century romance.] McEvoy, James, "Notes on the Prologue of St. Aelred of Rievaulx's `De Spirituali Amacita', with a Translation", Traditio 37 (1981), pp. 149-174 Newall, V., "Folklore and Male Homosexuality", Folklore 97:2 (1986), pp. 123-147 Payer, Pierre J., Sex and the Penitentials: Formation of a Sexual Code 550-1150, (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1984) Wetherbee, Winthrop, "The Function of Poetry in `De Planctu Naturae" of Alain de Liile", Traditio 25 (1969), pp. 86-125 [Unsympathetic to homosexuality. See pp. 102- 105] Ziolkowski, Jan, Alan of Lille's Grammar of Sex: The Meaning of Gramma to a Twelfth Century Intellectual, Speculum Anniversary Monographs 10, (Cambridge, Mass.: Medieval Academy of America, 1985) [review, Speculum 63 (1988), p. 1015. Alan discussed homosexuality using a metaphor of bad grammar.] b) Chaucer Field, P.J.C., "Chaucer's Merchant and the Sin Against Nature", Notes and Queries March 1970, p. 84 Frese, Delores Warwick, "The Homoerotic Underside in Chaucer's Miller's Tale and Reeve's Tale", Michigan Academician 10:2 (1977), pp. 143-150 Karlen, Arno, "The Homosexual Heresy", Chaucer Review 6:1 (1971), pp. 44-63 McAlpine, M.E., "Pardoner's Homosexuality and How it Matters", PMLA 95 (1980), pp. 8-22 c) Dante Armour, Peter, "Dante's Brunetto: the Paternal Paterine", Italian Studies 38 (1983), pp. 1-38 [argues sin of Brunetto was heresy not sodomy] Kay, Richard, "The Sin of Brunetto Latini", Medieval Studies 31 (1969), pp. 262-286 Kay, Richard, "Dante's Unnatural Lawyer: Fancesco D"accusro in Inferno XV", Studia Gratiana 15 (1972), pp. 149-200 [Suggests Inferno XV is not about sodomy, but other forms of "unnaturalness". This would mean Dante put no one in hell for sodomy.] Mussetter, Sally, "`Ritornare a lo suo principio': Dante and the Sin of Brunetto Latini", Philological Quarterly 63:4 (1984), pp. 431-448 Pezard, Andre, Dante sous la pluie de feu, (Paris: Librarie philosophique J. Vien, 1950) Radcliff-Umstead, Douglas, "Erotic Sin in the Divine Comedy", in Human Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. D. Radcliff-Umstead, (Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh Publications on the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 1978), pp. 41- 96 Symonds, John Addington, "The Dantesque and Platonic Ideals of Love", (excerpts) in Hidden Heritage: History and the Gay Imagination: An Anthology, ed. Byrne R.S. Fone, (New York: Avocation Publishers, 1980) Verschuer, U.F. von, "Die Homosexuelle in Dante's Gottlicher Komodie", Jahrbuch fur Sexuelle Zwischenstufen 7 (1906), pp. 353-363 VI The Middle Ages - History of Sexuality & Homosexuality Barber, Malcolm, The Trial of the Templars, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1978) Beriac, F., "La Persecution des Lepreux dans la France Meridionale", Le Moyen Age 93:2 (1987), pp. 203-222 [Discusses collective aggresiveness against the `other'.] Biller, P.A., "Birth Control, the Medieval West", Past and Present 94 (1982), pp. 3-26 Brooke, Christopher, The Medieval Idea of Marriage, (New York: Oxford UP, 1989) Brucker, Gene, Giovanni and Lusanna: Love and Marriage in Renaissance Florence, (Berkeley & Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press, 1986) [Author calls this microhistory. It is the account of a 1455 law case on the clandestine marriage of a nobleman and poorer woman. It shows the sort of evidence available in court records for sexual history.] Brundage, James, "Let Me Count the Ways: Canonists and Theologians Contemplate Coital Positions", Journal of Medieval History 10:2 (1984), pp. 81- 93 Brundage, James, "Politics of Sodomy", (forthcoming, promised in his Law, Sex p. 473, n.288) Cadden, Joan, "Medieval Scientific and Medical Views of Sexuality: Questions of Propriety", Medeavilia et Humanistica 14 (1986), pp. 157-171 Cleugh, James, Love Locked Out: An Examination os Sexuality during the Middle Ages, (New York: Crown, 1963) Derouet-Besson, Marie-Claude, "`Inter dous scopulas' Hypothese sur la place de la sexualite dans les models de la representations du monde du XI siecle", Annales 36:5 (1981), pp. 922-945 Dinzebacher, P., "Pour un histoire de l'amour au Moyen Age", Moyen Age 93:2 (1987(, pp. 223-240 Epstein, L.M., Sex Laws and Customs in Judaism, (New York: 1967) Flandrin, J.L., "Contraception, Mariage et Relations Amoureuses dans l'Occident Chretien", Annales ESC 56 (1969), pp. 1370-1390 Flandrin, J.L., "Marriage tardif et vie sexualle: Discussions et hypotheses de recherche", Annales ESC 59 (1972), pp. 131-178 Flandrin, J.L., "Repression and Change in the Sexual Life of Young People in Medieval and Early Modern Times", Journal of Family History 2 (1977) Goodich, Michael, The Unmentionable Vice: Homosexuality in the Late Medieval Period, (Santa Barbara, Ca.: ABC-Clio, 1979) [Much criticised book that attempts an overview. It actually does quite a good job, and has an extensive bibliography and a 30 page translation/extract from inquisition records of Jacques Fournier in the 13th century. {Reviews - AHR 1980, p.375; Speculum (1980), pp. 121-122; Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (2 separate reviews)} Halverson, John, "Amour and Eros in the Middle Ages", The Psychoanalytic Review 57 (1970), pp. 245-262 Hernandez, Lodovico (pseud. of Fernand Fleuret & Louis Perceau), Les Proces de Sodomie aux XVe, XVIe et XVIIe Siecle, (Paris: 1920) Jeay, Madeleine, "Sur quelque coutumes sexuelles du moyen age", in L'Erotisme au Moyen Age: Etudes presentees au IIe Colloque de l'Institut d"Etudes Medievales, 3-4 Avril 1976, ed. Roy, Bruno, (Montreal: Ed. Aurore, 1977) Kuster, Harvey J., "Gelijkgeslachtelijke liefde in de middeleeuwen", Spiegel Historiael 10 (1975), pp 232-237 Kuster, Harvey J., "L'Amour physique unisexuel au moyen age", Arcadie, (Paris: 1976), pp. 665-670 Kuster, Harvey J., "Homoerotik in de middeleewse poezia", Maatstaf 24 (1976), pp. 40-48 Kuster, Harvey J., Over Homoseksualiteit in Middeleeuws West-Europa, (Utrecht: Univ. of Utrecht Dissertation, 1977) Kuster, Harvey J., "Homoseksualiteit in de middeleeuwen", Huisarts en Praktijk, (Utrecht: 1980), pp. 13-16 Kuster, Harvey & Raymond J. Cormier, "Old Views and New Trends: Observations on the Problem of Homosexuality in the Middle Ages", Studii Medievali 25:2 (1985) [Overview of recent work, based on Boswell and Kuster's dissertation.] Lea, H.C., History of Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Christian Church 3rd ed., (London: 1907) Legman, Gershon, The Guilt of the Templars, (New York: Basic Books, 1966) [Argues the Templars were a homosexual warrior order, that their seal indicates pederasty, and that homosexual rape was part of the intuition. All open to question.] Lemay, Helen Rodnite, "Human Sexuality in Twelfth- through Fifteenth-Century Scientific Writing", in Vern L. Bullough & James Brundage, Sexual Practices and the Medieval Church, New Concepts in Human Sexuality Series, (Prometheus Books, 1982) [Discusses scientific writing on homosexuality on pp. 194-197. She can only find two short discussions, by William of Saliceto and Michael Scot.] Lentzen-Bonn, R., "Altercatio Ganimedis en Helene", Mittelateinisches Jahrbuch 8 (1972), pp 161-187 Moore, R.I., The Formation of a Persecuting Society, (Oxford: Blackwell, 1987) [Briefly discusses homosexuality, but sets it in the wider context of Jews, lepers, heretics and other persecuted groups.] Murray, Stephen & Kent Gerard, "Renaissance Sodomite Subcultures?", in Among Men, Among Women: Sociological and Historical Recognition of Homosocial Arrangements, (Amsterdam: 1983) Norton, Rictor, "Ganymede in Renaissance Literature", Gay Sunshine 19 (Fall, 1973), p. 16 Roby, D., "Early Medieval Attitudes toward Homosexuality", Gai Saber 1 (1977), pp. 67-71 Rosner, Fred, Medicine in the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides, (New York: Ktav, 1984) Roy, Bruno, ed., L'Erotisme au Moyen Age: Etudes presentees au IIe Colloque de l'Institut d"Etudes Medievales, 3-4 Avril 1976, (Montreal: Ed. Aurore, 1977) Saslow, J.M., Ganymede in the Renaissance: Homosexuality in Art and Society {Reviewed in: Source 6:3 (1987), pp. 34-35; Art Bulletin 69:4 (1987), pp. 653-57; AHR 93:1 (1988), p.185} Schwartz, Jerome, "Aspects of Androgny in the Renaissance", in Human Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. D. Radcliff-Umstead, (Pittsburgh, Univ. of Pittsburgh Publications on the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 1978), pp. 121- 131 Small, R.C., "Is it True about the Templars", New York Review of Books 8, (Feb 23, 1967), pp. 14- 15 Stehling, Thomas, "To Love a Medieval Boy", Journal of Homosexuality 8 (1983), pp. 151-170 Stiller, Richard, "The Homosexual Crusader's [The Templars]", Sexology 34 (Dec, 1967), pp. 305-307 Weeks, Jeffrey, "In days of yore when knights were gay?", History Today 30 (July, 1980), p. 49 VII The Middle Ages - Christian Attitudes to Homosexuality Bailey, Derrick S., Sexual Relations in Christian Thought, (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954) Bailey, Derrick S., Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition, (London: Longmans, Green, 1955;repr. Hamden, Ct.: Archon/Shoestring Press, 1975) [Absolutely standard work by Anglican priest. No bibliography but text gives best overview of Church and secular legislation] Bailey, Derrick S., "Homosexuality and Christian Morals", in J. Tudor Rees & H.V. Usill They Stand Apart: A Critical Study of the Problems of Homosexuality, (London: Heinemann, 1955), pp. 36- 63 