Submitted on: July 4, 1993 This was posted on another service, used without permission: --------- ACT UP Seattle is pleading with ACT UP New York to prepare a counter offensive regarding President Clinton's newly appointed AIDS Czar, Christine Gebbie. Gebbie was a member of the AIDS Council under Reagan and prior to that was Director of the Washington State Department of Health. While many of her recommendations to then President Reagan, who ignored all recommendations, were considerably progessive and chastising of the inaction on AIDS by the administration, her record in Washington State is now under close scrutiny. ACT UP Seattle and ACT UP New York have memorandums signed by Gebbie which advocate as the most effective measure of containing the spread of AIDS the institution of a series of what amount to Death Camps for PWA's and all traceable sex partners. The recommendation includes mechanisms that enable mandatory testing of all people at risk to contract the HIV virus (read: Gay Men, Prostitutes and IVDU's. Mandatory reporting of all names of those who test HIV is also recommended. Gebbie was fired for this memo and other political blunders. Why, after promising the moon, has Bill Clinton wrought upon us OUR WORST NIGHTMARE? THIS IS UNFORGIVEABLE. I propose that everyone concerned voice your concern to President Clinton's Cheif of Staff, Mack McLarty, 202-420-1111 (fax)202-420-6461 (?). Ask that this nominee be reconsidered and say why. ------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------- Greg Parkinson New York, New York is convulsive or not at all...