Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 16:48:01 -0400 From: "Flynn Mclean" Subject: New Educational Materials 07/16/96 CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Educational Materials Database NEW MATERIALS July 16, 1996 The Clearinghouse's Educational Materials Databases contain bibliographic information about more than 14,000 brochures, videos, booklets, and other materials with education/prevention messages. NAC ONLINE users can search these databases by selecting "Clearinghouse Databases" from the NAC ONLINE main menu. When asked to enter a database name, specify "UNPB" (which stands for unpublished materials) to search all materials, regardless of availability; "CNPB" (which stands for current materials) to search only materials currently available from the distributor; or "ANPB" (which stands for archival materials) to search only materials which are no longer available. To access the NAC ONLINE BBS, set your communications software to dial (800) 851-7245, and set the options for 8 data bits, N parity, 1 stopbit, full duplex, and complete a new user questionnaire. Only non-profit organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, and health departments are given full access to NAC ONLINE and the NAC databases. Over the weekend, 11 newly catalogued materials were loaded to the UNPB Educational Materials Database. This brings the total number of materials on the Database to 17,514. Document 1 AN AD0020031. TI Zalcitabine (ddC, Hivid). FM 22 - Fact Sheet. Print Material. AC 400 - Persons With AIDS. 445 - HIV Positive Persons. AV Beth Israel Hospital National AIDS Treatment Information Project 330 Brookline Ave. Libby 317 Boston, MA 02215. (617) 667-5520. 33246. AB This fact sheet presents information on zalcitabine (ddC), a drug that slows the reproduction of HIV. Zalcitabine blocks the action of an enzyme known as reverse transcriptase. This drug does not appear to be effective when given alone, but in combination with other antiviral medications, it may temporarily slow disease progression. The fact sheet describes drug administration, side effects, and cost. MJ Antiviral drugs. Pharmacology. Treatment. Document 2 AN AD0020036. TI Tuberculosis (TB). FM 22 - Fact Sheet. Print Material. AC 400 - Persons With AIDS. 445 - HIV Positive Persons. AV Beth Israel Hospital National AIDS Treatment Information Project 330 Brookline Ave. Libby 317 Boston, MA 02215. (617) 667-5520. 88237. AB This fact sheet focuses on tuberculosis (TB), and its prevalence among people with HIV and AIDS. HIV-infected people who are also infected with the TB bacterium are more likely to become ill compared to people without HIV. TB is spread from person to person through coughing, shouting, sneezes, or speech. The fact sheet describes those who are at greatest risk of TB infection, disease stages, symptoms, and diagnosis. The treatment of active TB, which includes a combination of antibiotics, is discussed. MJ Tuberculosis (TB). Treatment. Respiratory diseases or disorders. Disease transmission. Opportunistic infections. Document 3 AN AD0020037. TI Nausea and Vomiting. FM 22 - Fact Sheet. Print Material. AC 400 - Persons With AIDS. 445 - HIV Positive Persons. AV Beth Israel Hospital National AIDS Treatment Information Project 330 Brookline Ave. Libby 317 Boston, MA 02215. (617) 667-5520. 62886. AB This fact sheet discusses nausea and vomiting, common side effects of medications prescribed to people with HIV disease. In addition to being unpleasant and disruptive, nausea and vomiting can sometimes result in dehydration, chemical imbalances, medication absorption, and serious bleeding. The fact sheet contains suggestions for coping with and reacting to vomiting, and addresses the treatment of chronic or severe nausea and vomiting. A table outlines the antinausea agents commonly prescribed and their potential side effects. MJ Gastrointestinal diseases or disorders. Medical treatment. Symptom management. Document 4 AN AD0020038. TI Weight Loss and Wasting Syndrome. FM 22 - Fact Sheet. Print Material. AC 400 - Persons With AIDS. 445 - HIV Positive Persons. AV Beth Israel Hospital National AIDS Treatment Information Project 330 Brookline Ave. Libby 317 Boston, MA 02215. (617) 667-5520. 94857. AB This fact sheet addresses weight loss and wasting syndrome, both common manifestations of HIV disease. A patient who loses more than one-tenth of his/her body weight in 90 days, is considered to have wasting syndrome. The fact sheet explains why weight loss occurs in conjunction with HIV and the factors that might be contributing to weight loss. The treatments include specific drugs, such as megestrol acetate, dronabinol, testosterone, growth hormone, and thalidomide. Hyperalimentation, or intravenous feeding, should be considered on a short-term basis during periods of acute illness. MJ Wasting syndrome. Nutrition. Patient education. Treatment. Document 5 AN AD0020039. TI What is the Role of HIV Testing at Home? FM 22 - Fact Sheet. Print Material. AC 117 - Researchers. 210 - Advocates. 335 - Persons Practicing High Risk Behavior. 395 - Worried Well Persons. AV CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. CDC NAC Inventory no. D195 (English only); Free for single copy only. University of California San Francisco Center for AIDS Prevention Studies 74 New Montgomery St., Ste. 600 San Francisco, CA 94105. (415) 597-9100. AB This fact sheet, printed in English and Spanish, considers the function of in-home HIV testing. Over-the-counter sale of home access HIV tests violate some state laws, but the Food and Drug Administration is considering applications for licensure of test kits. The home kits would make testing accessible to those who live in rural areas and in inner cities where testing clinics are scarce. The fact sheet addresses the reliability and privacy of these results of home testing kits. The concerns and limitations of the test kits, which include cost and barriers to follow-up medical care, are also reviewed. MJ Antibody tests. Patient privacy. Antibody testing costs. Treatment barriers. Socioeconomic factors. Document 6 AN AD0020040. TI What Are Sex Workers' HIV Prevention Needs? FM 22 - Fact Sheet. Print Material. AC 117 - Researchers. 210 - Advocates. 