Boswell, John, Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality, (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1980) [The single most important work by a serious scholar. Proposes that homosexuals were accepted before the 13th century, and then intolerance sets in. Criticised by gay radicals for letting the Church off the hook. Boswell rejects idea that homosexual subcultures are a recent development.] {Reviewed by Sheehan, cited in this bibliography} Boswell, John, "The Origins of Christian Intolerance of Homosexuality", (in Spanish), Cuadernos del Norte 8:44 (1987), pp. 18-23 Bullough, Vern L. & James Brundage, Sexual Practices and the Medieval Church, (New Concepts in Human Sexuality Series) (Prometheus Books, 1982) [Brundage is a major canon lawyer. Uses quantative methods that are hair-raising at times] Coleman, Peter, Christian Attitudes to Homosexuality, (London: SPCK, 1980) Compton, Thomas, "Sodomy and Civil Doom: The History of an Unchristian Tradition", Vector (Nov, 1975), pp. 23-27, 57-58 [Looks at Christian hostility in OT, NT, the Fathers, Justinian, Charlemagne and Church Councils] Evans, Arthur, Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture: A Radical View of Western Civilization and Some of the People it Tried to Destroy, (Boston: Fag Rag Books, 1978) [Blames attacks on gays on Christianity, which needs to be replaced with socialism.] Fiske, Adelle, "Alcuin and Mystical Friendship", Studii Medievali series 2, 3 (1961), pp. 551-575 Fiske, Adelle, Friends and Friendship in the Monastic Tradition, (Cuernavaca: 1970) Greenberg, D.E. & M.H. Bystrin, "Christian Intolerance of Homosexuality", American Journal of Sociology 88 (1982), pp. 515-548 Hays, R.B., "Relations Natural and Unnatural: A Response to John Boswell's Exegesis of Romans I", Journal of Religious Ethics 14 (1986), pp. 184-215 Johansson, Warren, "Ex parte Themis: The Historic Guilt of the Christian Church", in Homosexuality, Intolerance and Christianity, A Critical Examination, (New York: Scholarship Committe, Gay Academic Union, 1981) Little, Lester K., "Pride Goes Before Avarice: Social Change and Vices in Latin Christendom", American Historical Review 76 (1971), pp. 16-49 [Discussion of the changes in the relative seriousness of sins and why this happens.] Lauritsen, John, "Culpa Ecclesiae: Boswell's Dilemma",in Homosexuality, Intolerance and Christianity: A Critical Examination, (New York: Scholarship Committe, Gay Academic Union, 1981) [Attack on Boswell's theory that the Church did not create hatred of gays, by a leading proponent of the theory that the Church was responsible.] Lea, H.C., "Unnatural Crime", in A History of the Inquisition in Spain 4 vols., (New York: Macmillan, 1922), Vol 4, pp. 361-377 (Chapter 16) [1497-1123, finds 20 persons burned at the stake and 48 "relaxed'.] McGuire, B., "Love, Friendship and Sex in the 11th Century: The Experience of Anselm", Studia Theologia 28 (1974), pp. 111-155 [Looks at spiritual/erotic affections. Finds Anselm unobsessed with male sexuality.] McGuire, Brian P., "Monastic Friendship and Toleration in Twelfth Century Cistercian Life", in W. J. Shiels., ed., Monks, Hermits and the Ascetic Tradition, Studies in Church History 22, (London: 1985) McGuire, B., "Looking Back on Friendship: Medieval Experience and Modern Context", Cistercian Studies 21:2 (1986), pp. 123-142 Martin, D., "The Perennial Canaanites: the Sin of Homosexuality", Etc 41 (1984), pp. 340-361 Moos, Peter von, Hildebert von Lovardin 1056-1133: Humanitas an der Schwelle des hofischen Zetalters, (Stuttgart: 1965) [pp. 236-239 on the cult of Ganymede] Noonan, John T., Contraception: A History of its Treatment by Catholic Theologians and Canonists, (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1966) [Looks at all forms of "non-procreative" sexuality and Church attitudes to it.] Olsen, Glenn, W., "The Gay Middle Ages: a response to Professor Boswell", Communio: International Catholic Review (summer 1981), pp. 119-138 [Highly critical discussion of Boswell's discussion of natural law by a conservative Catholic.] Salisbury, Joyce E., "The Latin Doctors of the Church on Sexuality", Journal of Medical History 12:4 (1986), pp. 279-290 [Augustine, Ambrose, Jerome - After Augustine a change in view and celibacy seen as essential.] Sheehan, M.M., "Christianity and Homosexuality", Journal of Ecclesiastical History 33 (1982), pp. 438-446 [Reviews Boswell, Social Tolerance, Goodich, Unmentionable Vice, and Coleman, Christian Attitudes] Shiels, W.J., ed., Persecution and Tolerance. Studies in Church History 21, (1984) VIII The Middle Ages - Local Studies a) Italy (see also bibliography on Dante) Bell, R.M., "Renaissance Sexuality and the Florentine Archives; the "lesbian nun" of Judith Brown", Renaissance Quarterly 40 (1987), pp. 485-511 [Review article and discussion] Brown, Judith C., "Lesbian Sexuality in Renaissance Italy: The Case of Sister Benedetta Carlini", Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 9:4 (Summer 1984), pp. 751-758; repr. in The Lesbian Issue: Essays from Signs, ed. Estelle B. Freedman et al (Chicago & London: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1985), pp. 271-278 Brown, Judith C., Immodest Acts - The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy, (New York: Oxford UP, 1986) {Reviewed: Jnl Mod Hist 60(1988), pp. 172-174; Cath Hist Rev 73(1987), pp. 619-620; Histoire 108(1988), p.66; Am Jnl Socio 93(1987), pp. 324- 336; Ren Qtly 40(1987), pp. 485-511} Brucker, Gene, ed., The Society of Renaissance Florence: A Documentary Study, (New York: Harper and Row, 1971) [Florentine anti-sodomy magistracy pp. 201-206] Gilmour-Bryson, Anne, The Trial of the Templars in the Papal States and the Abruzzi, (Vatican: Biblioteco Apostolica Vaticana, 1982) Gundesheimer, Werner, "Crime and Punishment in Ferrara", in L. Martines, Violence and Civil Disorder in Italian Cities 1200-1500, (Berkeley: Univ. Of California Press, 1972) [pp. 144 ff. - 8 executions of sodomites 1440- 1500. 4% of all capital punishments.] Herlihy, David, "Veillir a Florence au Quattrocento", Annales E.S.C 24 (1969), pp. 1338-1352 Herlihy, David, "The Tuscan Town in the Quattrocento", Medievalia et Humanistica 1 (1970), pp. 81-100 Labalme, Patricia H., "Sodomy and Venetian Justice in the Renaissance", Revue d'histoire du droit 52:3 (1985), pp. 217-254 Munster, Ladislao, "Un processo per sodomia a Venezia e una perizia medica relitiva ad esso", in Frascastro: Studi e Memories per il IV Centenario della Marte, (Verona: Ghidini Fiorini, 1954), pp. 82-84 Pavan, Elizabeth, "Police des moeurs, societe et politique a Venise a la fin du moyen age", Revue Historique 264:2 (1986), pp. 241-288 Ruggierio, Guido, "Sexual Criminality in the Early Renaissance: Venice 1338-1358", Journal of Social History 8:4 (1975), pp. 18-37 [Documents 16 young nobles burnt for sodomy in 1406-1407.] Ruggiero, Guido, The Boundaries of Eros: Sex, Crime and Sexuality in Renaissance Venice, (New York: Oxford UP, 1985) Shevill, F., Medieval and Renaissance Florence 2nd ed., (New York, 1961) Shreve, Jack, "Homosexuality in Renaissance Italy", Gay Literature 2 (Spring, 1972), pp. 10-14 Trexler, R.C., "La Prostitution Florentine au XVe Siecle: Patronage et Clienteles", Annales ESC 36:6 (1981), pp. 983-1015 [Discusses Florentine institution of brothels in 1403 as an antisodomy move.] b) France Courouve, Claude, "Sodomy Trials in France", Gay Books Bulletin 1 (1978), pp. 22-23, 26 [Documents 30 executions in France 1317-1783. Author may also have a book called Archives de l'homosexualite.] Coward, D.A., "Attitudes to Homosexuality in Eighteenth Century France", Journal of European Studies 10, pp. 236 ff. drawin drawing on opinions od Ordericus Vitelis.] Duby, Georges, William Marshall: The Flower of Chivalry, trans. R. Howard, (New York: Pantheon Books, 1985) Herman, Gerald, "The `Sin against Nature' and its Echos in Medieval French Literature", Annuale Medievale 17 (1976), pp. 70-87 Le Roy Ladourie, Emmanuel, Montaillou: Village Occitan de 1294-1324, (Paris: Gallimard, 1975), trans. by B. Bray as Montaillou: The Promised Land of Error, (New York: 1978) [Discusses inquisition records including those related to homosexuality.] Leclerq, Jean, Monks and Love in 12th Century France: Psychohistorical Essays, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979) {Reviewed: AHR (1982), p.377} c) Spanish Jewry Allony, Nehemiah, "The `Zevi', Hebrew Poetry in Spain", Seferad 23 (1963), pp. 311-321 Citron, Aaron, "Aspects of Love in the Hebrew Poetry of Moslem Spain", Literature East and West 11 (1967), pp. 119-125 Roth, Norman, "Deal Gently with the Young Man: Love of Boys in Medieval Hebrew Poetry of Spain", Speculum 57 (1982), pp. 21-50 Roth, Norman, "Satire and Debate in Two Famous Medieval Poems from al-Andulus: Love of Boys vs. Girls, the Pen and Other Themes", The Maghreb Review 4 (1979), pp. 105-113 Schirmann, Jefim (Hayyim), "The Ephebe in Medieval Hebrew Poetry", Seferad 15 (1955), pp. 55-68 d) Elsewhere (See also bibliography on Chaucer) Gade, K.E., "Homosexuality and the Rape of Males in Old Norse Law and Literature", Scandinavian Studies 58 (1986), pp. 124-141 Heyworth, D.L., "Jocelin of Brakeland, Abbot Samson and the Case of William the Sacrist" in Middle English Studies; presented to Norman Davis in honour of his seventieth birthday, ed. Douglass Gray & E.G. Stanley, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983) [William's fault was sodomy not mismanagement.] Koukales, P, The Private Life of the Byzantines [Byzantinon bios kai politismos] 8 vols., (Athens: Institut Francais, 1947-57)(in modern Greek) [Vol IV, pp. 505-39 on homosexuality] Krekic, B, "Abominandum-Crimen: Punishment of Homosexuals in Renaissance Dubrovnik", Viator 18 (1987), pp. 337-345 Monter, E. William, "Sodomy and Heresy in Early Modern Switzerland", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 41-55, trans. and revision of "La sodomie a l'epoque moderne en Suisse Romande", Annales ESC 29 (1974), pp. 1023-1033 Mullet, Margaret, "Byzantium: A Friendly Society?", Past and Present 118 (1988), pp. 3-23 [p. 11 on homosexuality.] IX The Middle Ages - Sexuality and Law a) Church Law Brundage, James, Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe, (Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1987) [Must now be the standard work on the subject.] Gauthier, Albert, "La sodomie dans le droit canonique medieval" in L'Erotisme au Moyen Age: Etudes presentees au IIe Colloque de l'Institut d'Etudes Medievales, 3-4 Avril 1976, ed. Roy, Bruno (Montreal: Ed. Aurore, 1977), pp. 109-122 Goodich, Michael, "Sodomy in Ecclesiastical Law and Theory", Journal of Homosexuality 1:3 (1976), pp. 427-434 [Looks at penitentials, patristics, canons, episcopal instructions to the clergy.