Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 21:11:19 +0500 From: ghmcleaf{CONTRACTOR/ASPEN/ghmcleaf} Subject: New Educational Materials 11/06/95 CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Educational Materials Database NEW MATERIALS November 6, 1995 The Clearinghouse's Educational Materials Databases contain bibliographic information about more than 14,000 brochures, videos, booklets, and other materials with education/prevention messages. NAC ONLINE users can search these databases by selecting "Clearinghouse Databases" from the NAC ONLINE main menu. When asked to enter a database name, specify "UNPB" (which stands for unpublished materials) to search all materials, regardless of availability; "CNPB" (which stands for current materials) to search only materials currently available from the distributor; or "ANPB" (which stands for archival materials) to search only materials which are no longer available. To access the NAC ONLINE BBS, set your communications software to dial (800) 851-7245, and set the options for 8 data bits, N parity, 1 stopbit, full duplex, and complete a new user questionnaire. Only non-profit organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, and health departments are given full access to NAC ONLINE and the NAC databases. Over the weekend, 45 newly catalogued materials were loaded to the UNPB Educational Materials Database. This brings the total number of materials on the Database to 16,749. AN AD0012507. TI AIDS: Workplace Issues. FM 42 - Report. Print Material. AC 304 - Administrators. 700 - Businesses/Corporations. 720 - Employers. AV American Society for Training and Development P.O. Box 1443 Alexandria, VA 22313-9833. (703) 683-8136. AB This report outlines the need for a workplace education program and workplace HIV/AIDS policies. After presenting AIDS 101 information, the report gives an overview of employment issues, such as health benefits and other financial issues, including a discussion of the legal factors involved. The importance of a workplace training program for both employers and employees, in addition to the key elements to be covered in such a program, is discussed. Outlines of both a workplace HIV/AIDS policy and a sample employee education program are provided. A listing of articles and other sources of information is provided. MJ Workplace education. Workplace policies . Policy development . Employee assistance programs . Employees . AIDS 101. Information sources . AN AD0019127. TI A Day in Court. FM 08 - Brochure. Print Material. AC 364 - Parents. 445 - HIV Positive Persons. AV Medical and Health Research Association Family Center 66 Reade St. New York, NY 10007. (212) 766-4522. AB This brochure outlines the court routine for establishing a legal guardian for one's child or children. It describes the forms that must be completed, and the step by step procedures that must be followed. It also addresses things to consider such as proper dress and the necessity of childcare. MJ Children . Legal issues . AN AD0019208. TI Chinese Medicine: A Guide for People With HIV. FM 08 - Brochure. Print Material. AC 445 - HIV Positive Persons. AV Impact AIDS 3692 18th St. San Francisco, CA 94110. (415) 861-3397. AB This brochure describes ways in which traditional Chinese medicine can help people with HIV/AIDS. It indicates that TCM offers a non- invasive, non-toxic approach to fighting HIV through: strengthening resistance to infection, preventing and resolving some symptoms, alleviating side effects of some medications, creating energy, and reducing stress. The brochure offers information on: working with a physician; what TCM treats; basic concepts of TCM; diagnosis; evaluating results; TCM and Western medicine; finding a TCM practitioner; costs; and regulation of TCM. Treatment methods discussed include acupuncture, herbs, diet, and breath and movement. MJ Alternative therapies . Therapies . Nutrition . AN AD0019214. TI Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities: World AIDS Day, 1 December, 1995. FM 88 - Poster. Print Material. AC 300 - General Public, Consumers. 400 - Persons With AIDS. AV World Health Organization Global Programme on AIDS 20 Avenue Appia Geneva 27, CH-1211, Switzerland. 41 22 791-4756. AB This poster contains a pictorial of crossed arms, in red, symbolizing a red ribbon, superimposed on a stylized globe. The text urges all world inhabitants to understand that shared rights means shared responsibilities in the recognition of World AIDS Day 1995. MJ World AIDS Day . AN AD0019215. TI Straight Talk About Gays in the Workplace: Creating An Inclusive, Productive Environment for Everyone in Your Organization. FM 32 - Monograph. Print Material. AC 670 - Organizations. 700 - Businesses/Corporations. 