Date: Tue, 27 Feb 1996 15:36:39 +0500 From: ghmcleaf{CONTRACTOR/ASPEN/ghmcleaf} Subject: New Clinical Trials Info 02/27/96 February 27, 1996 NEW INFORMATION FROM ACTIS The AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service (ACTIS) is a central resource providing current information on federally and privately sponsored clinical trials for AIDS patients and others infected with HIV. This service is a Public Health Service project produced collaboratively by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the National Library of Medicine. NAC ONLINE, the computerized information service of the CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse, will alert you to any new information collected by ACTIS. Descriptions of the most recent clinical trial and new drug added to the ACTIS database are provided below. For more information, call the ACTIS toll-free number to talk with a health specialist. On request, you can also obtain a printout of a customized search of the clinical trials databases. The information can also be accessed directly by subscribers through two online databases, AIDSTRIALS and AIDSDRUGS, available through the National Library of Medicine. AIDS CLINICAL TRIALS INFORMATION SERVICE 1-800-TRIALS-A (1-800-874-2572) FAX: 1-301-738-6616 TTY/TDD: 1-800-243-7012 International Line: 1-301-217-0023 ***************************************************************** PROTOCOL NUMBER: FDA 253B. TITLE: Open-Label Compassionate Use of Nitazoxanide for the Treatment of Cryptosporidiosis in AIDS Patients. DISEASE STATUS: Patients have the following symptoms and conditions: 1. AIDS. 2. Diagnosis of cryptosporidial diarrhea defined by presence of Cryptosporidium oocysts in stool specimens and chronic diarrhea (4 or more bowel movements daily for at least 2 weeks). 3. Failed prior cryptosporidiosis therapy. 4. NO history of intestinal Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection. 5. NO history of intestinal Kaposi's sarcoma. PATIENT INCLUSION CRITERIA -------------------------- SPECIFICATION CRITERIA: Patients must have: 1. AIDS. 2. Refractory cryptosporidial diarrhea. 4. NO history of intestinal Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection or intestinal Kaposi's sarcoma. AGE: 15 Years - 65 Years. SEX: M. F. REPRODUCTIVE SPECIFICATION: Not pregnant. Negative pregnancy test within 14 days of study entry. Abstinence or effective method of birth control / contraception including oral contraceptives during the study. CONCURRENT MEDICATION: Allowed: Prophylaxis or maintenance for opportunistic infections, provided dosage regimen has been stable for at least 2 weeks prior to study entry. LABORATORY VALUES AT ENTRY -------------------------- CD4 (T4 CELL) COUNT: <= 200 cells/mm3. (0 - 100 - 200). > 200 cells/mm3 is allowed ONLY IF patient has had cryptosporidiosis for at least 2 weeks. (300- 400 - 500 - 600 - 700 - 800 - plus). PATIENT EXCLUSION CRITERIA -------------------------- SPECIFICATION CRITERIA: Patients with the following prior conditions are excluded: History of Cytomegalovirus colitis unless 28 days of therapy with ganciclovir or foscarnet was completed prior to diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis. [Refer to Laboratory values for additional requirements.] AGE: 01 Days - 14 Years. 66 Years - 99 Years. REPRODUCTIVE SPECIFICATION: Pregnant. Positive pregnancy test within 14 days of study entry. No abstinence or no agreement to use effective method of birth control / contraception during the study. PRIOR MEDICATION: Excluded: Investigational drug therapy within 14 days prior to study entry, unless available under FDA-authorized expanded access program. CONCURRENT MEDICATION: Excluded: 1. Drugs with possible anti-cryptosporidial activity, such as paromomycin, spiramycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, hyperimmune bovine colostrum. 2. Experimental agents used to treat microsporidiosis, such as albendazole. CO-EXISTING CONDITIONS OR DISEASES: Patients with the following symptoms or conditions are excluded: Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Yersinia, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Isospora, Cyclospora, or Clostridium difficile toxin in stool. GENERIC DRUG NAME ----------------- Drug 1: Nitazoxanide. Antiparasitic. DRUG COMPANIES -------------- Drug 1: Unimed Pharmaceuticals Inc 2150 East Lake Cook Road Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Contact: Sandy Faulkner (800) 864-6330 X 3032. PARTICIPATING UNITS ------------------- 0000003497: Unimed Pharmaceuticals Inc 2150 East Lake Cook Road Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Contact: Sandy Faulkner (800) 864-6330 X 3032 OPEN / USA accrual 960131. *****************************************************************