} Laeuchli, Samuel, Power and Sexuality: The Emergence of Canon Law at the Synod of Elvira, (Philadelphia: 1972) b) Civil and Secular Law Gigeroff, Alexis K., Sexual Deviations in the Criminal, (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press for the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, 1968) Goodich, Michael, "Sodomy in Medieval Secular Law", Journal of Homosexuality 1:3 (1976), pp. 295-302 [Criticised by Boswell, (Social Tolerance p.291) for not assessing the meaning of "sodomy", for assuming religious prejudice alone accounts for anti-gay laws, and for lumping all laws in the late medieval period together.] Grande, L., "Laws and Attitudes towards Homosexuality from Antiquity to the Modern Era", Ponte 43:4-5 (1987), pp. 122-129 Labalme, Patricia H., "Sodomy and Venetian Justice in the Renaissance", Revue d'Histoire du Droit 52:3 (1985), pp. 217-254 Reinhard, J.R., "Burning at the Stake in Medieval Law and Literature", Speculum 16 (1941), pp. 190 ff. Stanley-James, D., "Sexual Inversion and English Law", The Medical Press and Circular 215 (1946), pp. 391-398 [Suggests that the introduction of Aristotle into the curriculum at Paris somehow veiled a battle over homosexuality.] X The Middle Ages - Homosexual Individuals Cuttino, G.P. & T.W. Lyman, "Where is Edward II", Speculum 53 (1978), pp. 522-544 Daniel, Marc, "Was St. Thomas a Homosexual", trans. Marcel Martin, Homophile Studies: ONE Institute Quarterly 19 (1963), pp. 68-71 [Denies Jean Anouilh's portrayal of Becket and Henry II as lovers.] Gillingham, John, "Richard I and Berengaria of Navarre", Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 53:128 (1980), pp. 157-173 [The alliance with Navarre vs. France and Richard's supposed homosexuality.] Gilman, Sander L., "Leonardo sees himself: reading Leonardo's first representations of human sexuality", Social Research 54:1 (1987), pp. 149-171 Goldberg, J., "Society and Sodomy: The Case of Christopher Marlowe", Southwest Review 69 (1984?), pp. 371-378 Graham, James, The Homosexual Kings of England, (London: Universal Tandem Pub. Co, 1968) [brief and superficial: William II, Richard I, Edward II, James I and William III.] McGuire, B., "Love, Friendship and Sex in the 11th Century: The Experience of Anselm", Studia Theologia 28 (1974), pp. 11-32 [Looks at spiritual/erotic affections. Finds Anselm unobsessed with male sexuality.] Russo, William, "Leonardo: A Brush with Gayness", In Touch no. 37 (Sept-Oct, 1978), pp. 39, 92-95 [Published records show 1474 sodomy charge against Leonardo. He later took boys as lovers.] Russo, William, "Caravaggio", In Touch 39 (Jan-Feb 1979), pp. 74-75, 78-79 Russo, William, "Edward II, Englands Gay King", In Touch 43 (Sept-Oct 1979), pp. 61-63 Southern, Richard W., St. Anselm and his Biographer, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1963) [pp.67-76 on the cult of Ganymede] XI The Middle Ages - Other Issues a) Homosexuality, Heresy and Witchcraft Bullough, Vern L., "Heresy, Witchcraft and Sexuality", Journal of Homosexuality 1 (1974), pp. 183-201, repr. in Vern L. Bullough: Sex, Society and History, (New York: Science History Publications, 1976) [Points out that because sources often do not distinguish between heresy, witchcraft and homosexuality, it can be difficult to deal with medieval homosexuality.] Goodich, Michael, "Sexual Deviation as heresy in the XIIth-XIVth Centuries", Modernite et Non- conformisme en France a travers les ages: Actes du Colloque organisee par l'Institut d'Histoire et de Civilisation Francaise de L'Universite de Haifa, ed. Myriam Yardeni, Studies in the History of Christian Though 28, (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1983) Karlen, Arno, "The Homosexual Heresy", Chaucer Review 6:1 (1971), pp. 44-63 Monter, E. William, "Sodomy and Heresy in Early Modern Switzerland", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 41-55, trans. and revision of "La sodomie a l'epoque moderne en Suisse Romande", Annales ESC 29 (1974), pp. 1023-1033 Russell, Jeffrey B., Witchcraft in the Middle Ages, (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1972) Monter, E. William, "The Pedestal and the Stake: Courtly Love and Witchcraft", in Becoming Visible: Women in European History eds. Renate Bridenthal & Claudia Koonz, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977) Thouzellier, Christine, "Histoire des sectes dans l'occident medieval", Annuaire de L'Ecole Practique des Hautes Etudes Ve section 86 (1978- 9), pp. 385-388 [A study of the word "bougre" as applied to cathars.] Thouzellier, Christine, "Etude du term bougre, applique aux heretiques cathares", Annuaire de L'Ecole Practique des Hautes Etudes Ve section 87 (1979-80), pp. 419-421 b) Homosexuality, Leprosy and Sickness Brody, Saul N., The Disease of the Soul, (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell UP, 1974) [Discusses association of sexuality with leprosy] Bullough, Vern L. & Bonnie Bullough, Sin, Sickness and Sanity: A History of Sexual Attitudes, (New York: 1977) c) Paedophilia Eglinton, J.S., Greek Love, (New York: Oliver Layton Press, 1964) [Looks at history of boy-love in Greece, Rome, Middle ages and present.] d) Bestiality Brouillard, R., "Bestialite",in Dictionnaire de droit canonique 7 vols., (Paris: Librairie Letouzey et Ane, 1935-65), pp. 793-799 [Bestiality was also seen as a "crime against nature"] e) Transvestism Bullough, Vern L., "Transvestism in the Middle Ages: A Sociological Analysis", American Journal of Sociology 79 (1974), pp. 1381-1394, modified repr. in Vern L. Bullough & James Brundage, Sexual Practices and the Medieval Church, New Concepts in Human Sexuality Series, (Prometheus Books, 1982) [Uses mainly hagiographical evidence.] XII Early Modern Homosexulity - 1500-1750 Bingham, Caroline, "Seventeenth-century Attitudes toward Deviant Sex", Journal of Interdisciplinary History 1:3, pp. 448 ff. Binns, J.W., "Women or Transvestite on the Elizabethan Stage?: An Oxford Controversy", Sixteenth Century Journal 5 (1974), pp. 95-170 [On the fear puritans had about homosexuality in the theatre due to the presence of transvestite boy actors.] Bray, Alan, Homosexuality in Renaissance England, (London: Gay Men's Press, 1982) [Mainly concerned with 17th and 18th centuries. Believes modern homosexual identity was constructed in this period - the opposite of Boswell's view] Brown, Judith C., Immodest Acts - The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy, (New York: Oxford UP, 1986) Burg, Richard, "Ho Hum, Another work of the Devil" Buggery and Sodomy in Early Stuart England", Journal of Homosexuality 6 (1980/81), pp. 69-78 Compton, Louis, "Homosexuals and the Death Penalty in Colonial America", Journal of Homosexuality 1 (1976), pp. 277-293 Coward, D.A., "Attitudes to Homosexuality in Eighteenth Century France", Journal of European Studies 10, pp. 236 ff. Daniel, Marc, "A Study of Homosexuality in France during the Reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XIV", ONE Institute Quarterly 4 (1961), pp. 77-93 & 125-136 Eriksson, Brigitte, "A Lesbian Execution in Germany, 1721: The Trial Records", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 27-40 [Trial records of two lesbians tired in 1721. Based on a report in a 19th Century German medical periodical.] Goldberg, J., "Society and Sodomy: The Case of Christopher Marlowe", Southwest Review 69 (1984?), pp. 371-378 Harris, Tim, "The Bawdy House Riots of 1668", Historical Jouranal 29:3 (1986), pp. 537-556 [p. 543 on the homosexual bishop of Rochester. Ref. Pepys Diary VIII 585, 586] Katz, Jonathan, ed., Miss Marianne Woods and Miss Jane Pirie against Dame Helen Cumming Gordon, (New York: Arno Press, 1975) [Repr. of Authorities with Regard to the Practice of Tribadism, (1811) - a collection of authorities on lesbianism for a Scots libel case.] Oaks, Robert, "Things fearful to name: Sodomy and Buggery in Seventeenth Century New England", Journal of Social History 12 (1978), pp. 268 ff. Oaks, Robert F., "Defining Sodomy in Seventeenth- Century Massachusetts", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 79-84 Rey, Michel, "Police et Sodomie a Paris au XVIII siecle", Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaire 29 (1982), pp. 116 ff. Rey, Michel, "Paris Homosexuals Create a Lifestyle, 1700-1750", Eighteenth Century Life 9 (3) (1985), pp. 179 