370 - Prostitutes, Sex Workers. AV CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. CDC NAC Inventory no. D306. AB This fact sheet focuses on the risk factors faced by sex workers and the steps that this group of individuals should take to prevent HIV infection. Injection drug use is the main risk factor for HIV infection for female prostitutes in the United States. An association has also been found between HIV infection and heavy crack use and unprotected oral sex. In rural Nevada, where prostitution is legal, health care, HIV testing, and condom distribution are incorporated into the licensing procedures. In urban areas, street outreach efforts are bringing information and services to the sex workers. The fact sheet states that to prevent HIV among prostitutes, it is necessary to address the context in which sex work is transacted, as well as specific practices of the prostitutes. MJ Sex workers. Sex for drugs. Injection drug users. HIV prevention. Outreach. Oral intercourse. Substance abuse. Risk factors. Document 7 AN AD0020041. TI Are Informal Caregivers Important in AIDS Care? FM 22 - Fact Sheet. Print Material. AC 117 - Researchers. 210 - Advocates. 670 - Organizations. 800 - Caregivers. AV CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. CDC NAC Inventory no. D094; Free for single copy only. AB This fact sheet considers the importance of the role played by informal caregivers of people living with AIDS (PLWAs). Caregivers provide a wide range of support and services, such as shopping, basic assistance, medical assessment, and companionship. The fact sheet summarizes the physical and emotional burdens placed upon the caregiver. Many caregivers of AIDS patients are also their sexual partners, putting them at increased risk for HIV infection. Two community-based projects, each developed to provide respite and assistance to informal caregivers, are briefly described. MJ Caregivers. Community health planning. Patient care. Physician education. Roles. Stress factors. Document 8 AN AD0020042. TI What Are Latinos' HIV Prevention Needs? FM 22 - Fact Sheet. Print Material. AC 117 - Researchers. 140 - Social Workers. 210 - Advocates. 336 - Hispanics. 116 - Planners. 200 - Community Service Professionals. AV CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. CDC NAC Inventory no. D899; Free for single copy only. AB This fact sheet gives the specific HIV prevention needs of the Latino community. Latinos in the United States are disproportionately affected by HIV, accounting for 17 percent of total AIDS cases. HIV risk among Latinos varies depending on level of acculturation, lifestyle, where they were born, and where they live in the United States. Cultural factors, such as machismo and homophobia, may also make safer sexual relations more difficult. Barriers to HIV prevention also include traditional interpretations of cultural values and gender roles. According to the fact sheet, greater understanding of and respect for Latino cultures will lead to better, culturally sensitive HIV prevention efforts. Community-based prevention programs specifically addressing the needs of Latinos in New York, San Francisco, and Boston are described. MJ Cultural factors. Homophobia. Hispanics. Community health planning. Gender roles. Geographic factors. Family relations. Ethnic groups. Intervention strategies. Document 9 AN AD0020043. TI Creating Partnerships That Work: A Developmental Manual for Ryan White Title II HIV Care Consortia FM 28 - Manual. Print Material. AC 210 - Advocates. 304 - Administrators. 670 - Organizations. 673 - Community Organizations. 638 - State Government Agencies. 636 - Local Government Agencies. 116 - Planners. AV US Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Health Resources Development Division of HIV Services Parklawn Bldg., Rm. 9A-05 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857. (301) 443-9086. John Snow, Incorporated Research and Training Institute 1738 Wynkoop St., Ste. 201 Denver, CO 80202. (303) 293-2405. AB This manual provides information to facilitate the development and operation of HIV care consortia. The focus is on consortia funded through Title II of the Ryan White CARE Act of 1990. The manual draws on the experiences of consortia founded prior to or immediately following passage of the CARE act, and offers guidelines that broadly applicable. The manual addresses the appropriate approach to the mandate and functions of a care consortium, how to structure and operate a consortium, and how to improve organizational processes and dynamics. It focuses on structural and operational issues. The manual is organized around common issues including: initial decision making, responsibilities of consortia, organizational structure, bylaws, membership, policies and procedures, conflict management, committees, and leadership. MJ Organizations. Administration. Community organizations. Government roles. Models. Policy development. Program development. Community health planning. Document 10 AN AD0020044. TI What Intervention Studies Say About Effectiveness, A Look at the Evaluation Literature. FM 42 - Report. Print Material. AC 117 - Researchers. 200 - Community Service Professionals. 210 - Advocates. 673 - Community Organizations. AV Academy for Educational Development 1255 23rd Street, NW Washington, DC 20037. (202) 884-8700. AB This report presents the results of evaluations of HIV/AIDS prevention intervention strategies. The purpose of this document is to provide community planners with a core group of evaluated studies of intervention effectiveness, interpreted and applied to the task of priority setting in HIV prevention community planning. The first section of the report highlights the importance of understanding behavioral science theory and intervention effectiveness research for HIV prevention community planning. This section also describes how the document was developed in response to the needs of community planning groups. The second section presents standard summary descriptions of a selected set of evaluation studies and describes the study selection process and criteria. Section III presents brief descriptions of selected review articles and books, along with content highlights and a bibliography. MJ Community health planning. Evaluation methods. Intervention strategies. Program evaluation.