720 - Employers. AV American Management Association 135 W. 50th St. New York, NY 10020-1201. (212) 586-8100. ISBN: 0-8144-0305-0; Price: $21.95 per copy in 10/95. AB This book examines gay men and lesbians in the workplace and how to create a gay-friendly atmosphere within the workplace, noting that homophobia can decrease productivity. This book provides assistance in developing sexual-orientation education for employees, developing an HIV/AIDS educational program, and implementing a domestic partner benefits program. Personal anecdotes are used to illustrate. MJ Discrimination . Gay men. Lesbians . Workplaces . Workers compensation . Workplace education. Financial issues . HIV/AIDS education needs. Homophobia. Personal anecdotes . AN AD0019216. TI Broken Dreams: Journal of a Life Shattered by AIDS. FM 32 - Monograph. Print Material. AC 300 - General Public, Consumers. AV New Hope P.O. Box 12065 Birmingham, AL 35202-2065. No main phone available. ISBN: 1-56309-161-5; Price: $10.95 per copy in 1995. AB This book is a composite of journals kept by Scott Cameron, a young gay man who struggles with his homosexuality. Mr. Cameron's journals consider the emotional and social conflicts that can accompany homosexuality, and explore the impact that declaring his homosexuality had on relationships with family, coworkers, and friends. The journals chronicle Mr. Cameron's diagnosis of HIV and its progression into AIDS. During conversations with family, friends, and his pastor, Mr. Cameron renounces his homosexuality and asks forgiveness for his homosexual lifestyle. The book concludes with guidelines for managing a Christian HIV/AIDS ministry. MJ Church roles . Religious programs . Homosexuality . Spirituality. Pastoral counseling . Patient care . Parents of Persons with HIV/AIDS .. Parent child relations . AN AD0019220. TI Great Transitions: Preparing Adolescents for a New Century. FM 42 - Report. Print Material. AC 100 - Health Professionals. 117 - Researchers. 140 - Social Workers. 200 - Community Service Professionals. 230 - Educators. 630 - Government Agencies. 646 - Media. AV Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development P.O. Box 753 Waldorf, MD 20604. (202) 429-7979. ISBN: 0-9623154-4-3; Price: $10.00 per copy in 1995; Bulk rate applicable. AB This report contains recommendations and findings from a 10-year study conducted on adolescents in the United States. The report presents the Carnegie Council's view of adolescence and the steps the nation must take to ensure that each adolescent safely reaches adulthood. The recommendations and approach set forth in this report are based on six concepts of adolescence: early adolescence is a critical turning point in life's trajectory; education and health are inextricably related; destructive behaviors in adolescence tend to cluster; common underlying factors contribute to many problem behaviors in adolescents; preventive interventions are more likely to succeed if they address underlying factors; and the essential requirements for healthy, positive development must be met through the joint efforts of institutions. Recommendations call for parental involvement in school activities, the creation of developmentally appropriate schools for adolescents, the development of health-promotion strategies, and the promotion of the constructive potential of the media. MJ Adolescents . Policy development . School health education . Community roles . Educational planning . Family support . Government roles. Health education needs . National health planning . Middle schools. AN AD0019221. TI Report on the First Lesbian - Gay - Bisexual - Transgender Youth Empowerment Speakout. FM 42 - Report. Print Material. AC 140 - Social Workers. 200 - Community Service Professionals. 230 - Educators. 306 - Adolescents. 364 - Parents. 610 - Religious Organizations/Spiritual Leaders. AV American Friends Service Committee National Community Relations Division Bridges Project 1501 Cherry St. Philadelphia, PA 19102-1479. (215) 241-7000. AB This report presents the highlights of the 1993 Youth Empowerment Speakout (YES), the first national gathering organized for and by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth and youth service providers. It includes quotes, insights, and general demographic information gathered at the event about the empowerment of sexual minority youth. The report provides a short history of YES, and summarizes the sessions of the four issues groups. The issues groups focused on the areas of safety, diversity, religion and politics, and education. Other sections outline the open microphone discussion and the meeting of service providers and adult supporters. The report concludes with a brief history of youth issues in the context of the gay and lesbian rights movement, proposals for future directions, and an action agenda. MJ Gay men. Gay rights . Homosexuality . Lesbians . Bisexuality . Young adults . Youth education. Discrimination . Policy development . Political action . AN AD0019228. TI You Can Use Communications Principles to Create Culturally Sensitive and Effective Prevention Materials. FM 42 - Report. Print Material. AC 140 - Social Workers. 200 - Community Service Professionals. 