ff. Rollison, D., "Property, Ideology and Popular Culture in a Gloucestershire Village 1660-1740", Past and Present 93 (1981), pp. 70-91 [Discusses sodomy.] Teaseley, D., "The Charge of Sodomy as a Political Weapon in Early Modern France - The Case of Henry III in Catholic League Polemic, 1585- 1589", Maryland Historian 18:1 (1987), pp. 17-30 Tentler, Thomas T., Sex and Confession on the Eve of the Reformation, (New York: 1979) Thorssen, Marilyn, J., "Varieties of Amourous Experience: Homosexual and Heterosexual Relationships in Marlowe and Shakespeare", in Human Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. D. Radcliff-Umstead, (Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh Publications on the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 1978), pp. 135- 152 Trumbach, Randolph, "London's Sodomites: Homosexual Behaviour and Western culture in the Eighteenth Century", Journal of Social History 11:1 (1977), pp. 1-33 [Believes in a continuous homosexual subculture. Monter, "Modern Switzerland" discusses and criticises this view.] Warnicke, R.M., "Sexual Heresy at the Court of Henry VIII", Historical Journal 30, (1987), pp. 247- 268 Wunderli, Richard M., London Church Courts and Society on the Eve of the Reformation, (Cambridge, Mass.: 1981) [pp. 83-84, on the English anti-buggary statute] XIII Modern Western Homosexuality 1750-1980 (Works marked with a * are the most useful.) A General *Adam, Barry D., The Rise of a Gay and Lesbian Movement, (Boston: Twayne, 1987) [Good textbook. Main concern is modern period. Discusses some theoretical issues] Arguelles, Lourdes & B. Ruby Rich, "Homosexuality, Homophobia, and Revolution", Signs 9:4 (1984) Atkinson, Ti-Grace, "Lesbianism and Feminism" in Phyllis Buckley et al, eds., Amazon Expedition, (Washington, N.J.: Times Change Press, 1973) Baldurson, Guthni, "From Sexual Abberration to Sexual Inversion", in IGA Pink Book, edited by the International Gay Association, (Amsterdam: COC- magazijn, 1985) Burton, Richard, "Terminal Essay, Part IV, Social Conditions - Pederasty", in The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, 10 vols., (privately printed, 1886), Vol 10, pp. 205-254 [Burton thinks homosexual acts are endemic between 30 and 43 degrees latitude.] *Faderman, Lilian, Surpassing the Love of Men, (New York: William Morrow, 1981) [History of Lesbians based on literary sources.] Faderman, Lilian, Scotch Verdict: Miss Pirie and Miss Woods v. Dame Cumming Gordan, (New York: William Morrow, 1983) [Dramatisation of Scottish trial involving lesbians in 1792: No footnotes or bibliography but see also Jonathan Katz, ed., Miss Marianne Woods and Miss Jane Pirie against Dame Helen Cumming Gordon, (New York: Arno Press, 1975), a repr. of Authorities with Regard to the Practice of Tribadism, (1811) - a collection of authorities on lesbianism for a Scots libel case.] IGA Pink Book, edited by the International Gay Association, (Amsterdam: COC-magazijn, 1985) [Contemparary Gay Life in countries around the world: Legal position, social expectations etc.] B North America [Note on sources: Many authors still depend on personal memories, interviews, and newspaper/magazine cuttings. Several archives have been set up, eg the Lesbian Herstory Archives. Columbia Lesbian and Gay Students have files going back to their foundation. The archives of the Gay Activists Alliance are owned/kept by Mr. John Rash, 611 W. 111th St, Box 57, NY, NY 10025 [(212) 666 2531]. He also has probably the best records of Dignity/New York as well as records of various other organizations he has been involved with.] Abbott, Sidney, "Lesbians and the Women's Movement", in Ginny Vida, Our Right to Love, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978) Abbott, Sidney, & Barbara Love, Sappho Was a Right-On Women, (New York: Stein & Day, 1972) [Lesbian liberation 1969-1972] *Adair, Nancy & Casey Adair, Word is Out: Stories of Some Of Our Lives, (San Francisco: New Glide, 1978) Adam, Barry D., "A Social History of Gay Politics", in Martin Levine, ed., Gay Men, (New York: Harper & Row, 1979) Adam, Barry D., "Sexual Outlaws", Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 4 (1980) Adam, Barry D., "Where Gay People Come From", Christopher Street 64 (1982) Adam, Barry D., "Age, Structure and Sexuality", Journal of Homosexuality 11:3/4 (1985) Adam, Barry D., "Structural Foundations of the Gay World", Comparative Studies in Society and History 27:4 (1985) Altman, Denis, Homosexual Oppression and Liberation, (New York: Outerbridge & Dienstfrey, 1971) [Classic gay lib. philosophy.] Altman, Denis, "The State, Repression and Sexuality", Gay Left 6 (Summer, 1978) *Altman, Denis, Coming out in the Seventies, (Sydney: Wild and Wolley, 1979) Altman, Denis, "What Changed in the Seventies", in Gay Left Collective, eds., Homsexuality: Power and Politics, (London: Allison & Busby, 1978) Altman, Denis, The Homosexualization of America, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982) [Gay life in the 1970s] Bell Arthur, Dancing the Gay Lib Blues: A Year in the Homosexual Liberation Movement, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1971) [Looks at GAA in particular] Bell Arthur, Kings Don't Mean a Thing: The John Knight Murder Case, (New York: William Morrow, 1978) [Looks at murder case of 1975] Brown, Howard, Familiar Faces, Hidden Lives: The Story of Homosexual Men in America Today, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976) Bryant, Anita, The Anita Bryant Story, (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1977) [Bryants version of her anti-gay crusade of 1977] Burnham, John, "Early References to Homosexual Communities in American Medical Writings", Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 7 (August, 1973):36, pp. 40-49 D'Emilio, John, "Dreams deferred: the early American homophile movement", in Ed Jackson & Stan Persky, eds., Flaunting It: A Decade of Gay Journalism from The Body Politic, (Vancouver: New Star Books; Toronto: Pink Triangle Press, 1982), pp. 127-137 [Account of the founding of the Mattachine Society by the communist Harry Hay in 1950. Abbreviated verison of the following three articles: "Radical Beginnings, 1950-1951, TBP 48 (Nov, 1978), pp. 19-24, "Public Actions Private Fears", TBP 49 (Dec, 1978-Jan, 1979) pp. 24-29, "Dreams Deferred", TBP 50 (Feb, 1979), pp. 22- 27] D'Emilio, John, Sexual Politics, Sexual Communites, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983) [Most complete account of US homophile movement in 1950s and 1960s] *D'Emilio, John & Estelle Freedman, Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America, (New York: Harper & Row, 1988) Duberman, Martin Baumi, "The Therapy of C.M. Otis", Christopher Street (Nov, 1977), pp. 33-37 [Discusses uses of sources to uncover history of homosexuality.] Duberman, Martin Baumi, "`Writhing Bedfellows': Two Young Men from Antebellum South Carolina's Ruling Elite Share `Extravagent Delight'", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 85- 102 Humphreys, Laud, Out of the Closets, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1972) [Sociology of early dyas of gay lib.] Gay Freedom 1970, (New York: Queens Quaterly Publishing Co., 1970) [A 32 page booklet of photos of the first Gay Pride/Christopher Street Liberation Day Rally in 1970 "prepared by the editors of QQ Magazine. Incidentally the "lambda" sign was on many of the t-shirts worn in 1970.] A Gay News Chronology: January 1969-May 1975, (New York: Arno Press, 1975) [562 abstracts of all NY Times articles on homosexuality during the period covered] Gearhart, Sally & Bill Johnson, "The Gay Movement in the Church", in Sally Gearhart & Bill Johnson, eds., Loving Women/Loving Men: Gay Liberation and the Church, (San Francisco: Glide Foundation, 1974) Gerassi, John, The Boys of Boise: Furor, Vice and Folly in an American City, (New York: Macmillan, 1966; paperback, New York: Collier) [Homosexual scandal and withchunt in Idaho in 1950s] Gibson, E. Lawrence, Get Off My Ship: Ensign Berg vs, the U.S. Navy, (New York: Arno Press, 1978) [Court case in US Navy 1975-1976.] Government versus Homosexuals, (New York: Arno Press, 1975) [3 government reports on homosexuals: 1921 US Senate, "Alleged immoral conditions at Newport (R.I.) Naval Training Station; 1950 US Senate, "Employment of Homosexuals and other perverts in government"; 1966 Florida Legislature, "Homosexuality and citizenship in Florida".] Grier, Barbara & Coletta Reid, eds., The Lavender Herring, (Baltimore: Diana Press, 1976) [Journalism from the early lesbian magazine, The Ladder] Grier, Barbara & Coletta Reid, eds., Lesbian Lives: Biographies of Women from The Ladder, (Oakland, Ca.: Diana Press, 1976) [Sketches of over 60 women who may have been lesbians.] Gunnison, Foster, "The Homosphile Movement in America", in Ralph W. Weltge, ed., The Same Sex: An Appraisal of Homosexuality, (Philadelphia: United Church Press, 1969) Hamilton, Wallace, Christopher and Gay: A Partisans View of the Greenwich Village Scene, (New York: Saturday Review Press, 1973) [Gay life in Greenwich Village.] Humphreys, Laud, "Organizing for Change", in Out of the Closets: The Sociology of Homosexual Liberation, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice- Hall, 1972; papberback, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Spectrum) Jackson, Ed, & Stan Persky, eds., Flaunting It: A Decade of Gay Journalism from The Body Politic, (Vancouver: New Star Books; Toronto: Pink Triangle Press, 1982) [Covers the years when this Canadian Journal followed the emergence of the Gay