The address listed below are for local users on AOL. If you're not on AOL and wish to email anyone in the below list, simply use the uid list below and ad For example, rfb ngltf becomes Robert Bray - Fight the Right Organizer RFB NGLTF Joseph Brown - Office Manager JLB NGLTF Karen Bullock-Jordan - Coor. of Vols/Interns KBJ NGLTF Deborah Cox - Director of Finance and Admin. DXC NGLTF Tanya Domi - Legislative Director TLD NGLTF Betsy Gressler - Organizing Director MEG NGLTF Joe Grissom - Executive Assistant JMG NGLTF Sherrol Hall - Accountant SLH NGLTF Ken Hill - Director of Major Gifts KEN NGLTF Martin Hiraga - Anti-Violence/Privacy Project MKH NGLTF Sue Hyde - Fight the Right Organizer SJH NGLTF Robin Kane - Public Information Manager RAK NGLTF Donn Long - Communications Assistant DKL NGLTF Scott Mindeaux - MIS Director NGLTF Scot Nakagawa - Fight the Right Organizer SXN NGLTF Marj Plumb - Health Policy Project Director MJP NGLTF Peri Jude Radecic - Executive Director PJR NGLTF Curtis Shepard - Campus Policy Director CXS NGLTF David Smith - Director of Public Information DMS NGLTF Lynn Sutton - Development Assistant LMS NGLTF Kristin Teigen - Development Assist. Major Gifts KMT NGLTF Ivy Young - Creating Change IJY NGLTF