210 - Advocates. AV US Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Prevention National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information P.O. Box 2345 Rockville, MD 20847-2345. (301) 468-2600. A photocopy of this material is available from the CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Document Delivery Service P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. Price: $5.50. AB This report highlights ways of communicating with culturally diverse audiences, emphasizing that customizing prevention messages and materials can make outreach more effective with special populations. The report addresses the role of culture, nationality, language, cultural values and attitudes, avoiding stereotypes, and ways to target audiences. It outlines steps for developing culturally appropriate messages, including: define and understand the specific target audience; identify channels that can best reach the audience and how those channels are used by the audience; develop and test preliminary concepts, and select the messages, with representatives of the target audience or community-based experts; and field test the messates with the intended audience. The report also discusses a role for general market messages, targeted media channels, use of racial and ethnic terms, and common mistakes. MJ Cultural factors . Communication factors . Prevention marketing campaigns. Behavioral factors . Media . AN AD0019237. TI AIDS in the Catholic Setting: How Persons Living With AIDS Fare Among Our Communities. FM 42 - Report. Print Material. AC 610 - Religious Organizations/Spiritual Leaders. AV Catholic AIDS Ministry 910 Marion Street Seattle, WA 98104. (206) 382-4885. AB This report discusses ways in which the Catholic community can respond in a healthy and supportive way when members, leaders, and other personnel reveal they have HIV/AIDS. Using a question-and-answer format, it is designed to assist individuals and groups to become more realistic, fair, and compassionate when dealing with people who have HIV or AIDS. The authors suggest that staff and community groups in parishes, schools, agencies, and institutions of the Catholic Church use the report as a basis for dialogue and discussion. The report urges people to respond to those who have HIV/AIDS compassionately, humbly, sensitively, and nonjudgmentally -- and to respect their privacy. It reminds readers that moral issues are a personal, private matter, and lack of knowledge of all the factors involved in individual lives can lead to unwarranted conclusions. It also outlines what HIV/AIDS is, how it progresses, ways in which it is and is not transmitted, and employment policies affecting those with HIV/AIDS. MJ Church policies . Church roles . HIV positive persons . Persons with AIDS . Spirituality. Attitudes . AN AD0019240. TI Being Needful: Family, Love, and Prayer Among AIDS Volunteers. FM 39 - Paper. Print Material. AC 290 - Volunteers. 117 - Researchers. 500 - Health Services Providers. 530 - Hospitals. AV City University of New York Graduate School and University Center Center for the Study of Philanthropy 33 W. 42nd St., Rm. 152GB New York, NY 10036. (800) 642-1600. AB This article describes the motivations and commitment of volunteers working with AIDS patients at a long-term public hospital. The study is a deviant case analysis of a successful volunteer program serving patients perceived as difficult to work with in a geographically and psychologically isolated hospital. Almost all of the AIDS volunteers were part of or had ties to the two major risk groups, gay men and injecting drug users. They developed ties to the patients by exchanging small favors and gifts. Highly committed volunteers viewed themselves as "family", where mutual "love" evolved between themselves and patients. Developing ties to a substantial number of patients and having a religious or personal philosophy about death helped some of them overcome the stress of working with terminal ill patients. A third important dimension was "prayer", with some volunteers praying for and with patients. MJ Volunteerism . AN AD0019244. TI Materials on HIV Prevention Community Planning. FM 10 - Catalog. Print Material. AC 116 - Planners. 117 - Researchers. 200 - Community Service Professionals. AV CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003. (800) 458-5231. CDC NAC Inventory no. B124; Free for single copies only. AB This list of resources is designed to help plan, implement, and evaluate HIV prevention community planning efforts. Publications are included that provide information for conducting key components of the community planning process, that assist groups in assessing their progress, and that help analyze "what works in HIV prevention." Materials on the list can be ordered from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National AIDS Clearinghouse. An order form is included at the end of the list, and all but one of the items are free. MJ Community health planning . HIV prevention . Information sources . Community organizations .