movement.] Kantrowicz, Arnie, Under the Rainbow: Growing Up Gay, (New York: William Morrow, 1977; paperback, New York: Pocketbooks) [Grwoing up gay and Jewish. Involvement in gay lib.] Katz, Jonathan, Coming Out: A Documentary Play about Gay Life and Liberation in the United States of America, (New York: Arno Press, 1975) *Katz, Jonathan, Gay American History: Lesnians and Gay Men in the USA - A Documentary, (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1976; paperback, New York: Avon Discus) [Anthology of 168 documents with some analysis. Gives half of its space to lesbians] Katz, Jonathan, The Gay/Lesbian Almanac, (New York: Morrow, 1983) Licata, Salvatore J., "Gay Power: A History of the American Gay Movement", (Ph.D dissertation, History, University of Southern California, 1978) Licata, Salvatore J., "The Emerging Gay Presence", The Advocate, 245 (Jul 12, 1978) pp. 7-8,43, 246 (July 26, 1978), pp. 7-8, 247 (August 9, 1978), pp. 17-18, 20 [Optimistic account of 20th century gay movements.] Licata, Salvatore J., "The Homsexual Rights Movement in the United States: A Traditionally Overlooked Area of American History", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 161-190 Lloyde, Robin, For Money or Love: Boy Prostitution in America, (New York: Vanguard Press, 1976; paperback, New York: Ballantine) [Superficial discussion of boy prostitution through history.] Marrotta, Toby, The Politics of Homosexuality, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981) [Integrated and more distant narrative of early gay lib. in New York] Martin, Del & Phyllis Lyon, Lesbian/Women, (San Francisco: Glide Publications, 1972) [by co-founders of the Daughters of Bilitis. 1950s homophile movement.] Masters, Robert E.L., The Homosexual Revolution: A Challenging Expose of the Social and Political Directions of a Minority Group, (New York: Julian Press, 1962; paperback, New York: Belmont) [Looks at Mattachine, DOB, and political demands.] Miller, Merle, On Being Different: What It Means to BE a Homosexual, (New York: Random House, 1971; paperback, New York: Popular Library) Murphy, John, Homosexual Liberation: A Personal View, (New York: Preager, 1971) [By an early GLF activist.] Myron, Nancy & Charlotte Bunch, Women Remembered: A Collection of Biographies form the "Furies", (Baltimore: Diana Press, 1974) [Sketches of famous lesbians.] Olsen, Jack, The Man with the Candy: The Story of the Houston Mass Murders, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974: paperback, New York: Pocketbooks) [Murders of 27 boys between 1971-1973] Onge, Jack, The Gay Liberation Movement, (Chicago: Alliance Press, 1971) [Looks at 1950's plus 1969-71 in NY, SF and Chicago.] Parsons, Gail Pat, "Equal Treatment for All: American Medical Remedies for Male Sexual Problems, 1850- 1900", Jouranl of the History of Medicine 32 (1977) Reid, John (pseud.), The Best Little Boy in the World, (New York: Putnam's Sons, 1973) [Successful businessman complains about society's attitude.] Rule, Jane, Lesbian Images, (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1975) [Looks at writings of famous lesbians.] Russo, Vito, The Celluloid Closet, (New York: 198 ) Sagarin, Edward, "Historical Precedents", and "The Mattachine Society and its Predecessors", in Structure and Ideology in an Association of Deviants, (New York: Arno Press, 1975: reprint of Ph.D dissertation, Sociology and Anthropology, New York University, 1966) Sylvestre, Paul Francois, Les homosexuels s'organisent, (Ottawa: Editions Homeureux, 1979) [Growth of gay movement in Canada] Teal, Donn, The Gay Militants, (New York, Stein & Day, 1971) [Early documentary history of Stonewall Rebellion. Many original sources used to convey what happened] Tobin, Kay & Randy Wicker, The Gay Crusaders, (New York; Paperback Library, 1972) [Sketches of leaders of US gay rights movement: inc. Troy Perry, Frank Kameny, Barbara Gittings, Jack Baker, and Jim Owles.] Tripp, Clarence A., The Homosexual Matrix, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975: paperback, New York: Signet) Tyler, Parker, Screening the Sexes: Homosexuality in the Movies, (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972; paperback, Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Anchor) Vida, Ginny, Our Right to Love, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978) [Covers Lesbian issues in the 1970s] Winter, Alan D., The Gay Press: A History of the Gay Community and Its Publications, (Austin, Tex.: self-published, typewritten, 1977) C Britain Croft-Cooke, Rupert, Feasting With Panthers, (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1967) [Late Victorian homosexuals: Wilde, Swinbourne, Symonds.] Croft-Cooke, Rupert, The Verdict of You All, (London: Secker and Warburg, 1965) [An account of the authors arrest and trial for homosexual offenses in 1953, and his prison experiences.] Galloway, Bruce, ed., Prejudice and Pride, (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983) [Modern British gay concerns,] Gay Left Collective, eds., Homsexuality: Power and Politics, (London: Allison & Busby, 1978) [Theoretical tratment of gays and lesbians in a cpitalist society] Gilbert, Arthur N., "The `Africaine' Courts-Martial: A Study of Buggery in the Royal", Journal of Homosexuality 1 (1974), pp. 111-122 Gilbert, Arthur N., "Buggery and the British Navy", Journal of Social History (1976), pp. 72-98 Gilbert, Arthur N., "Doctor, Patient, and Onanist Diseases in the Nineteenth Century", Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (1975) Gilbert, Arthur N., "Sexual Deviance and Disaster during the Napoleonic Wars", Albion 9 (Spring, 1977), pp. 98-113 Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Cleveland Street Scandal, (New York: Coward-McCann and Geoghegan, 1976) [A Homosexual scandal in Victorian Britain] Katz, Jonathan, ed., Miss Marianne Woods and Miss Jane Pirie against Dame Helen Cumming Gordon, (New York: Arno Press, 1975) [repr. of Authorities with Regard to the Practice of Tribadism, (1811) - a collection of authorities on lesbianism for a Scots libel case.] Reade, Brian, ed., Sexual Heretics: Male Homosexuality in English Literature from 1850 to 1900, (New York: Coward-McCann, 1970) Simpson, Colin, Lewis Chester & David Leitch, The Cleveland Street Affair, (Boston: Little Brown, 1976) [A Homosexual scandal in Victorian Britain.] Smith, Timothy d'Arche, Love in Earnest: Some Notes on the Lives and Writings of English "Uranian" Poets from 1889 to 1930, (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1970) *Walter, Aubrey, ed., Come Together: the years of gay liberation (1970-1973), (London: Gay Men's Press, 198 ) [Articles form the London Gay Liberation Front's paper Come Together] *Weeks, Jeffrey, Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britains From the Nineteenth Century to the Present, (New York & London: Quartet, 1977) {Rev. in Jnl.Homo 6 (1980), pp. 214-219} Weeks, Jeffrey, Sex, Politics and Society, (London: Longman, 1981) Weeks, Jeffrey, Sexuality and its Discontents, (London: 19 ) Weeks, Jeffrey, "Inverts, Perverts, and Mary-Annes: Male Prostitution and the Regulation of Homosexuality in England in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. Wildeblood, Peter, Against the Law, (London: Weidenfield and Nicolson, 1956; paperback, Harmondsworth: Penguin) [First-hand account of one of the five men charged in the "Lord Montagu" case in 1954.] D France Barbadette, Gilles & Michel Carassou, Paris Gay 1925, (Paris: Presses de Renaissance, 1981) Bonnet, Marie-Jo, Un choix sans équivoque, (Paris: Editions Denoel, 1981) Brassai, The Secret Paris of the 30's, (New York: Pantheon, 1981) Bory. Jean-Louis & Guy Hocquengham, Comment nous appelez vous déja?, (Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1977) *Girard. Jacques, Le mouvement homosexuel en France, 1945-1980, (Paris: Editions Syros, 1981) Hahn, Pierre, Nos ancetres les pervers, (Paris: Olivier Orban, 1979) Huddleston, Sisley, Paris Salons, Cafés, Studios, (New York: Lippincott, 1928) D Germany/Austria Baumgardt, Manfred, "Berlin, ein Zentrum der entstehenden Sexualenwissenschaften und dir Vorlaufer der Homosexualitat-Bewegung", "Das Institut fur Sexualwissenschaft und die Homosexuelle Bewegung in der Wiemarer Republik", and "Die Homosexuellen-Bewegung bis zum Ende des Erstern Weltkreiges", in Eldorado, ed. by the Berlin Museum, (Berlin: Frolich & Kaufmann, 1984) Benkert (Kertbeny), K.M., Paragarph 143 des preussichen Strafgesetzebuches vom14.4.1851 und seine Aufrechterhaltung als Paragraph 152 im Entwurf eines Strafgesetzbuches fur den Norddeutschen Buns..., (Leipzig: 1869); repr. in Jahrbuch fur sexuelle Zwischenstufen 7 (1905), pp. 1-66 [first use of the word "homosexual"] Bleuel, Hans Peter, Sex and Society in Nazi Germany, (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1974) [Discusses inter alia, Roehm's murder, and the view that homosexuals should be drowned in bogs as amongst the ancient Germans.] Bock, Gisela, "Racism and Sexism in Nazi Germany", Signs 8:3 (1993) Eldorado, ed. by the Berlin Museum, (Berlin: Frolich & Kaufmann, 1984) [Illustrates history of gay men and lesbians in Germany before 1950, based on a 1984 exhibition.] Evans, Richard, The Feminist Movement in Germany, 1894-1933, (London: Sage, 1976) Faderman, Lilian & Brigette Erikson, Lesbian-Feminism in Turn-of the Century Germany, (Weatherby Lake, Mo.: Naiad Press, 198o) [History of Lesbianism in Germany 1895-1921, including Anna Rulings address to the Scientific- Humantarian Commitee.] Got, Ambroise, "Le vice organisé en Allemagne", Mercure de France 161 (1923) Hamilton, Richard, Who Voted for Hitler?, (Princeton N.J.: Princeton UP, 1982) Herzen, W., "Antithetical Sexual Sentiment and Section 175 of the Imperial Penal Law, 1898", in Bernstein on Homosexuality, trans. Angela Clifford, (Belfast: Athol Books, 1984) Herzer, Manfred, "Nazis, Psychiatrists, and Gays", Cabirion 12 (Spring/Summer, 1985) Hirschfeld, Magnus, "Berlins drittes Geschlecht", & "Sappho und Socrates", in Documents of the Homosexual Rights Movement in Germany, 1836- 1927, (New York: Arno, 1985) Hoess, Rudolf, Commandant od Auschwitz, (London: Pan Books, 1959) Hohman, Joachim, Keine Zeit fur gute Freunde, (Berlin: Foerster Verlag, 1982) Kokula, Ilse, Der Kampf gegen Unterdruckung, (Munich: Verlag Frauenoffensive, 1975) [Development of modern German Lesbian movement.] *Lauritsen, John & David Thorstad, The Early Homosexual Rights Movement (1864-1953), (New York: Times Chnage Press, 1974) [First book on the subject in 1970s.] *Lautmann, Rudiger, "The Pink Triangle: The Persecution of Homosexual Males in Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany ", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 141-160 Lautmann, Rudiger & E. Vismar, Pink Triangle: The Social History of Antihomosexual Persecution in Nazi Germany, (forthcoming, ref. in Jnl.Homo 6 (1980), p. 160) Plant, Richard, "The Men with the Pink Triangles", Christopher Street (Feb. 1978) pp. 4-10 *Plant, Richard, The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals, (New York: Owl/New Republic/Henry Holt, 1986) [Probably the best book on the Nazi treatment of gays, but far from perfect. Useful bibliography.] *Rector, Frank, The Nazi Extermination of Homosexuals, (1981) Steakley, James, "Homosexuals and the Third Reich", in Ed Jackson & Stan Persky, eds., Flaunting It: A Decade of Gay Journalism from The Body Politic, (Vancouver: New Star Books; Toronto: Pink Triangle Press, 1982), pp. 84-90 [First English account of gays in Nazi Germany, TBP 11 (Feb, 1974)] *Steakley, James, The Homosexual Emancipation Movement in Germany, (New York: Arno, 1975) [Most important text on the issue.] Steakley, James, "Gays under Socialism: Male Homosexuality in the German Democratic Republic", The Body Politic 29 (Dec 1976-Jan 1977), pp. 15-18 Stumke, Hans-Georg & Rudi Finkler, Rosa Winkel, Rosa Listen, (Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1981) [Most comprehensiev treatment of gay movement in Germany, from Hirshcfeld until now.] Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich, Forschungen uber das Ratsel der mannmannlichen Liebe 12 vols. in 1, (Liepzig: 1898; repr. New York: Arno Press, 1975) E Other European Countries Baktis, Dr., Die Sexualrevolution in Russland, (Berlin: Verlag der Syndikalist; repr. Osnabruck: Atchive Antiautoritare, n.d.) Brockman, Jurgen, "Antihomosexualitat in den sozialistischen Landern Osteuropas", in Rudiger Lautmann, ed., Seminar: Gesellachaft und Homosexualitat, (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1977) Fluvia, Armand de, "El movimento homosexual en el estado espanol", In José Ramon Enriquez, El Homsexual ante la Sociedad Enferma, (Barcelona: Tusquets, 1978) Grupa de Accion Gay, "Liberacion sin Aqualane", Sodoma 2 (Italy: 1955) Hauer, Gudrun et al., Rosa Liebe unterem roten Stern, (Hamburg: Fruhlings Erwachen, 1984) Mirabet I Mullol, Antoni, Homosexualidad Hoy, (Barcelona: Editorial Herder, 1985) [Most important referenve in Spanish to homosexuality. Looks at theories and the emerging gay movement. in Spanish and Catalan.] Teilman, Rob, Homosexualiteit in Nederland, (Amsterdam: Boom, Meppel, 1982) F Outside Europe and North America Arboleda, Manuel, "Gay Life in Lima", Gay Sunshine 42/43 (1980) Botero, Ebel, "Our Sisters and Brothers in Columbia", in Gay Community News (Boston: 8:25, 1981) Carrier, Joseph, "Cultural Factors Affecting Urban Male Homosexual Behavior", Archives of Sexual Behavior 5:2 (1976) Hansen, Waldemar, "Naked to his Enemies", in The Peacock Throne, (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972), pp. 396-421 [Account of a Sufi mystic, Sarmad, a convert from Judaism, in Mogul India.] Herrick, Thaddeus, "A View of Venezuelan Homosexuality", Habari-Daftari 4 (1984) XIV Works on History of Homosexuality after AIDS - Noted after Dec 1988 Altman, Denis, AIDS in the Mind of America, (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1986) *Shilts, Randy, And The Band Played On: People Politics and the AIDS Epidemic, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987) [Based on interviews with most important players in unfolding of first few years of AIDS] XV Works on Homosexual Individuals - After 1750 Ackerley, Joe R., My Father and Myself, (New York: Coward-McCann, 1968) [Discusses inter alia homosexuality in inter-war London.] Asprey, Robert, The Panthers Feast, (New York: Putnam's Sons, 1959) [Biography of Colonel Alfred Redl, Austro- Hungarian Deputy Chief of Intelligence in the First World War. Uses novel techniques.] Asprey, Robert, Frederick the Great: The Magnificent Enigma, (1988) Boyd, Malcolm, Take Off the Masks, (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1978) [Gay Epicoplian priest.] Britten, Vera, Radclyffe Hall, A Case of Obscenity?, (London: Femina, 1968) Crisp, Quentin, The Naked Civil Servant, (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1968; paperback, New York: Signet) [Very good autobiography by one of the "stately homos" of England.] Croft-Cooke, Rupert, Bosie: The Story of Lord Alfred Douglas, His Friends, and Enemies, (London: W.H. Allen, 1963) [Sympathetic to Douglas.] Croft-Cooke, Rupert, The Unrecorded Life of Oscar Wilde, (New York: David McKay, 1972) Deford, Frank, Big Bill Tiden: The Triumph and Tragedy, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1975) [Account of a homosexual tennis player, eventually charged with sex with young boys.] Driberg, Tom, Ruling Passions: The Autobiography of Tom Driberg, (London: Jonathan Cape, 1977) [Posthumous autobiography of a gay Labour MP.] *Ellerman, Richard, Oscar Wilde, (1987) Fryer, Jonathan, Isherwood: A Biography, (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1978) Goodman, Paul, "Memoirs of an Ancient Activist", in Joseph A. McCaffery, ed., The Homosexual Dialectic, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice- Hall, 1972) *Hodges, Andrew, Alan Turing: The Enigma of Intelligence, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984) Hull, Isabel, The Entourage of Kaiser Wilhelm II. 1888-1918, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1982) Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Trials of Oscar Wilde, (London: William Hodge, 1948) Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde, (New York: University Books, 1956; paperback, New York: Dover) Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Trial of Sir Roger Casement, (London: William Hodge, 1964) Hyde, H. Montgomery, Oscar Wilde: A Biography, (New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1975; paperback, London: Magnum) [Superceded by Ellerman.] Inglis, Brian, Roger Casement, (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1973) *Isherwood, Christopher, Christopher and His Kind, (London: Eyre Methuen, 1977; pb, Magnum, 1978) [Autobiography - vivid account of gay life in 1930s Berlin and Mediterranean] Kopay, David and Perry D. Young, The David Kopay Story: An Extraordinary Self-Revelation, (New York: Arbor House, 1977; paperback, New York: Bantam) [Coming put by a professional football player.] Maugham, Robin, Escape from the Shadows, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973) Perry, Troy and Charles Lucas, The Lord is My Shephard and He Knows I'm Gay, (Los Angeles: Nash Publishing Co., 1972; paperback, New York: Bantam) [How the Metropolitan Vommunity Church was founded, by the founder.] Read, B.L., The Lives of Roger Casement, (New Haven: Yale UP, 1976) Russo, William, "Horatio", In Touch 38 (Nov-Dec 1978), pp. 30-31, [On Horatio Alger.] Russo, William, "Hart Crane", In Touch 41 (May-June 1979), pp. 69-72, 75 Russo, William, "Lawrence of Arabia", In Touch 44 (Nov-Dec 1979), pp. 61-62, 64 *Shilts, Randy, The Mayor of Castro Street, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 198 ) Shilts, Randy, The Life and Times of Harvey Milk, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 198 ) [On the gay city council man in San Francisco] Smith, A.E., "Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky: His Life and Loves Re-examined", ONE Institute Quarterly 12 (1961), pp. 20-36 [Argues Tch. was well-adjusted and his life was not tragedy.] Swicegood, Thomas L.P., Our God Too, (Pyramid Books, 1974) [Troy Perry and the founding of the Metropolitan Community Church.} Wells, Anna. M., Miss Marks and Miss Wolley, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978) [Lesbian faculty at Mount Holyoke College.} Williams, Tennesee, Memoirs, (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1975: paperback, New York: Bantam) XVI Anthropological and Sociological Works [No Attempt to be Comprehensive Here] 'Abd Allah, Mahmud Mohammed, "Siwan Customs", Harvard African Studies, 1:7 (1917) Adam, Barry D., "The Construction of a Sociological Homosexual in Canadian Textbooks", Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 23:3 (1986) *Bell, Alan P. & Martin S. Weinberg, Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978) Blackwood, Evelyn, "Sexuality and Gender in Certain Native American Tribes", in Signs 10:1 (1984) Boissevain, J. & J.C. Mitchell, eds., Network Analysis: Studies in Human Interaction, (The Hague and Paris: 1973) Boissevain, J., Friends of Friends: Networks, Manipulators and Coalitions, (Oxford: 1974) *Callender, Charles & Lee Kochens, "The North American Berdache", Current Anthropology 24:4 (1983) Churchill, Wainwright, Homosexual Behaviour Among Males: A Cross-Cultural and Cross-Species Investigation, (New York: Hawthorn Books, 1967; p.b. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall) Cohen, Albert, "The Study of Social Disorganization and Deviant Behavior", in Robert Merton, Leonard Brown & Leonard Cothell, Sociology Today, (New York: Basic Books, 1959) Erikson, Kai, "Notes on the Sociology of Deviance", in Howard Becker, The Other Side Perspectives on Deviance, (New York: Free Press, 1964) *Evans-Pritchard, E.E., "Sexual Inversion among the Azande", American Anthropologist 72:6 (1970) [Classic article, often used for comparative purposes.] *Greenberg, David F., The Construction of Homosexuality, (Chicago: Chicago UP, 1988) [Recent exposition of the social construction school. Has an extensive historical survey] Harry, Joseph, "On the Validity of Typologies of Gay Males", Journal of Homosexuality 2:2 (1976/77) Harry, Joseph, "Derivative Deviance", Criminology 19:4 (1982) Harry, Joseph & William Devall,The Social Organization of Gay Males, (New York: Praeger, 1978) *Herdt, Gilbert, Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984) Leinhardt, S., Social Networks: A Developing Paradigm, (New York: 1977) Mitchell, J.C., ed., Social Networks in Urban Situations, (Manchester: 1969) XVII Works on Lesbians [Works specifically on lesbians collected from all periods above. Other books cover lesbianism as part of homosexuality in general.] Abbott, Sidney, "Lesbians and the Women's Movement", in Ginny Vida, Our Right to Love, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978) Abbott, Sidney, & Barbara Love, Sappho Was a Right-On Women, (New York: Stein & Day, 1972) [Lesbian liberation 1969-1972] Atkinson, Ti-Grace, "Lesbianism and Feminism" in Phyllis Buckley et al, eds., Amazon Expedition, (Washington, N.J.: Times Change Press, 1973) Cassio, A.C., "Post Classical Lesbiai", Classical Quarterly 33:1 (1983), pp. 296-297 Crier, Barbara & Coletta Reid, eds., The Lavender Herring, (Baltimore: Diana Press, 1976) [Journalism from the early lesbian magazine, The Ladder] Bell, R.M., "Renaissance Sexuality and the Florentine Archives; the "lesbian nun" of Judith Brown", Renaissance Quarterly 40 (1987), pp. 485-511 [Review article and discussion] Britten, Vera, Radclyffe Hall, A Case of Obscenity?, (London: Femina, 1968) Brown, Judith C., "Lesbian Sexuality in Renaissance Italy: The Case of Sister Benedetta Carlini", Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 9:4 (Summer 1984), pp. 751-758; repr. in The Lesbian Issue: Essays from Signs, ed. Estelle B. Freedman et al, (Chicago & London: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1985), pp. 271-278 Brown, Judith C., Immodest Acts - The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy, (New York: Oxford UP, 1986( {Reviewed: Jnl Mod Hist 60(1988), pp. 172-174; Cath Hist Rev 73(1987), pp. 619-20; Histoire 108(1988), p.66; Am Jnl Socio 93(1987), pp. 324- 336; Ren Qtly 40(1987), pp. 485-511} Crompton, Louis, "The Myth of Lesbian Impunity: Capital Laws from 1270 to 1791), Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 11-26 [Interesting account of laws against lesbianism. Also includes an updated, referenced list of number of gay males killed in the past.] Devereaux, George, "The Nature of Sappho's Siezure in FR 31 LP as Evidence of her Inversion", Classical Quarterly 20 (1970), pp. 17-31 Eriksson, Brigitte, "A Lesbian Execution in Germany, 1721: The Trial Records", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 27-40 [Trial records of two lesbians tired in 1721. Based on a report in a 19th Century German medical periodical.] Evans, Richard, The Feminist Movement in Germany, 1894-1933, (London: Sage, 1976) Faderman, Lilian, Surpassing the Love of Men, (New York: William Morrow, 1981) [History of Lesbians based on literary sources.] Faderman, Lilian, Scotch Verdict: Miss Pirie and Miss Woods v. Dame Cumming Gordan, (New York: William Morrow, 1983) [Dramatisation of Scottish trial involving lesbians in 1792: No footnotes or bibliography but see also Jonathan Katz, ed., Miss Marianne Woods and Miss Jane Pirie against Dame Helen Cumming Gordon, (New York: Arno Press, 1975), a repr. of Authorities with Regard to the Practice of Tribadism, (1811) - a collection of authorities on lesbianism for a Scots libel case.] Foster. Jeannette H., Sex Variant Women in Literature: A Historical and Quantative Survey 2nd ed., (New York: Vantage Press, 1956)(repr. Baltimore: Diana Press, 1975) Huxley, G.L., "Onomakles and the Alopekonnesians (Lesbian Antiquities in the Oxyrhyncus-Papyrus 3711)", Journal of Hellenic Studies 107 (1987), pp. 187-188 Katz, Jonathan, ed., Miss Marianne Woods and Miss Jane Pirie against Dame Helen Cumming Gordon, (New York: Arno Press, 1975) [Repr. of Authorities with Regard to the Practice of Tribadism, (1811) - a collection of authorities on lesbianism for a Scots libel case.] Kokula, Ilse, Der Kampf gegen Unterdruckung, (Munich: Verlag Frauenoffensive, 1975) [Development of modern German Lesbian movement.] Martin, Del & Phyllis Lyon, Lesbian/Women, (San Francisco: Glide Publications, 1972) [by co-founders of the Daughters of Bilitis. 1950s homophile movement.] Pomeroy, S, Goddesses, Whores, Wives, Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity, (New York: 1975) Vida, Ginny, Our Right to Love, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978) [Covers Lesbian issues in the 1970s] XVIII Films dealing with Homosexuality (Overtly gay or lesbian subject matter - aims to be complete) A Month in the Country (1988) Angelic Conversations (Director: Derek Jarman) Another Country (Star: Rupert Everret) As Is Before Stonewall (Documentary) (Lesbian content) Boys in the Band (Director: William Friedkin) Cabaret (Stars: Liza Minelli, Michael York) Caravaggio (Director: Derek Jarman) Cruising(Director: William Friedkin) Desert Hearts (Lesbian content) Equus The Everlasting Secret Family (1988, Australia; Director: Michael Thornhill; Star; Mark Lee) Jubilee (Director: Derek Jarman) La Cage aux Folles (French) La Cage aux Folles II (French) La Cage aux Folles III (French) Madchen in Uniform (German) (Lesbian content) Making Love Maurice Mephisto (German; Star: Klaus Maria Brandauer) Oberst Redl (German; Star: Klaus Maria Brandauer) Outrageous Parting Glances Personal Best (Lesbian content) Querelle (French: Director: Werner Fassbinder) Rocky Horror Picture Show Sebastiane (Latin; Director: Derek Jarman) Taxi Zum Klo (German; Director; ) The Life and Times of Harvey Milk (Documentary) Torch Song Trilogy (Star: Harvey Fierstein) Victim (Star: Dirk Bogarde) Word is Out (Documentary) (Lesbian content) XIX Gay Cult Films (Not overtly gay subject matter. Necessarily selective. Camp and "musicality" is major factor in selection. Almost any film starring Judy Garland, Betty Davis, Joan Crawford counts.) All about Eve (Star: Betty Davis) Casablanca (Stars: Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman) Dark Victory (Star: Betty Davis) Gone With the Wind (Star: Vivienne Leigh) Hairspray (Director: John Walters; Star: Divine) Little Shop of Horrors Mildred Pierce (Star: Joan Crawford) Pink Flamingoes (Director: John Walters; Star: Divine) The Sound of Music (Star: Julie Andrews) A Star is Born (Star: Judy Garland) A Star is Born (Star: Barbra Streisand) Sunset Boulevard (Star: Gloria Swanson) West Side Story (Star: Natalie Wood) Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (Star: Betty Davis & Joan Crawford) The Wizard Of Oz (Star: Judy Garland) A Woman's Face (Star: Joan Crawford) XX Lesbian and Gay Magazines, Newpapers and Periodicals [Title, city/country, dates. Does not include Porn one offs] The Advocate, Santa Barbara [Biggest circulation US magazine] Arcadie, Paris Babilonia, Milan, Italy Bay Area Reporter, San Francisco The Body Politic, Toronto [Possibly best gay paper ever published] Campaign, Sydney, Australia Capital Gay, London, 1982- [Free London local] Christopher Street, New York [New York intellectual magazine. Fiction is good, and it is important for history of gays in US.] European Gay Review, London, 1987? [intermittent attempt at a serious magazine. Uses hackneyed names. How many articles can there be on Benjamin Britten?] Gai Pied, Paris [Main French gay magaazine. Now weekly.] Gay Community News, Boston Gay Left, London Gay Life, Manchester, England Gay News, London 1972-84 [Main UK paper during its existence] Gay Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland Gay Times, London 1982- [Began as Him Magazine and then changes title] Him, London, 1987- [Earlier version became Gay Times. Now soft porn.] In Touch for Men, US, [soft porn plus some articles] Jahrbuch fur Sexuelle Zwischenstufen, (Leipzig: Max Spohr, 1899-1923) Journal of Homosexuality, New York, 1976- [Serious scholarly articles with each issue devoted to a specific topic.] The Ladder, [early lesbian US magazine.] Lamda Nachrichten, Austria New York Native, New York ONE ONE Institue Quaterly Outrage, Melbourne, Australia Outweek, New York, 1989- Pink Paper, London, 1987- [Free UK national newspaper] Pink Triangle, Wellington, New Zealand Q International, London, [1970s periodical which attempted to do a Playboy for gay men in terms of presenting a "lifestyle" of travel, opera etc.] QQ Magazine, New York, 1969- Rosa Winkel, West Germany Salmagundi, New York The Sentinel, San Francisco Square Peg, London, 1983?- [Arts and culture magazine. On top of things in UK] Washington Blade, Washington DC Windy City Times, Chicago Zipper, London, [now porno, but used to contain articles] Excursus I: A Partial List of Personages Reputed to Be/Have Been Homosexual [There is no implication that there is proof these people are/were homosexual, but they have all been claimed at various times to have been so.] Ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Persia Ancient Greece Zeus and Ganymede Heracles Achilles and Patroclus Hyakinthos Alcibiades Alexander the Great Dionysius of Syracuse Philip of Macedon Solon Adaios Aeschines Agathon Alceaus Aristogeiton and Harmodius Demosthenes Flaccus Glaukos Marcus Argentius Meleager Sappho Skythinos Socrates Paulos Philip of Thessalonica Philostratus Pindar Plato Rhianus Rufinus Strato Theocritus Theognis Zeno All Spartan Men The Sacred Band of Thebes Ancient Rome Catiline Sulla and Metrobius Julius Caesar Mark Anthony Tiberius Caligula (inter alia) Nero Hadrian and Antoninus Elagabulus Catullus (c.84-c.54 BC) Horace (65-8 BC) Martial (40-104) Ovid (43BC-18AD) Seneca Statius (40-96) Tibullus (c60-19BC) Ancient Jews David and Jonathan Ancient and Medieval Christians St. Aelred of Rievaulx St. Anselm St. Paulinus of Nola and Ausonius Alcuin (735-804) Ausonius (310-390) Baudri of Bourgeuil Gottschalk Hrbanus Maurus John, Bishop of Orleans (Flora) John of Salisbury and Pope Hadrian IV Marbod of Rennes Ralph, Archbishop of Tours Venantius Fortunatus (530-603) Walafrid Strabo (809-849) and Luitger Byzantium Nicephorus I (802-811) Michael III (842-867) Basil I Basil II (976-1025) Constantine VIII (1025-1028) Constantine IX Monomachus (1042-1055) Islam Saladin Italy Frederick II (1194-1250) Conradin of Sicily (1252-1268) Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (1477-1549), "il Sodoma" Caravaggio Cellini Leonardo da Vinci and Jacopa Saltarelli, Andrea Salaini, Francesco Melzi, Cesare da Sesto, Giuliano Boltraffio Machiavelli Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) and Tommaso Cavalieri Raphael (1458-1520) Andrea Poliziano (1454-1495) Pierre Paulo Pasolini Francesco Zefferelli France Philip II Augustus Henry III (1551-1589) Philip, Duc d'Orleans (1640-1701) Marie Antoinette Duc Claude de Villiars Duc de Nevers Eugene of Savoy (1663-17736) Francois Timoleon de Choisy, Abbe de Choisy (1644- 1724) Louis, Prince of Conde Madame du Stael Jean-Baptiste Lully Joan of Arc Michel Foucault Colette Jean Cocteau Andre Gide Jean Genet Violette Leduc Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891) Marcel Proust Paul Verlaine (1844-1896) Britain William II (1187-1100) Robert, Duke of Normandy William Aethling (Son of Henry I) Richard I (1189-1199) and Raife de Clermon Edward II (1284-1327) and Piers Gaveston, then Hugh Dispenser Richard II (1367-1400) James I & VI and George Villiers, Marquess of Buckingham William III Lord Mountbatten Earl of Castlehaven (17th C.) John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (1648-1680) John Atherton, Bishop of Waterford and John Childe Tom Driberg Chris Smith MP Anthony Blunt Roger Casement Donald McClean J.R. Ackerley (1896-1967) W.H. Auden Harold Ashton Richard Barnfield (1574-1641) A.C. Benson Rupert Brooke Lord Byron (1788-1824) Richard Burton (19th Century) Edward Carpenter (1844-1929) C.P. Cavafy (1863-1933) Aleister Crawley (1877-1947) Quentin Crisp Lord Alfred Douglas (1870-1945) E.M. Forster Patrick Gale Canon John Gray Radclyffe Hall (1886-1943) Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889) A.E. Houseman (1859-1936) Christopher Isherwood and Don Bachardy Francis King T.E. Lawrence (1888-1935) Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) Robin Maugham Somerset Maugham Harold Nicolson Wilfred Owen (1893-1918) Joe Orton Andre Raffelovitch David Rees Mary Renault Frederick Rolfe, Baron Corvo (1860-1913) Vita Sackville-West Saki (H.E. Munro) Siegfried Sasson (1886-1967) William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Edward Lucie Smith (1933-) Stephen Spender Lytton Strachey John Addington Symonds (1840-1893) Tom Wakefield Evelyn Waugh Oscar Wilde Mary Wollstonecraft and Fanny Blood Virgina Woolf David Hockney and Peter Schlesinger Gluck Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears Peter Maxwell Davis Michael Tippet Andy Bell/Erasure Boy George Paul Gambaccini Elton John George Melly Jimmy Somerville/Communards Pet Shop Boys Derek Jarman Dirk Bogarde Simon Callow Michael Cashman John Gielgud Ian McKellan Miriam Margolis Alan Turing Greater Germany Frederick the Great (1712-1786) of Prussia Prince Henry of Prussia (1726-1802) Ludwig of Bavaria Wilhelm II Ernst Roehm Klaus Mann Karl August George Max, Graf von Platen-Hallerunde (1796-1835) Ludwig van Beethoven (and nephew) Magnus Hirshfeld Karl Ulrichs Werner Fassbinder Iberia Moshe ibn Ezra Ibn Sahl Ibn Sheshet Ibn Barzel Abraham ibn Ezra Judah Halevi Federico Garcia Llorca (1898-1936) Eastern Europe Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) Sergei Rachmaninov Peter Tchaikovsky North America Susan B. Anthony and Anna Dickinson Edward Hyde, Lord Cornbury, Governor of New York, 1702-1708 Harvey Milk Horatio Alger James Baldwin Rita Mae Brown (1944-) Truman Capote Willa Cather Elizabeth Bowen Ivy Compton-Burnett Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) Maureen Duffy Allan Ginsberg (1926-) Andre Holleran Henry James Larry Kramer Armisted Maupin Felice Picano (1944-) Adrienne Rich (1929-) Jane Rule May Sarton Gertrude Stein and Alice. B. Toklas Alice Walker Patricia Nell Warren Edmund White Walt Whitman (1819-1892) Tennesse Williams (1914-198 ) Tallulah Bankhead Montgomery Cliff George Cukor James Dean Divine Greta Garbo Cary Grant Rock Hudson Charles Laughton Sal Mineo John Walters George Balanchine Joan Baez Liberace Johnny Mathis Leonard Bernstein Stephen Sondheim David Kopay Troy Perry Elsewhere Queen Christina of Sweden Excursus II: Medieval Homosexuality Introduction Shoddy scholarship until recently marked much of the discussion of the history of medieval homosexuality. Some gay activists substituted polemic for research. Added to this was a distinctly modern disdain of homosexuality by traditional academics. Work of reasonable quality has been done, beginning with Derrick Bailey's Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition in 1955 but apart from that work before 1975 has to be treated with caution. Since the mid seventies more thoroughgoing studies have begun, and it is clear that more local studies need to be done before any synthesis can be made. In this bibliography it will be found that the meaning of the word "sodomy", Christian intolerance, homosexuality and the link with heresy and witchcraft, homosexual individuals, canon and secular law, and the existence of a homosexual subculture have all been studied. Lesbian's have remained invisible to most writers. More recently, there has been an increase in the number of studies looking at local areas/cultures - Venice, Florence, Ferrara, Spain, England, Norway - which will eventually offer an opportunity to test the more general statements of wider reaching studies. Source Materials on Medieval Homosexuality There were early studies of the history of homosexuality, but the work of Derrick S. Bailey in 1955 marked a new departure in the use of sources. Bailey's sources were canon law, secular law such as Justinian's Code and barbarian codes, and some writings of church fathers and their medieval successors. Bailey's work was used by many of the other writers in the 1960's and early 1970's. John Boswell also uses these sources but, due to his determination to look not only at negative attitudes to homosexuals, he introduced evidence from sources such as troubadour and other poetry and the writings of monastic authors such as Aelred of Riveaulx. By taking medieval discussions of friendship as relevant to homosexuality, Boswell widened considerably the evidence available for discussion. One of the problems with all these sources is of discerning what they are discussing. The word "homosexual" is a nineteenth century invention, and it is clear that "sodomy" had various meanings in the middle ages. Some writers, taking an extreme realist position, deny that there were any homosexuals as such in the middle ages, only homosexual acts. Their point is that some self-consciousness is required for us to speak of "homosexuals". There is another problem with the sources discussed so far. They are difficult to tie to what was actually happening in particular places to particular individuals. Mostly they are wide in scope and necessitate that the authors who use them talk about "medieval culture" and "Christian attitudes" over large areas and long time periods. The hermeneutical difficulties of using such contrasting sources as seventh century Visigothic law codes and twelfth century monastic writing to say anything consistent about medieval homosexuality are immense. There has been a marked increase in homosexual studies since c.1975, and one of the most noticeable trends is in local studies. Ruggiero, Goodich, Boswell, Monter, Roth and others have used local inquisition records, court records and poetry to present the history of homosexuality from such diverse local areas as Norway and Dubrovnik to Venice and Florence. The opportunity is now available to use these local records to come to more solid conclusions.